Recap: Power Rangers Dino (Super) Charge, Episode (12) 32 – Catching Some Rays Kendall’s G-ma Betty visits and has a present for her. While exploring the canyon, she found a…
Recap: Power Rangers Dino (Super) Charge, Episode (11) 31 – Love at First Fight While Poisandra is getting a golden manicure, Curio is trying to brush off a Vivix who…
Recap: Power Rangers Dino (Super) Charge, Episode (10) 30 – Gone Fishin Riley’s brother Matt has invited him, Shelby, Koda and Chase out for some fishing and chill. Tyler and…
The guys are having lots of fun with Erin, Shelby’s best friend from grade school. They won the talent show together singing a dinosaur song. Shelby tells Chase that she…
Recap: Power Rangers Dino (Super) Charge, Episode (8) 28 – Riches and Rags Fury introduces Spell Digger to Heckyl who has coins that will make the Rangers greedy. Meanwhile, Ivan…
Recap: Power Rangers Dino (Super) Charge, Episode (7) 27 – Home Run Koda The Rangers are trying to teach Koda about modern sports, but his super caveman strength is too…
Episode (6) 26 – Forged Under Fire Singe is showing Fury and Heckyl some Zodek Rings which can neutralize the power of anything they surround, including Energems. Meanwhile, the Navarro…
Recap: Power Rangers Dino (Super) Charge, Episode (5) 25 – Roar of the Red Ranger Heckyl is not too “jazzed” by Fury’s plan against the Rangers. Eavesdropping on the convo,…
Recap: Power Rangers Dino (Super) Charge, Episode (4) 24 – A Date with Danger The Rangers are teasing Chase before he heads out on his date. Meanwhile, Snide, Wrench and…
Recap: Power Rangers Dino (Super) Charge, Episode (3) 23 – Nightmare in Amber Beach Riley picks Shelby up from summer school where she’s gotten a “B” on her Accounting Test….