Recap: The Traitors US 3, Episode 6 – “A Dysfunctional Family”

The Traitors US Season 3 Episode 6 Recap Review

Up in the Turret, Carolyn confronts Danielle about bringing her name up today and trying to get her banished. Danielle tries to justify it, but Rob tells them to stop. They are supposed to be working together.

Funny to hear that from Rob who led the charge against Bob Queen lol

Rob says they have to figure this out, but Carolyn says she doesn’t believe either of them. Rob insists he would not betray them, but Carolyn says the only ones she wants to murder is them two.

Danielle says they are like a dysfunctional family. But now they have to start back at the beginning and promise to have each other’s back. Danielle promises to make things right tomorrow.

Now that’s settled (seemingly lol), Danielle says Ciara and Dolores are not murderable. Rob says Wes is a threat and keeping him in the game is dangerous. But murdering him would throw suspicion on Rob.

Rob then suggests Bob as he is the next one most suspicious of him. Danielle throws out Ivar’s name because no one will ever banish him. So their choice is between Ivar, Wes and Bob.

The Traitors US Season 3 Episode 6 Recap Review

Carolyn keeps making faces when they are debating. Rob hugs Carolyn as does Danielle. Carolyn says she hates them both.

Carolyn tells us that she will wait and see and just let them think she’s alright.

Next morning, Dolores hopes Danielle walks through the door so she doesn’t have to feel guilty about getting the Shield from her. Ciara thinks Danielle could be a Traitor because of her crying yesterday.

The next group comes in and Derrick offers that Rob did an amazing move. Ciara wonders if Rob going after Bob Queen was a “dick on the table” move. They agree it would be crazy to imagine Rob and Bob in the Turret.

Derrick tells us Rob should be dead. And the fact that he just walked in proves he is not a Faithful.

The Traitors US Season 3 Episode 6 Recap Review

Wes, Ivar, Bob H and Danielle are left. Britney jokes Ivar is a non-entity.
Ciara says she will set this place on fire if they murdered Bob Harper. And sure enough, he is the one murdered.

Flashback to last night. Danielle is pushing for Wes. But then that would put the heat on Rob and Derrick. Rob insists Bob is the more imminent threat.

Danielle regrets Bob Harper was murdered, but at this point, she is resigned to letting Rob have all the power.

After breakfast, Tom tells Britney his theory that Dolores is a Traitor. But Britney says she is absolutely not.

“I already have a headache this morning.”

Classic Britney Haynes confessional!

The Traitors US Season 3 Episode 6 Recap Review

Dolores has no idea who the Traitor could be. Rob says it’s someone who gets someone to listen to them and he puts Wes’ name out. Dolores agrees it might be a diversion that he targeted Nikki the other day.

Rob says he’s playing with fire by putting the target on Wes, but he “like[s] to fly close to the sun.”

The Traitors US Season 3 Episode 6 Recap Review

Tom tells Derrick about his Dolores theory. Wes walks in and gets Tom to leave to he can talk to Wes. Derrick wants them to work to influence others about Rob. Wes wants to be sure before taking a shot.

Wes is torn. He doesn’t want his game to be tied to whether Rob is a Traitor or not.

Britney talks to Carolyn to ask her about her name coming up. Carolyn swears she didn’t and asks who would ever start that shit. Britney does not want to say, but Carolyn already knows it is Danielle.

The Traitors US Season 3 Episode 6 Recap Review

Carolyn remembers Danielle saying she was going to make it right today. But now Carolyn believes she has caught Danielle for good.

The Traitors US Season 3 Episode 6 Recap Review

The players head out to the challenge for today where they are met by a huge Traitor. Alan explains that all they have to do is topple this embiggened Traitor. If they do, they will bank $30,000. And to do that, they have to search the forest for crates of gunpowder which can be opened by answering a number-based question. When they have enough gunpowder at the end of 30 minutes, then Alan can detonate the explosives to get the embiggened Traitor down.

Also, there are three separate crates with a Shield that the players can unlock too.

The players split up into three groups. All the players think going for the Shield is more important than the money.

The Traitors US Season 3 Episode 6 Recap Review

In the Red group are Tom, Danielle, Carolyn, Gabby and Ivar. They are able to open the crate and Carolyn quickly grabs it. Tom and Gabby thought they were going to talk about it first. But Danielle says as long as they don’t tell anyone about who has it, then Carolyn can keep it and the others will think they all have the Shield.

The Blue group of Derrick, Sam, Dolores, Chrishell and Britney find the Shield Crate. Derrick wants it. but Chrishell wins rock paper scissors for it.

The Yellow Group with Rob, Ciara, Dylan and Wes find the Shield crate and decide to do rock, paper scissors as well with Dylan winning it.

15 minutes left and now the groups can go get gunpowder.

On the way back with gunpowder, Carolyn tells Gabby about her name being brought up. Gabby says she trusts Carolyn so she tells her it is Danielle who mentioned her name.

The Traitors US Season 3 Episode 6 Recap Review

The players are able to get enough gunpowder and they blow up the Traitor. Securing $30,000

Alan also says three Shields were claimed and asks if anyone wants to reveal who has them. Of course, no one does.

We need more anonymous Shield winning!

They head back to the castle. Carolyn is ready to get Danielle out.

The Traitors US Season 3 Episode 6 Recap Review

Back at the castle for dinner, Wes tells Dolores that Tom brought her name up. Derrick goes to Ivar to tell him that he will be putting Rob’s name out. Rob talks to Gabby and Tom and mentions Wes.

Carolyn tells Dolores and Dylan about Danielle throwing her name out. Wes tells Britney, Sam and Ivar about Derrick bringing Rob up tonight

Britney starts to be suspicious of Wes being a puppeteer amassing the legion. She tells Derrick about Wes saying that he is targeting Rob. Derrick now thinks Britney is a Traitor protecting Rob.

Derrick is really an investigator! Lol And he is usually so wrong here lol

Derrick talks to Danielle and asks her to support him in his vote against Rob. She would be willing to do that if there are enough votes.

Chrishell warns Rob that his name is bring brought up. She asks if Rob has anything on Wes that could secure more votes against him. Chrishell leaves Rob and Danielle alone. He asks Danielle if it’s true that he is being targeted tonight, but Danielle says she is hearing people say “Wes”.

The Traitors US Season 3 Episode 6 Recap Review

It’s time for the Roundtable. Dolores speaks up first and brings up how Tom has been throwing her name out there. Tom says her biggest red flag is she doesn’t go around pursuing or asking questions.

Derrick wants Tom to just stop. Dolores wants to put a fine point on this first by reminding everyone that a Bad Faithful is worse than a Traitor. And she believes Tom, who lacked attention as a kid, is a bad Faithful.

Derick takes over and states his case against Rob, recapping Bob Queen’s banishment and then Bob Harper being murdered after bringing up how Rob would be the most badass Traitor for what he would have done. Derrick thinks the players “denying” Rob at the start of the game “created this monster” and that “this guy” (pointing to Alan) made him a Traitor.

The Traitors US Season 3 Episode 6 Recap Review

Why did I think Derrick referring to Alan as “this guy” was so rude. Like, put respect on Alan’s name please! Some Big Brother winner is nothing compared to an Alan Cumming. Thank you! Lol Just makes me want to root against Derrick even more. lol

Rob speaks up and starts by reminding everyone how Bob the Drag Queen left the Circle of Truth saying everything he had said, including anything about Rob, was a lie. Rob says he was scared this morning about being murdered and suggests that it is odd Ivar was not murdered considering he is a good Faithful. So in keeping both him and Ivar, the Traitors are setting Rob up to get banished tonight instead of needing to murder him.

So who is smart enough to do that? Rob asks. He says that many names have come up: Danielle. Carolyn. Dolores. And where did those names come from? Wes.

The Traitors US Season 3 Episode 6 Recap Review

Wes brings up Bob TDQ mentioning after the statues that one of the cage men could be a Traitor. Then all of a sudden, Rob immediately brings up BOB TDQ as a potential Traitor. Rob says that’s a lie.

Gabby joins in and says Wes is always looking for people to stick with him like blind loyalty. That he wants numbers to come in and make sure he’s safe. Chrishell adds that maybe it is just his personality. But he comes across as aggressive when he pressures people to give a name in a group setting. Judging people that way is dangerous, she says.

Wes says he has been aggressive for 20 years playing games. That’s why he is “winningest person at this table”. And a bad Traitor would run around being aggressive.

The Traitors US Season 3 Episode 6 Recap Review

Wes says he will dial the aggression back. He appreciates if they will not vote for him. But for the one or two people that do “make that mistake,” he warns that he’s got his eye on them.

Derrick lets out a big sigh. Gabby and Ciara speak up to say that sounds like a threat.

As Rob tries to say something, Carolyn speaks up. She says Wes is being used as a scapegoat. There are multiple lies going around. And she says that she does not fit in in the real world nor in this castle. She didn’t have a ton of allies. But she was lucky to find one in Danielle. That is, until recently.

Carolyn says she’s had several people approach her saying Danielle has been bringing up her name, creating lies and chaos. Carolyn assures that this is not personal, she is just an emotional person.

The Traitors US Season 3 Episode 6 Recap Review

When Carolyn brings up that someone came to her in the kitchen to ask if she threw her name out, Britney admits that it was her who asked. Danielle comes out to say that Carolyn did in fact throw her name out. Britney is sure to add that she did not mention Danielle’s name to Carolyn. But Carolyn, now very emotional, says she already know who it was because she’s heard it already from other people.

The Traitors US Season 3 Episode 6 Recap Review

Carolyn says the chaos is not Wes, but Danielle. Danielle repeats that Carolyn is making this personal. Carolyn replies that Jeremy warned her, but she believed Danielle and now Jeremy is murdered.

Derrick pipes up to say they would be dumb to vote for Wes. They need to look at emotion vs. objectivity. And he declares that he will be voting for Rob.

Alan says talk is over. Dylan looks lost so Derrick tells him to vote for Rob. But Britney looks at Dylan and shakes her head. Rob also looks at Dylan.

The Traitors US Season 3 Episode 6 Recap Review

We are missing a lot with Britney! That look at Dylan was amazing! There’s got to be more to Britney’s game than they’re showing!

Alan starts the vote with Dylan. He votes for Wes, saying that he doesn’t like it, but he is basing it on the Roundtable. He adds that Rob helped him get a Traitor, but Wes has not helped at all and it felt like he gave them an ultimatum earlier.

Carolyn votes for Danielle. Rob can’t believe it. She says that if Danielle is a Faithful, she has no reason to make up stupid lies. This isn’t personal, Carolyn reiterates. She says she will try not to cry next time. Or actually, she promises to cry more.

Wes votes for Rob. But Sam, Ivar and Rob vote for Wes. Dolores votes for Tom (lol).

Danielle votes Rob and says she was leaning Wes, but she just had to go with the facts. Gabby votes for Rob because she felt the argument for him from Derrick was stronger.

Derrick and Tom vote Rob. Chrishell votes Wes. Wes says he is coming for “all five of them.”

“Make it six, Wes,” Britney says.

YES!!! omg I love this moment from Britney! Lol

Ciara is the last vote and she votes for Wes, saying that his threat earlier was just uncomfortable.

The Traitors US Season 3 Episode 6 Recap Review

Wes stands on the circle of Truth and says he is one of the greatest reality competition players of all time and that he is better than everyone here, quantitatively speaking. He calls them all pieces on his chessboard before saying he is a Faithful.

“Fuck all you guys” he says with a middle finger as he walks out.

Derrick speaks up and says they forget that other Traitors are voting too.

In her confessional, Danielle asks Jesus to help her deal with “crazy” Carolyn.

Later, Britney comes into a room and says she wants to yell at Derrick. She takes him aside and calls him a dirty, scumbag liar after he said he wasn’t leading the charge against Rob. He says it’s because she and Rob have suddenly been hanging out. And then seeing Britney telling Dylan not to vote Rob.

Derick thinks Britney is a Traitor.

The Traitors US Season 3 Episode 6 Recap Review

Britney cannot believe Derrick lied to her and now he is the one mad at her! She does not understand this man logic of his.

Derrick tells Dylan that Britney is a Traitor. He says she is supposed to be his #1. So why is she defending the guy (Rob) that she just met. She walks in and quickly walks out when she sees them talking. Derrick says he will eat Britney alive. Dylan agrees Britney flies under the radar.

lol at the fake room scenes of the players bathing, changing, waiting for the night lol. They are always so funny.

The Traitors US Season 3 Episode 6 Recap Review

The Traitors head to the Turret. Rob tells us that this is the worst group of Traitors he’s ever scene “What is wrong with these people?” he asks.

Carolyn says they don’t need to lie to each other. They just have to keep going. Rob reminds them that they promised not to go after each other. Now it is all messed up.

Danielle says her paranoia started after Bob TDQ. She says he never said he would bring up his name at the roundtable. Rob says he didn’t know he would until he got there.

Danielle defends Bob saying he never said Rob’s name. But Rob again insists that Bob’s wisecrack after the statues signed his death certificate. (I think he means warrant lol)

Carolyn says of course Danielle was planting seeds. Danielle says “I did not say your name today.” Actually, it was yesterday, she adds.

Carolyn says not only her name, but Danielle has been coming up with lies about her like going after Britney. Danielle says she really was, in a way. But it was only for murder when they were talking in the Turret.

The Traitors US Season 3 Episode 6 Recap Review

Both Carolyn and Rob are shocked.

The Traitors US Season 3 Episode 6 Recap Review

lol at Rob and Carolyn’s WTF faces at Danielle. I had the same reaction to be honest. lol

Rob says he has no idea what to do. Carolyn says they just have to go after Danielle now.

The Traitors US Season 3 Episode 6 Recap Review

Danielle says she will fight back, if you bring it, she’ll bring it back. Carolyn says she’ll just come with lies. Danielle says she’s got plenty of facts to use against Carolyn.

Carolyn says she knows Danielle’s game is to get rid of her and Rob so she can look like the most faithful Traitor that no one suspects in the end.

“This is a disaster,” Rob declares again.

The Traitors US Season 3 Episode 6 Recap Review

Episode Thoughts

Stunning! This has to be one of the best hours of reality television I’ve watched in a loooong time. And I am honestly shocked that I’m saying it about an episode of The Traitors. Now granted, I don’t really watch a lot of reality TV these days. Actually, I only watch The Amazing Race. lolol Which, in 2025, is as drama-less as any reality show could be. Lol

But nonetheless, I recognize amazing television. And The Traitors has churned out amazing television for weeks now. I think every episode since Bob TDQ’s banishment has been incredible.

Gameplay aside (because most of the gameplay right now is a mess lol), how can you not enjoy the messy drama on this show? I think they’ve locked up the Emmy again this year. If there’s any other reality show out there producing the same amount of excellent, fun television as this, then please let me know. I might check it out lol

But wow! Starting and ending this episode with the Traitors in the Turret was absolutely perfect. Bookending this episode solidified it was an excellent hour of television.

It’s just so fun watching Rob, Carolyn and Danielle go after each other in that Turret like that. But most especially Carolyn and Danielle! The way these two ladies left THE Boston Rob Mariano absolutely speechless is quite a feat. I don’t think Rob has experienced this kind of mess in all his years of reality competition television.

His and Carolyn’s reaction to Danielle’s truth twisting was hilarious and also my reaction too. We knew she was twisting the truth to fit her scheming. But Rob and Carolyn’s reaction to it was so justified, even if it is so hilarious on Danielle’s part.

I really don’t like the way Danielle is playing this game. And it kind of tarnishes the image I have of her from BB3. But she is definitely a big part of what has made these episodes so good.

If the Traitors were playing well, then we would have these epic Turret scenes! Absolute madness they were. Can’t even put into words the chaos in the Turret.

Then there’s the chaos at the Roundtable! From everyone just completely disregarding Tom to Rob being able to save himself once again to Wes digging his own grave to Carolyn’s emotional calling out of Danielle. This is the kind of television we need more of!

I sincerely think these last few episodes have been the best of The Traitors US so far.

Elsewhere, I can’t bring myself to root for Derrick. His case against Rob was the only time he has been right this season. It’s crazy to me that I am rooting for Boston Rob Mariano for anything. But that’s just how it is for me right now. lol So hopefully somehow Rob survives longer. And also Carolyn and Danielle too. Lol It might be impossible, but I would love to see this chaos more!

It’s been a while since I watched any of the MTV Challenge, etc. So I don’t know or really remember much from Wes anymore. But he really dug his own grave. And his threat did not help. It just allowed the Faithful to vote him out with no regrets. They didn’t care if he was a Traitor or not. They just wanted him gone. You could see in their reactions.

And Britney! Finally we’re seeing the Britney from Big Brother! She might be completely wrong, but she’s going to deliver the confessionals and she’s not going to let you mess with her! I would love for her to somehow lead a charge against Derrick and succeed! I also would like her to make it farther in the game then Danielle.

Whew. What a great hour of TV. Honestly during season 2, I’d watch the episodes on double speed. But not this season. You have to savor every minute! Lol Looking forward to the madness continuing next week!

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