Desast is struggling as he’s almost reached his end. “Haven’t left anything behind, have I?” Watching him, Ren walks away and ponders Desast’s words to him earlier.
Touma runs like a track star back to the Northern Base, expecting Luna to be there waiting for him. But she’s not. She’s still wandering about in the forest.
With Master Logos’ demise, Storious revels in having acquired the power of a god. And now he has four of the “original five” powers with just one left to get in his possession.
Meanwhile, Master Isaac is with Storious at the Megido Manse. Storious expresses his excitement over the power of Touma’s new blade. But Master Isaac, as his god, says he did not give Storious permission to speak.
Tassel randomly returns back home and after saying bye to Papa Fukamiya who flies along like Tinkerbell, he gets a shock through his whole body when Luna also randomly decides to manifest herself in the forest. Master Isaac senses her presence and says he continues to be amused by Touma’s antics.
Thanks to Touma saving Kento, cities around the world are beginning to disappear into the Sky Books. Touma insists they can still change the future and the others believe defeating Master Isaac is the key. They also understand Touma is more concerned about Kento and they tell him that they’ll hold down the fort while he takes care of that situation.
Touma, Rintaro and Yuuri speak with the Shindai Sibs about the man formerly known as Master Logos. They ask the Shindai Sibs to fight alongside them, but they refuse to work with traitors and deserters. Touma yells at them as they leave. Rintaro defends them saying they have their own convictions and that they will come around eventually.
The Riders are happy to have gotten their Seiken and Books back. But Kento still took the Dark Sword and Ren is still wandering about with Desast. Not to mention Luna’s disappeared again.
Touma runs over to Luna and gives her a big hug, welcoming her back. She thanks him and all the Books glow. The three childhood friends turn back to their younger selves for a moment as they celebrate Touma having kept his promise. But Kento’s back to his doomsday self, saying none of this matters anyway.
A little boy sits on a park bench alone while he watches the other kids enjoying a game of football. A shadowy Touma looks up from his book to tell the little boy to get up and act instead of sitting and watching if he really wants something.