Hanto punches Shoma to the ground and refuses to listen to Shoma’s apology or attempt at an explanation. Hanto stomps away. Lakia says it’s time Shoma tells him more about himself.
Shoma tells Lakia about his mother and his childhood and is surprised he believes him. Lakia says they literally just stormed the Stomachs together, so it would be lame if he didn’t.
Shoma thanks him. But Lakia says to remember that while he hates and has decided to fight against the Stomachs, he also doesn’t particularly care for humans either. Nor can he see himself getting along with Valen. He thinks humans are such weaklings always needing help so Shoma should just ditch Hanto. “What good is he to you?” he asks.
Shoma says it’s not about being useful to each other or not.
Meanwhile, Hanto is with Suga-san who says he did suspect Shoma might be a Granute, but he didn’t know for sure. Him being a Stomach though was definitely news to him.
Hanto squints his eyes with a suspicious glare at Suga-san for a moment. But Suga breaks the awkwardness by wondering why Shoma would team up with Vram considering he is behind the mass disappearances. Especially when it was Shoma who told him that very fact.
Hanto can’t help but think Shoma has been working with the Granutes this whole time.
Suga smirks.
Over at Stomach HQ, Glotta reports to Lango about Lage9 being their third Granute hunter. She mentions him bringing up someone named Komeru and Nyelv looks him up to show that he was taken care of long ago.
Nyelv, however, looks a bit nervous as Lango can’t believe Lage9 was able to infiltrate their ranks just to get revenge for his younger brother. And to team up with akaGavv at that.
Glotta snipes that even their dear Lango-niisan can miss things. But Lango says Glotta helped with his interview. Glotta then brings up that it was Nyelv who modified Lage9.
Nyelv says what’s past is past and now they must focus on how to deal with the situation. Lango agrees. He orders Nyelv to improve security and Glotta to inspect their facilities and supply. They tell Lango to keep an eye on all part-timers.
Shoma returns to Hapipare where Sachika has been waiting with some nice treats. She wanted to celebrate Takeshi-kun having returned home.
While eating, Shoma can’t stop thinking about Hanto and how maybe he should’ve told himself. As Sachika notices something seems to be wrong with Shoma, he wonders if he should tell her the truth as well. But he is afraid of doing so.
Sachika asks Umasho if something happened, but Shoma says everything’s fine. She says he is usually not this gloomy when enjoying snacks and he even looks a bit pale. Shoma apologizes and says he will go out and buy more.
A frustrated Sachika says she botched that one and laments how much she sucks at talking to people who are down.
While walking downtown, Shoma knows Sachika noticed him acting weird. But he suddenly passes out on the stairs.
Meanwhile, Hanto is by the water reading the messages from Sachika about Takeshi-kun and seeing news of the disappeared people having returned. He wonders if Shoma did get them back. Did he team up with Vram or convinced Vram to switch sides?
He remembers Shoma himself is a Stomach. But he also took one of them out. And he has a reason to clash with them due to what happened to his mother. So Hanto has no idea what to think. He decides he will hear from Shoma himself.
Just then, Hanto sees a black jacket-wearing Shoma walking by. But when he calls after him with no response, Hanto wonders if it wasn’t him after all.
“Shoma” stumbles upon an oden cart. With his stomach growling, Shoma begins scarfing down all the hot oden ingredients. When the food doesn’t yield what he is looking for, he attacks the cart owner and destroys the cart itself.
Next morning, Hanto goes into a restaurant for breakfast and learns it has been attacked as well. A bystander shows him video of the incident and Hanto is shocked to see Shoma is the culprit.
Hanto hurries over to Hapipare. Sachika says Shoma went out last night and never came back. Not even a call or text. Hanto shows Sachika the social media posts about Shoma. This is who he really is, Hanto says.
Hanto warns Sachika that Shoma is a Granute and had them fooled, so she must not let him in if he comes back as he is dangerous.
Lakia is at his hideout. His company phone is not working so he can’t find out where the part-timers are all at now since Stomach Inc has emptied out all the former collection centers.
Lakia thinks of Shoma and what he’s been through. He believes he’s done well despite such a horrible situation.
Lakia then remembers Shoma going around asking people to find out anything he could. So he decides to give it a shot, especially if he has to get used to this world.
Shoma arrives at a convenience store and attacks the shopowner as he finds and eats gummies.
A Gochizo pops out of his stomach and Shoma is relieved to have finally found what his body was looking for. He eats more gummies and more Gochizos pop out just as Hanto arrives
Hanto pushes Shoma off of the shopowner. What’s wrong with you? Hanto asks. He’s just openly attacking people now that he knows he’s a Granute?
Shoma says it’s time for a test run. He locks in a Gochizo and he henshins into a dark-colored Gavv!
Hanto thinks Shoma has gotten a new power. That’s right, Shoma says and he kicks Hanto aside.
As they fight, Hanto says it’s good that he doesn’t have to hold back anymore either. Shoma throws Hanto into the air and Hanto henshins. They battle.
My movements are all stiff, Shoma says as he is unable to even handle weapons. Hanto declares that he will kill every last Granute even if it’s Shoma.
Lakia walks by and wonders who the new guy is. He henshins and shoots at the dark Gavv.
Shoma is annoyed by this new arrival and he charges at Lakia.
Episode Thoughts
Very interesting episode! I think it was a good introduction to this dark version of Shoma. I think I am most excited to see Hidekazu Chinen playing a darker character alongside the brighter, positive Shoma. He was great already in this episode. And I always love seeing the actors playing opposites of their regular characters.
The introduction of Bitter Gavv I think can also really help Hanto realizing who Shoma really is. It seems they’ll come back together next episode. Even though again, I wouldn’t mind them stretching things out for a bit longer since there’s a lot of story potential in just this dynamic between Shoma and Hanto. But the show has done very well with its pacing so far. So I’m crossing my fingers that they have lots left in store for the rest of the season. Though previous experience with similar feelings on other seasons definitely keeps me cautious. Lolol
But we’ll see how darkShoma and Bitter Gavv will play out. And of course where he even comes from.
I would’ve wanted to see more with Sachika as well. A great scene with her noticing something was up with Shoma. But I think there should have been more with the scene of Hanto telling her about Shoma. I think that deserved a bigger moment.
Nice scene with Lakia on his own. Definitely looking forward to seeing him coming around about humans as well.
Elsewhere, the moment with Hanto and Suga and that awkward silence with Hanto being suspicious was quite amusing actually. It was a very interesting moment since it was a lighter moment in the middle of a very dramatic episode. But also of course as a contrast to Hanto being oblivious to what Suga is up to. Not just in the bigger picture, but even in just currently analyzing Shoma’s DNA.
A great scene with the Stomach Sibs. It was nice to see them with an all hands on deck situation, but not in a panicked state. A scene that very much shows their family business dynamic. They have to take care of business disruptions, but are still also siblings who can rib on each other too.
I also loved seeing a nervous Nyelv for the first time. A contrast to the usually confident and even sometimes cocky engineering genius who makes secret moves in the shadows. It’s a good little moment there that shows there’s more to his character than being a one-note villain. The show has already done that with his siblings. Glotta being a fierce fighter while also showing care for her siblings. The twins being spoiled brats, but also not so naïve. And Lango being the big boss, but not some hothead egomaniac.
Of course, there’s still more to learn about the Stomach Sibs moving forward. But the moment with Nyelv in this episode was a great example of being able to build depth with characters without having to reveal everything immediately.
Also, Yay! Lakia in the opening credits!
But not with a graffiti wall and only tacked on at the end. Huhu. Still worried about his long-term prospects on the show though. Lolol But I would love to be proven wrong of course lol
Overall, another great episode!
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6 thoughts on “Recap: Kamen Rider Gavv, Episode 21 – Too Bitter Gavv”
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This is good stuff. Like its basic plots 101, but its done so well, and with so much more character behind it that it works well. Can’t wait for the Shoma versus Shoma fight.
Yes even familiar plots can be amazing when you have well-written characters.
Yeah it was really nice to see hidekazu chinen in a completely different character as shouma he is so happy go lucky and as bitter gavv he is so creepy i love it
Really great! Hope Bitter Gavv sticks around for a while hehe
Suga made a Shoma clone with just some blood and hair in a short period of time. Who cares if he’s (supposedly) human? The Stomach Siblings should swallow their pride and give that man a job! He’d lighten the place up too with his energy and quirks.
I like how, over the course of these past few episodes, they’ve been slowly revealing Suga as a self-interested third party villain whose genius mind and willingness to play both sides makes him a potential threat on par with the Stomach Siblings. I highly doubt his “good buddy” Nyelv knows of what Suga’s pulled off here. It also continues to stand out how Suga’s the only active villain to have done Shoma the decency of referring to him by his actual name.
Speaking of that deranged clone it’s all but confirmed Suga made, I have a feeling he’s not gonna last much longer unless he gets smarter. Right now, he’s just a hungry dumbass who can’t fight for nothing and is only saved by the sheer power of the Bitter Gavv suit along with his unstable body. It says something when even Hanto’s able to smack him around! I think the clone’s just a means to an end for Suga to manipulate Hanto and observe Shoma’s Gochizo-making abilities in action, just as he’s always wanted to. And once the clone’s served his purpose, Suga will probably immediately kill him off and “extract” the Bitter Gavv Organ/Driver from him.
Also, an odd little detail: Bitter Gavv’s Driver and suit looks suspiciously like a wolf…. Shoma as a kid met Hanto’s mom in Granute World, and the only way that’s possible is if it took place after the adult-sized Wolf Granute nabbed her. So Shoma’s name seems to have been “cleared,” leaving Suga as the only real suspect of being the wolf, who they’re clearly implying is no normal Granute since his Gavv is always obscured from sight in the flashbacks. Perhaps Bitter Gavv looks like a wolf because Suga also contributed his OWN DNA in creating the Shoma clone?
And I too enjoyed Nyelv finally having a little “crack” in his cool composure when he learned the truth about Lakia. Although perhaps there’s something MORE to Nyelv getting nervous besides him learning of Lakia’s real desire? Maybe he was the one who killed Lakia’s little brother, and he’s just realized that’ll make him Lakia’s main “target” if he finds out. That could also serve as a “dark explanation” of where Nyelv’s been getting all those Granute organs he’s been giving Suga.
Really love that little bit of Nyelv being worried or whatever during their sibling meeting. Will be great to see his reaction to Suga’s shadowy work.
And I don’t know if I could handle more irredeemable crimes from the Stomach Sibs at this point lolol
Interesting theory! We’ll definitely have a lot to learn about Suga in the future.