The SoL crew are at the North Pole trying to process what’s just happened and why the people have not been saved yet. Ogami-san says none of them understand what he as a parent is going through. But Touma promises that he will save Sora.
The mysterious man that’s just arrived at the shop hops off his magic carpet. Mei thinks he’s hot. But Touma does not know who he is.
Touma and Mei are speechless at the sight of Rintaro on his blue lion. He apologizes as he read in a book about human culture that it is rude to enter a home with shoes on. Mei says coming in on a lion is just as bad.
Tassel say books are amazing things. In fact, our world today was created from a book, the Book of Ancients. That book is the source of stories, knowledge and all living things.