Junseo and Sian head to Paradise two days in a row.
That’s why they should only go every other day.
Jeongsu chooses Youjin to the shock of everyone, including Youjin herself. Jeongsu tells us that if he chose Haelin or Hyejin, they would think they’re just his second choices and didn’t want them to feel bad about that. So he decided to go with Youjin and just have fun.
Tehwan is next. Jiyeon tells us that he shouldn’t choose her since they had just gone yesterday. And taking a break from each other would allow them to more properly assess their feelings for each other.
But Tehwan still chooses Jiyeon because he is not curious about anyone else and wouldn’t enjoy Paradise with anyone else either.
Minseol jokes that she was saving her cute outfit for Paradise and now she’ll just have to wear it to an Inferno dinner. She tells the other girls how her convo went with Junseo earlier and they joke with her about how excited she was.
I feel for Minseol. Junseo definitely got her hopes up for no reason. At least, unless he explains why he did it. Perhaps they’ll have another honest convo tomorrow.
On the helicopter ride to Seoul, Jiyeon lays her head on Tehwan’s shoulder. But more interestingly, Jeongsu and Sian are sitting next to each other in the back. He steals some glances at her while Sian looks straight ahead.
Jeongsu tells Sian to enjoy and have fun.
In Seoul, Jeongsu and Youjin head to dinner. He talks about Sian being his first choice, but Youjin helped him relax his mind so he wanted to have fun with her today. He says he feels more stressed as they get closer to the end.
After dinner, Youjin asks what makes Sian so captivating to him. He says when they went to Paradise the first time, they kept talking about love and things like that and he felt very kilig. Especially after he hasn’t dated in a while, having that feeling was a pleasant surprise to him.
She asks what qualities she has that is appealing to guys and he says she has a disarming smile and a cute personality. He wishes he could’ve talked with her more. But he’s happy to be able to enjoy his time with Youjin who thinks is a harmless Oompa Loompa.
lolol It’d be funny if Youjin had even a tiny bit of interest in Jeongsu the way he is speaking to her. I’d be like, “Hey, why not try me instead?” lol
Junseo and Sian are back in Seoul after just ten hours, they say. They head to dinner and after some initial joking around, things get a bit awkward when the conversation slows down. She then asks who he would’ve gone with if he came in second and he says Minseol. She asks why.
Junseo says it’s been weighing on his mind and she says she had no idea. He explains that when he went to Paradise with her, they joked around a lot. He likes how funny and a tease she can be. But when they got back to Inferno, he noticed that she was down as opposed to her bright attitude when they were together. He had been rooting for her, saying she’d be popular on Inferno. But he kind of feels sorry that she doesn’t seem like the Minseol he had fun with in Paradise.
Junseo says he can’t help but want to look out for her.
I’ll talk about it later in my Episode Thoughts, but if you watch this scene with Korean audio/English subs and then watch the English dub or use the English dub subtitles instead, everything comes across so differently. It’s crazy! I’ll watch with the English dub subtitles from now on. But I wish I did that sooner with only three episodes left after this one! lol
Junseo tells us that he’s become interested in Minseol without even realizing it. So he wanted to be honest with Sian. That’s why he was unable to focus entirely on Sian during their dinner.
Sian asks if he’s going to act on his feelings for Minseol. But he shrugs his shoulders, he doesn’t know. He asks why she’s being so cold. But she says he’s the one being cold right now. She asks if he can be a bit sweeter and treat her more gently, not be so comfy so soon.
Junseo says he’s actually not comfortable at all. She takes it as him being tired, but he says this is just his normal self and it’s nothing to do with being tired. Junseo sighs and asks if he’s doing something wrong here.
Sian tells us that she’s not sure about Junseo since he was so reassuring to her yesterday, but now seems so different. So it’s caught her off guard.
After that exchange, Junseo now acts a bit cuter to her by playing with her dress. She seems to like that a lot.
One the way to the next destination, Junseo mentions how she seemed very soft and gentle last night and wonders if it was because she was a bit drowsy or sleepy. He liked seeing that side of her.
They hold hands and she says she likes a guy who is expressive. Junseo says it’s better to show his feelings through actions.
Junseo and Sian arrive a pub with some games. But so do Jeongsu and Youjin.
Okay show, you are messy! Lol But honestly, this is kind of a bit forced. Why do this double date now knowing about the drama with Sian and her boys? So, definitely a very contrived moment.
While sharing drinks, they joke around that they came to Paradise with each other’s partners on that first night. Youjin mentions how Jeongsu wants to carry her around in a jar as an Oompa Loompa.
lol making Sian jealous
Youjin asks them how it feels like coming to Paradise two days in a row. They say it’s been fine. Junseo he’s a bit more comfortable today.
They move to the pool table and play a round. Sian, however, is not a big fan of how sweet Jeongsu and Youjin appear to be as he teaches her how to play.
lol The show is not beating the scripted allegations with this K-drama worthy scene. The only thing to make it more obvious would be if Jeongsu put her arms around Youjin to help guide her and set her hands right on the cue and table. Lol
Jeongsu and Youjin end up winning the game. Sian says this double date has lifted her energy this evening. As they return to drinking and eating, Jeongsu and Youjin continue joking around. Jeongsu asks if Sian is in a bad mood.
The four of them have one last toast for the night before going their separate ways.
Sian tells us that she was already disappointed in Junseo so Jeongsu’s sweetness tonight reminded her of their visit to Paradise and gave her a lot to think about.
In the car ride to the hotel, Sian says Paradise really is an important place to be.
Moving on to Tehwan and Jiyeon at the hotel pool. She asks, since she’s shared hers, what his dream is and he says that with his current work, he wants to build and grow a culture. He hopes to be someone people can recognize as creating that culture.
Interesting dream! lol
Tehwan says that Koreans are deprived of chances to expand their tastes and perspectives. So he hopes to foster a culture that allows Koreans to do that.
Jiyeon tells us that Tehwan loves talking about his work, but doesn’t really take the initiative to then ask more about you. She says that she grew tired of it as the evening wore on, so she felt less motivated to engage
Tehwan says his dream is to live a happy life with the culture and friends he loves.
Jiyeon tells us that usually when you like someone, you don’t tell them you want to stay single. Especially when yesterday, she mentioned her dream was to have a happy family of her own.
I have to point out the subtitles discrepancy again. Because this time, the English subtitles come across better than the English dub, especially with Jiyeon’s feelings about their conversation.
Last night, Jiyeon had talked about wanting to be a good wife and mother for her future family. But she already had some doubts yesterday like how he would always walk ahead of her or not really care about having fun with her during the ice skating.
Ah! So this is how the show wants to unfold their story! Lol
Jiyeon now flashes back to all the times Tehwan seemed disinterested in engaging or getting to know her.
She tells us that she now doubts if he even really likes her. So she is now growing confused.
Back on Inferno, the singles are on the benches chatting. Dongho tells Minseol that they will help get her to Paradise tomorrow, but she says she can do just fine on her own, thank you. lol
They then talk about who they picked. Hyejin says she picked Jonghoon.
And she will pick only Jonghoon from now on.
The others giggle and squeal with excitement at Hyejin’s forwardness and Jonghoon’s shyness.
Jonghoon says he never realized that and asks to speak privately with Hyejin. They head to the dining area and says he is grateful for her feelings. He adds that he feels butterflies seeing her be so pretty all the time. But it was hard for him to muster up the confidence to approach her.
From now on though, he won’t hesitate to do so. They take a polaroid to commemorate this occasion.
See. That’s why the show needs to provide the singles more opportunities to hang out and interact.
Haelin and Dongho go to chat. She jokes that she wants to kidnap Dongho and take him to Paradise tomorrow. But she will be sure to win so she can pick him. Dongho can’t help but smile every time she playfully teases him.
Back at the table, Arin tells Minseol and Theo about her feelings for Dongho and how she’d love to talk about them more. But she can’t since she’s in the same room as Haelin and Youjin.
She tells them about all the coincidences of their same building work and same neighborhood. And that made her feelings grow even more.
Dongho and Haelin return to the table. Dongho says he’s feeling tired, but says he and Arin can go talk. She says they can just talk tomorrow, but he insists.
She asks why he felt the need to talk to Haelin so long this evening when they already talked earlier today. He says Haelin wanted to talk and he just listened.
Arin says she was just curious but wanted to take the opportunity to talk anyway. She just wants to let him know that she is interested in him and he appreciates that.
They’re both so sleepy though so they head in.
Back in Paradise, Junseo and Sian are at the hotel. She is annoyed when he addresses her with “-ya” again. After a shower, they take a seat in the chairs and the cliffhanger for this episode implies Junseo has fallen asleep before their convo even starts.
Obviously he has not fallen asleep. lol
Episode Thoughts
So like I mentioned earlier, I want to point out that Netflix’s subtitles seem to be horrible. If you compare the subs for the Korean audio and then the English dub, there are many times when the meaning is completely different. It’s crazy.
One example is Junseo and Sian’s convo after dinner. The English subtitles make Junseo out to be some kind of patronizing jerk toward Minseol. The English dub, however, makes a lot more reasonable sense.
Another example was Jiyeon talking about “marriage” and this time, the English dub made her out to be some kind of delulu while the subs had her being quite reasonable as well.
Now, I’m not actually listening to the English dub. I will always choose original language audio.
But I have found myself having to switch between the two subtitles to get a better understanding of what’s actually being said. Or at least, I choose which version I agree more with. Lol I definitely need to learn Korean. Lol
I guess that’s where the difference is. Because the translations for the Korean dialogue might be too literal while the English dub requires the writers to kind of interpret what’s actually being said in order to make more contextual sense. Especially when the lines/dialogue are actually being said by a voice actor rather than viewers like us just reading them in our mind. So the lines have to flow well when spoken in English.
Anyway, about the couples. It’s very interesting because this season really has the show being more creative in how they unfold the stories. Which in a way does make things more interesting, even if it might help fuel the “scripted” allegations. Still, the non-linear or non-straightforward storytelling at least makes the show more interesting and engaging rather than the previous two seasons which basically tried telling you what you should be feeling about these couples. (The hosts helping to drive that influence of course.)
I have no problem with Sian weighing her options. But if she is turned off by Junseo’s personality, then perhaps that’s what she needs to consider moving forward. Minseol, for example, seems to vibe better with Junseo’s personality. And that’s really what the show should be trying to make more opportunities for. Have the singles spend more time with each other, not less by shipping people off to Paradise every night.
Sure, we might not get the drama like we’re getting. But perhaps we might see different types of drama. Maybe more proactive gestures from the singles toward the people they like instead of having to just sit around waiting for the next Paradise trip.
I don’t totally blame Junseo since he’s just being himself. He did say he’s not the kind of guy who directly expresses his feelings with cute words or things the other person wants to hear. Rather, he shows it through his actions. On one hand, this is a show where you have limited time, so maybe you should try to be uber-flirtatious and just throw all your sugary sweetness out now just to win over the other person. Or, be your honest self and from the beginning show them who you are so you know from the get-go if you guys vibe.
But again, Sian’s feelings are also valid. So if she’s not vibing with the way Junseo is, then that might be the sign she needs to divert some of her feelings toward someone else. We’ll see.
That double date was very contrived. But it was certainly fun to see Sian be jealous for what simply looks to be harmless fun between Jeongsu and Youjin.
Meanwhile, Jiyeon’s feelings about Tehwan might have been the biggest surprise of the episode. Though with plenty of foreshadowing last episode. Which, from a storytelling and episodic perspective, was done very well. You can’t deny that. lol
Jiyeon’s feelings are valid based on what we saw from Tehwan. But at the same time, we don’t know his true feelings either since we didn’t get a confessional from him this episode. So who knows. Perhaps they’re saving that for next episode too.
Back on Inferno, the Dongho triangle is alright. But they were all so sleepy and bored with it, it made me sleepy and bored with them too. Lol
But the new day will bring new energy. So let’s see what Episode 10 holds. This episode was thankfully only 70 minutes so it wasn’t a tough one to get through. Actually very interesting in some parts. And even easier to get through when fast forwarding through the hosts once again lol