Mira thinks the proposal to marry Spindo, who is responsible for BunBun’s death, is absolute nonsense. Genba explains that Spindo aims to use this marriage as a way to depict the Boonboomgers surrendering to the Hashiryan. Byundi adds that Mira will essentially be a hostage to keep them all in check.
Sakito says to just reject the proposal then. But Genba says that will open the door for the world to come and take them out. What happened with the Killer Robo has turned the Boonboomgers into terrorists, giving justification for the Hashiryan and ISA to strike them.
Jou says they have to fight. But Byundi says the more they fight, the more it puts them at a disadvantage. Sakito can’t believe they are being backed into a corner.
Mira steps up and says she’s decided. She will get married. She approaches Taiya and says she is taking control of the wheel on this. “I understand,” Taiya replies.
Under the watchful eye of Maimi, Mira meets with Shashiro and turns in her Changer. “You chose marriage?” Shashiro asks about Taiya and the others. Mira says they’ve broken up and gone their separate ways. “I see,” Shashiro says.
At various parts in town, Jou walks down the street with his hood on.
Genba as a full-on Burekian visits the remains of his spaceship.
Sakito and Byundi are on a rooftop. Sakito never though Killer Robs would become a source of business. Byundi says this is a choice made by Earthlings. Sakito believes they have to clean this up.
Director Tokoyari informs Spindo that Mira has accepted the marriage proposal. Grantu says the second wave of Yarucars are en route to Earth. Spindo says he didn’t have to go through the trouble. But Grantu is grateful for Spindo taking him off the scrap heap. Spindo tells him that he is not scrap.
The Sanseaters, however, think they will be scrapped as they are being chased by Nejiretta. Just then, Jou comes to save them. They are surprised, but Jou explains that a group of kids told him that they heard people screaming for help.
Over at Lightning Tech, Senji is begging his Uncle Raita Naito to tell the world that the Boonbooms are not the bad guys. He knows the world will believe him. But Mr. Naito says Senji was just tricked by the Boonboomgers. Instead, the Hashiryan are the good people who are thinking of Earth.
Suddenly, Mr. Naito gets a call. Sakito and Byundi have been doing what they can to clean up the Killer Robos all over Tokyo. They initially get shot down from the sky, but they continue to fight wild.
Director Tokoyari says this is only adding to the Boonboomgers’ terrorism charges. And for now, their first shipment of Killer Robos to their international customers is paused. Mira says she knows nothing about the attack on the Robos.
Spindo says there will be major fireworks at their wedding. He tells the director to make the official announcement to the world.
Mira says before a wedding, she wants a present: The Big Bang Grand Prix. “Aw!” Spindo says. He likes her style.
Spindo orders Grantu to contact the owner of the BBG. Its new owner is BunPink.
Later, Grantu asks if that is a wise decision. Spindo says he knows that this is all part of the Boonbooms plan to hijack the Hashiryan. He is impressed, but he will use a ring in order to control her as his puppet.
“I’ll make her dance.”
Back downtown, Jou bandages the Sanseaters up and asks if Spindo had thrown them away. Dekotorade explains that they were not thrown away. They were the ones who threw Spindo away.
Jou says he knows how they feel. He just quit the police force. He has pride as well. They laugh at the fact they are sharing similar stories.
Jou and Dekotorade ask each other what they’ll be doing now. Yaruka says they’ll be heading for the top. Jou thinks that’s truly bakuage.
Suddenly, Nejiretta arrive. Jou urges the Sanseaters to run to safety as he fights the Nejiretta off. The Sanseaters are taken aback by Jou doing this for them. Just then, more Nejiretta arrive and they aim their rifles at the children. Dekotorade quickly shields the children from the shots. The children thank Dekotorade and ask if he’s hurt. “It’s nothing,” Dekotorade replies.
Jou says the Sanseaters do have their good points. He quickly henshins.
No hard feelings, Dekotorade says as he also takes on the Nejiretta.
Meanwhile, Sakito and Byundi continue taking on the Killer Robos are they keep coming. Senji watches the scene from his uncles office. Mr. Naito furiously orders all Killer Robos to be sent to Tokyo. But he is taken aback as his nephew cheers on the Boonboomgers.
Ittasha and Yaruka accompany the children during the fighting when Jou’s police officer friend arrives and reports him to the higher ups. The children hear and they stop the cop from coming any closer, saying the Boonbooms are not bad guys.
Something glows from the children’s hearts.
Back at the tempGarage, Taiya closes his laptop and tells Shirabe-san that the rest is up to her. He leaves.
The public watch the breaking news coverage of the “wedding of the century”.
Grantu begins to officiate Spindo and Mira’s wedding at Caucasuskabuto Castle the forest castle’s personal cathedral. Spindo is about to put the mind-controlling ring on Mira’s finger, about to declare victory. “Dance for me,” he says.
But Taiya arrives and whisks Mira away from Spindo. She kicks the monkey off of Spindo’s arm. Taiya then tosses a Changer at Shashiro who has just arrived. He summons Boonboom Marine to catch the monkey and crush it in his teeth.
Shashiro knows that the monkey serves as Spindo’s Gassholin tank and thus, but taking it away, he loses his power. Mira says she agreed to the marriage to get close to Spindo.
Shashiro brags that the Boonbooms being apart would make Spindo and his cronies believe they’ve won and get careless. This is the moment they’ve been waiting for.
Grantu says the Boonboom Cars should be under control of the ISA. But Shashiro says he already put a stop to that long ago.
Spindo is impressed by their thrilling show. He declares the Earthlings are the true villains of this story. Spindo stumbles on his feet. Grantu says that Gassholin is on its way.
But Genba arrives to say that is not the case because he has used his spaceship’s wreckage to create a barricade to block off the Highway. The Yarucars are not coming.
“You’ve really done it now,” Spindo says. Grantu summons Nejiretta. But Jou arrives and takes out the entire swarm with one slice. He declares that he will defend everyone with his life, even those who calls them evil.
The public watch the entire scene via the live coverage. You see that, Taiya says. This is who the Boonboomger are.
The children watching say the Boonboomger really are so cool.
Spindo laughs. This has been a wonderful wedding, he says.
Director Tokoyari calls Mr. Naito to send a Killer Robo over. But Sakito and Byundi have just cleaned up the last one.
Spindo laughs. “Bun, my friend, your team are the worst!”
Director Tokoyari says this is the end of the Hashiryan. Maimi ushers him out of the castle.
Taiya says they are not handing Earth over to the Hashiryan. They are settling things once and for all.
The Boonbooms henshin to Champion and do a roll call.
“This is our final lap!” Taiya declares.
Episode Thoughts
I am so conflicted! Now, Boonboomger would have to do something completely atrociously bad for me to change my mind about the season. At this point, I think it’s already secured a Top 3 or at the very least a solo #4 spot on my Sentai rankings list.
But I don’t know how to feel about this one! This is the Penultimate Episode, after all. And while the childrens in the episode cheering for the Boonbooms was almost a MaGMCM for me, I was honestly looking for a bit more. More tears. More cheers. More gasps.
But instead, the Boonboomger I saw in this episode felt more like the underwhelming, contrived endings of other Sentai and Kamen Rider seasons rather than the well-paced, well-plotted 46 episodes that preceded this one.
I don’t know. This episode lacked impact. I would’ve expected (or maybe more accurately, I hoped and wished for) something bigger. A bigger reveal. Bigger emotions. It didn’t help that what was supposed to be the climactic moment of the episode brought me back to the early days of King-Ohger and my annoyance at the CGI environment. (Which, to be fair, I got used to by the end. But after returning to the real physical world this season, having to see what essentially looked like a slightly redecorated Shugoddam castle was not what I was looking for.)
I guess part of my quibble with this episode is what I’ve mentioned in recent weeks about how this Final Lap has at times felt rushed. Most of the endgame is perfectly fine with plenty of good foundation to support it. But I feel like there’s so much missed potential here. I talked recently about how I think they could’ve introduced some of these ideas and concepts and twists earlier. Even a few episodes earlier.
Or could it be the writers planned for 50 episodes and only got 48? So they had to squeeze everything in? Because this episode felt like a huge chunk was missing in the middle. Or big chunks chopped off here and there.
To be honest, (and it pains me to say anything bad about this season) I actually don’t think they unfolded this big reveal and reunion well at all.
Killing BunBun off earlier? Having the Boonbooms going their separate ways a bit earlier? I have no idea what might have been done differently to make me feel better about this episode.
For all the episodes they spent on Shashiro acting like a traitor, the payoff was not satisfying at all. The boyfri… I mean, Taiya and Shashiro giving each other a nod and a smile is really not enough to fully encapsulate how meaningful this team reunion should have been.
The show seems to have taken their bakuage mentality a bit too seriously. Them speeding through that scene, from the Boonbooms arriving at the fake castle-turned-church one by one all the way through that roll call; I actually thinks it takes away from the truly great scenes of the Boonbooms feeling sad and lost after Shashiro seemingly betrayed them.
You can’t tell me that they knew all along or had this plan all along. I don’t believe that for one minute. Still holding out hope and believing in Shashiro? Sure of course. Shocked and devastated by BunBun’s “death”? Okay. Maybe.
But if their intention was the idea that, no matter what happens, they’ll always find their way back to each other. That even if they get lost, they’ll get back on the right road to each other. #StrongerTogether and all that. … It will take more than just a few minutes montage of the Boonbooms being physically apart from each other to fully emphasize that legitimately exciting and emotional vibe.
The Boonboomgers going their separate ways could’ve easily been one full episode. Heck, Jou coming to the Sanseaters’ rescue could’ve been its own episode too. Another could’ve been a whole wedding preparation episode with Mira making all sorts of demands from Spindo, for example.
Again, it felt like they skipped at least a whole episode’s worth of story somewhere in the middle here. And I don’t want to be a hypocrite, but as much as I always whine about exposition in Sentai or Kamen Rider or especially Power Rangers, I would have maybe welcomed a lot more here.
Maybe after they came back together, a flashback to Mira agreeing to the marriage and the Boonbooms coming up with a plan and reiterating their trust in Shashiro, for example.
And what was Shirabe doing? Just got close enough to Mr. Naito’s building so she could hack into the computers? But then Shashiro said he was the one who took care of things a long time ago. Again, it feels like they chopped off huge chunks of these episodes, especially this one. Or had no idea how to squeeze in the material they had into the episodes they were allowed to make.
Now I always love me some Shashiro, but when he specifically said that line about how they put up the façade of being separated so they looked weak and defeated, etc. I just legit went What? That’s not how y’all were acting these last couple of episodes.
So again, the nonchalance of that entire final sequence of this episode almost negates the sincerely emotional moments of the last couple of weeks.
Now, if Boonboomger wasn’t so strong otherwise, this would be a Revice-level collapse in my book. An unprecedented last-second interception at the goal line at the of the Super Bowl to prevent the go-ahead winning touchdown.
I mean, I can’t even talk about the actually strong moments in the episode like the aforementioned children cheering on Jou or the Sanseaters’ late epiphany and (actually acceptable) redemption and protecting the children or even Spindo continuing to be a zesty fake Michael Jackson.
I’m annoyed with myself that I feel so negative about the Penultimate episode of a season I have loved so much. Seems like my worry from a couple of weeks ago has come to fruition. The show struggled to reach my sky-high expectations. But those expectations were raised because the season has just been so good in so many ways. I love this season so much that I want to see it at its absolute best that I know it can be. Be as impactful as I know it can be. Be as emotionally affecting as I know it can be.
There is still one last episode. And it could be very possible (if not likely) that Boonboomger ends on the highest of highs indeed. 🙏
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15 thoughts on “Recap: Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger, Episode 47 – There is More Than One Deliverer”
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To think Spindo wanted to make Mira dance… Next week, there will be blood on the dancefloor!
That was a dark quote from Spindo and he said it twice!
I thought about a Michael Jackson’s song actually. 🙂
I understand where you’re coming from. I definitely agree it feels rushed. I think it started with BunBun’s “death”. Some time after that, it felt like they were rushing through the plot when they had been pretty good about pacing the entire season.
I also agree that an amazing finale can fix any doubts or grievances. So let’s see what next week holds!
I of course am still very excited and hopeful for the finale. But I just have regrets about how much more bakuage this episode and maybe this final arc could be. But we’ll see next week of course.
No, because why do I feel like they were doing too much when all they needed to do was have Shashiro trust in the others to trust in him. And Shashiro knowing the others would eventually find a way. I think even just a simple scene of them actually saying just that. “Let’s trust Shashiro and keep driving forward” or something like that. Or them coming up with a plan. Or like you said, show the flashback to them agreeing to Mira’s plan to accept the proposal just so they could get themselves into Spindo’s orbit.
I agree it feels like stuff was left on the cutting room floor somewhere.
That’s a great way to put it! I mentioned in a reply on my Gavv recap that even familiar plots can be amazing when you have well-written characters. And that’s absolutely the case with Boonboomger. So perhaps they were trying to do something extra with the way they set-up this episode. But the execution was underwhelming for me.
Let’s hope for a TTFC Director’s Cut with like 30 minutes of new footage! lol
I don’t think it was bad. But I can see how they could’ve done things differently. It was just great to see the team back together again. But my thing is I hope we get all six of them together. Also a better roll call too because the one in this episode was not it. My wish is an OT6 roll call in the final episode.
Oh! You reminded me about that. Yes, I have been a little annoyed how Sakito feels like he’s not part of the team. That might be one of my few criticisms of the season. But hopefully that changes in the finale and we can an intensely bakuage final roll call!
I hate to say that I actually wouldn’t have minded if he stayed a traitor actually lol
Though I know that will be completely out of character and probably would have ruined the entire show 😂
If done right, it would work. But there just wasn’t enough time for that
Shashiro is too gorgeous for me to ever hate him 😍😅
A great season, but wobbly landing. Hope the final episode is stronger
I have faith in the season!