Sian asks Junseo how their second visit to Paradise has been and if it’s been worth it. Junseo says they didn’t get to talk much today. She says she is not sure about how he is feeling in this moment and wonders if he’s just tired or has lost interest in her.
He says that he’s been making the effort and that he’s not a man of many words. She doesn’t understand that way of expression. He says he’s not used to how fast-paced this whole situation is and how one could make a decision so quickly. She says she’s not asking for a decision, she just wants him to be sweeter to her. He says this is just how he is but he will try to change.
They agree that adjusting to each other is part of a healthy relationship.
A good approach to moving forward for them!
Next morning in Inferno, Minseol joins Haelin and Arin in their room as they get ready for the day. She says she is not going to just give up on Junseo and keep moving forward. The girls cheer her on.
Jeongsu tells us that he is conservative, so it bothered him a bit seeing Sian resting her head on Junseo’s shoulder.
On Inferno, the singles are admiring all the polaroid photos. Arin teases Theo as he looks at photos of him and Sian.
The Paradise couples arrive and they share their stories. Youjin tells Haelin, Sian and Arin about having fun with Jeongsu and seeing a different side of him.
Sian leaves to go to the other room and she talks about the way Junseo treats her. Minseol says he treats her the same way. Sian does not feel his sincerity, though she mentions how they agreed to adjust to each other.
Sian then mentions Junseo bringing up Minseol during dinner and how she’s been on his mind. Minseol brightens up hearing this.
Minseol tells us that she thought Junseo just saw her as a younger sister. But even though she felt bad for Sian, she can’t help but smile hearing about Junseo thinking about her.
Minseol then says Junseo approached her about Paradise and how they promised to drink Johnnie Walker together. That’s why she fully expected to be chosen yesterday. She hopes to get a chance to ask Junseo why he did that.
Sian then brings up how Junseo said she was it for him, no matter who she ends up choosing in the end. Which is why him mentioning Minseol last night threw her off. Minseol wonders why he would even mention her name in the first place. Sian says he was off the entire trip.
Sian hopes there’s nothing wrong with her and her feeling this confused.
Just then, The Voice pops up and says the ladies will be competing for the chance to go to Paradise today.
They all assemble at the pool and The Voice explains that like yesterday, the top three ladies will get to choose who they will go to Paradise with. To win, the ladies will have to push their opponent off the buoy.
Because Arin, Sian and Hyejin all drew green balls, the prelim round will feature a three-woman match.
The first face off is Jiyeon and Youjin. They have a fierce battle before Jiyeon starts tickling Youjin. And that allows Youjin to push Jiyeon off the side.
Haelin and Minseol are next. Haelin takes early control, but Junseo tells Minseol to get low and she does, allowing her to stabilize. Minseol then gains the upper hand. But as she tires, Haelin regains control and manages to push her off.
^This was a funny reaction from Dex, but the hosts are still fast-forward-worthy lol
The three-way match is next. Sian goes after both Arin and Hyejin and shoves them close to the edge. Arin is the first to fall off. Hyejin calls timeout and asks Sian to go easy on her. Hyejin then quickly tries to take advantage of the pause, but they both still go at it.
Now why didn’t Arin and Hyejin tag-team Sian first. Come on ladies!
Sian then asks for a timeout next as both get tired. And when they resume, Hyejin scores a huge save. After grappling some more, they take another rest and the others cheer them on.
They keep going until Sian finally nudges Hyejin off.
Now it’s time for the three-way final between Youjin, Haelin and Sian. Before the match begins, Arin wishes Dongho well on his trip to Paradise, knowing Haelin will definitely choose him.
Minseol says she told Youjin and Haelin to gang up on Sian first, especially since she just finished her last match. But they instead target each other since they both want Dongho. Sian just watches them go at it. Youjin asks Haelin to just let her win. But Sian joins in to push Youjin out.
It’s now between Sian and Haelin. And Sian has no problem flipping Haelin over the side and into the water.
Haelin probably didn’t care anymore since she’d already secured Dongho by this point.
The guys are gossiping in their room about how crazy it was to watch the ladies go at it so hard. And then they try to guess who the ladies will choose. They talk about Sian potentially choosing between Junseo, Theo and Jeongsu. Jonghoon says it would make sense for her to choose the guy she is most interested in. No need to complicate things with someone else.
No Jonghoon! Lol She obviously needs to pick someone else! We barely see this guy and one of the few times, he has to have a bad take. Lol
Over in the losing ladies’ room, Minseol jokes that she shouldn’t have listened to Junseo telling her to grab Haelin’s leg when it didn’t help her at all. But she says it’s alright, she still gave it her all anyway.
Youjin and Hyejin agree that it’s better to lose after giving your all rather than win through sympathy.
Time check. 25+ minutes left in the episode which means that time will probably be spent on talking with the choices left to the cliffhanger. *sigh* lol Please let them interesting convos at least! lol
Theo and Sian have a chat. He asks if it’s uncomfortable when he is like this, but she says she always tells everyone that he never pressures her. Theo doesn’t want to cheer her on and make her feel uncomfortable.
Sian admits that her feelings for Junseo have grown, but that doesn’t mean she is set on him. With only two days left, he wants to know where he stands and whether he should keep going or not. Sian starts to cry and says it’s Junseo and Jeongsu with him in third. He understands.
Theo asks if his flirting made her uncomfortable. But she says not at all. She was actually very grateful.
Sian says she did feel a good connection with him at first, but because she’s always been away, they’ve literally grown farther apart. He says she doesn’t have to feel sorry for anything and he is grateful for the time they spent together.
And here’s more proof that the singles need more time on Inferno instead of shipping them off to Paradise. How can their hearts waver when they don’t even have a chance to pursue their feelings, even a little?
Theo wants Sian to know he has been sincere with her.
Theo tells us that he was sad to hear her tell him he’s her #3. But it also reminded him why he was so attracted to her; that honesty and sincerity.
Sian tells us that she does feel sorry toward Theo since he was also very honest and sincere with her. So it is hard for her to turn him down.
Minseol is chatting with Arin, Jiyeon and Tehwan. She says she’s quite depressed right now, but Arin suggests she go talk directly to Junseo right now. She says after dinner, but they say what if he’s not even here tonight.
Minseol hurries over to grab Junseo from his room. They head over to the van camp. They say it’s too bad Minseol wasn’t able to win today.
Minseol says she’s curious about why he asked to talk to her yesterday. He tells her about talking to Sian about how he hadn’t sorted out his feelings for Minseol. He asked to talk to Minseol because of exactly that. But after being able to spend more time with Sian and talking, he feels more sure about his feelings for her now.
Still, Junseo is worried that even if he gives his all to Sian, it still won’t be enough.
Minseol asks when he started to think of her as more than just a dongsaeng. He says it was after they returned from Paradise and realized he really enjoyed their time together, especially compared to his first Paradise visit with Youjin.
Minseol says she didn’t really show her feelings knowing that Junseo isn’t very expressive as well. But Junseo has been the only one on her mind this entire week. It’s too late for her to even try and get to know anyone else. So he will always be her choice, though she does not want this to pressure him in any way.
Why is this such a romantic, cute scene to me? Lol
Junseo understands how he feels since he can relate being true to your feelings. She hopes he can still think about her even a little. But she doesn’t want him to feel uncomfortable around her. And she will be the same. Junseo says he feels sorry about the situation though.
Junseo is grateful for her honesty and sincerity.
Minseol tells us that her memories with Junseo will linger, but she is grateful for this love-hate relationship with him.
Second lead syndrome is real with Minseol!
Back in the room, Junseo tells Jeongsu that he regrets not showing a lot of affection toward Sian yesterday. He says he’s made up his mind to go all-in on Sian.
In the other room, Sian tells Hyejin that while she understands they’re in this unique situation, her having feelings for multiple guys has made feel a bit trashy. Hyejin says not to think like that. But Sian says her changing feelings have just been a lot for her.
Sian tells us that Junseo’s “macho” personality is not the type of guy she usually goes for, so she is not sure if they would work out after the show. It just makes her even more confused.
It’s time to announce their picks and the three ladies head out. Sian is deciding whether she wants to be with someone she knows will be sweet toward her or someone who won’t be, but she is more drawn to.
Sian chooses….
Episode Thoughts
Of course we have to wait until next week! lol
So it’s very interesting going into finale week. I think the main event is obviously who Sian chooses to be with. The other potential couples haven’t even gotten a chance to really interact which is crazy. So the fact that for everyone else, it will come down to this final Paradise kind of highlights the shortcomings of the format.
Anyway, we’ll talk about the format more next week after the final episode.
But back to this episode first. I thought he ladies’ competition was a lot of fun. It was great to see them give it their all. It was partly because the show has kept the singles separated so much that it’s made them desperate to go to Paradise though.
Like mentioned, I quite enjoyed Junseo and Minseol’s convo. It gave me butterflies/got me kilig more than any moment between Junseo and Sian, to be honest. But it’s funny how I realized during this scene that Minseol is the quintessential syndrome-inducing second lead. Funny, likeable, endearing; all the qualities are there including being the losing member of a love triangle. Huhu
Theo could be similar in that sense. But it’s crazy to think how diminished he has been as a character and major player in the show. He came out of the gate so strong and was a big character early on. But he just faded away which is too bad. Still, it was also a good convo between him and Sian.
Which brings me to Sian and Jeongsu. We have barely seen them together. So I don’t actually get or feel the lingering feelings she might have for him. Jeongsu toward her, I can get. He hasn’t had much of a chance to be with her. But maybe it’s the way they’ve edited the episodes. We haven’t seen much of Sian thinking about him other than reminding us that she likes multiple guys.
Well. Only two more episodes left. I know many people are not feeling this season. But even with my criticisms about the format still, I have been quite engaged with this season more than the last two. Which I actually am very surprised about!
2 thoughts on “Recap: Single’s Inferno Season 4, Episode 10”
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I don’t know why people hate this season. I actually think it’s okay. It just sucks that the other singles don’t get much focus. But how can they if they don’t find matches.
I can see how it’s the Sian show, for sure. But they can’t force the other singles to like someone if they don’t.