THE SALEM SERIAL KILLER HAS BEEN REVEALED! Caps courtesy Tony looks up to see the very face of the woman he thought was the Salem Serial KillerThe camera pans…
Ugh, TVLand just scheduled “Family Ties” at 11pm. now I LOVE LUCY is on at 11am and 5pm, what bad times what crappy scheduling, such disrespect to the best show ever…
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2004!!! Lots of fun last night Anyway, remember to vote for I LOVE LUCY in the TVLand Awards! Oh yeah, and GO KELLY!!! You ARE the World Idol
CLICK HERE TO VOTE for: (6) Favorite Cantankerous CoupleFred and Ethel Mertz — I Love Lucy LOLOLOL, the dragon only ate Magilacuddys (20) Favorite Classic TV Dream SequenceFred and Ethel…
here is the html of the page i actually finished: <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>the amazing race … cbs</TITLE><STYLE type=”text/css”><!–A:link{color:#ffffff;text-decoration:none}A:visited{color:#ffffff;text-decoration:none}A:active{color:#ffffff;text-decoration:none}A:hover{color:#bfebff;text-decoration:none}–></STYLE></HEAD><BODY BACKGROUND=”“><TABLE BORDER CELLSPACING=”1″ width=”100%”><TR><TD colspan=”2″><FONT FACE=”verdana” SIZE=”1″ COLOR=”#FFFFFF”><B>theamazingrace / the emmy winning* reality show…
i just spent 2 hours making a freakin’ skin for this thing and i realized you have to pay for that crap (well maybe a couple of minutes) ugh, i…
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Like anyone reads this anyway… lol
wow, yesterday was hella fun… saw a lot of ppl i haven’t seen in a long time and a lot of ppl i see all the time… happy birthday christi,…
ooh, maybe i can add my weekly TAR review here if i even remember i have xanga
Hmm…what is xanga all about anyway? Anyway, 4 months till the 5th season of CBS’ Emmy Award Winning THE AMAZING RACE!