Tarrick joins the Rangers back at the base as they watch a simulation of the atomic bomb-like explosion that would result from Void Queen’s cocoon hatching.
Amelia calls to Solon for more medicine as Pop-pop is getting worse. But as she holds his hand, she is suddenly able to see his memories of that day at Area 62. Pop-pop had been running through to get to safety as the facility is about to explode. He stumbled upon the alien couple trapped in a room.
The Rangers hurry back to the base and help Solon get back on her feet. They are worried about what The Voideys could possibly do with the Sporix they’ve taken back. Just then, Jane calls Amelia to alert her to a spaceship hovering above the city.
Mama Garcia, Javi and Izzy welcome Papa Garcia home after working all night on the new park drainage system using his fancy drill. He says the Void Queenie person won’t be able to use it without his passcode anyway.
While The Voids begin their plan using Papa Garcia’s drill key, Ollie and Amelia are busy planning a getaway to a haunted house. Mama Akana calls Ollie to follow up on some simulations she asked him to help her with, but he basically brushes her off to get back to trip planning with his girlfriend.
After Izzy finishes a livestream showing people how to exercise, Fern comes into Buzzblast to happily tell her she’s been accepted to the elite sports program at Oakdale College. Papa Garcia assures Izzy that she will get her acceptance letter soon.
Javi has just posted a cover to Buzzblast of “It’s All Good” by Pete Flash. He asks everyone at the office to like and share the video to get the views up. He’s been hustling all week so the Rangers suggest they take a break in the park.
The Green Morphin Master says she couldn’t let them be killed by Zedd seven episodes too early. So she saved them and now she revives Zayto as well. Aiyon apologizes for not fulfilling Master Green’s prophecy. But she says they just didn’t have the arsenal necessary. She hopes this new Dino Master Saber can help. However, because it uses the power of their zords, anyone who uses it to kill their enemy will be killed themselves. Ollie says it won’t have to come to that if they can all fight together.
Aiyon is eager for them all to go to Rafkon right this instant. He is confident he can defeat Zedd on his own since the Green Morphin Master said so. Zayto can’t believe they will actually be going home now.
Buzzblast is running a “Make the Date” competition for couples to enjoy a Valentines date. Izzy and Fern win the obstacle course over Stan and Annie who are very dysfunctional.