Recap: Single’s Inferno Season 4, Episode 8

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 8 Recap

Sian wakes up with her head resting on Junseo’s arm. He caresses her face as they start their day.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 8 Recap

Sian finally gets the chance to straighten his hair like she promised. He says it’s gonna be dangerous now with his straight hair that the other guys might start falling for him too.

In the helicopter, Jiyeon and Arin feel up Junseo’s new puppy-like hair. Dongho says it suits him and Tehwan says he’s like a tamed wolf now who became a puppy.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 8 Recap

They arrive in Inferno where the others are hanging out in the dining area. Junseo and Sian talk about being really drunk on 80 proof whiskey and how they were rambling all night long. Minseol tells us that she didn’t care to hear about it, but was still curious. Theo and Jeongsu are also all ears.

Haelin and Youjin also don’t really want to hear Arin and Dongho’s nighttime activities either. But back in their room, Sian excitedly asks Arin about her night and how Dongho had a big smile on his face the entire time on their way back.

Sian asks Haelin what she’s thinking of now and Haelin says she’s made up her mind after debating between two people.

Arin asks Sian what happened after they got drunk. Sian says she got a little emotional and Arin thinks that’s hilarious. Sian tells us her interest in Junseo has shot straight up.

Honestly, I’m Haelin and Youjin in this situation. They must have been so annoyed at this point. I would be too. Lol I guess even more on our part as the viewer since we already saw what happened. We don’t need their giggly recap lol

In the other room, the ladies initially ask Jiyeon about Tehwan. But they are more interested in gossiping about Sian and Junseo’s drunk convo. Minseol is a bit annoyed that when she and Junseo went to Paradise, all they did was dinner and swim and then went to sleep.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 8 Recap

Just then, The Voice comes on and announces the men will compete for Paradise today.

They all head out to the sand pit where the man will compete in ssireum. The top three winners will get to choose a woman to go to Paradise with.

Recap: Single’s Inferno Season 4, Episode 8

First up is Jeongsu and Jonghoon. Jeongsu is able to draw Jonghoon to step out of bounds.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 8 Recap

Next is Junseo and Dongho. Junseo quickly pins Dongho.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 8 Recap

Tehwan and Theo are next and Tehwan quickly flips Theo to the ground as well.

For the finals, once one guy is able to defeat the other two, the game will end.

Tehwan and Jeongsu go first. They both fall out of bounds, but Tehwan hits the ground first.

Junseo and Tehwan go next.

A disadvantage for Tehwan to go back-to-back, yeah?

Junseo quickly spins Tehwan to the sand.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 8 Recap

Junseo and Jeongsu only need one more win. Sian tells us that she was rooting for Junseo so they could spend more time together. And those positive vibes seem to have powered Junseo to the win as he quickly spins and pins Jeongsu.

Junseo takes first, Jeongsu is second and Tehwan is third.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 8 Recap

After the game, Theo lays on the bed frustrated and angry he didn’t get a chance to go with Sian

The Voice comes on and says everyone can enjoy a date with anyone they like.

Oh brother. Here we go with the designated talking time. So annoying.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 8 Recap

Theo quickly summons Sian and she comes in the men’s room. He tries to be cute and she shyly tells him to cut it out. He gives her a flower and a note saying “I missed you!”

Theo says it’s always been her. He doesn’t want to pressure her, so whatever happens, he’ll be fine and he hopes she can choose what makes her happy. Sian says she is grateful to him the most.

Junseo comes in and asks to speak with Theo. He tell shim that Sian has a lot on her mind and he likes that she is taking this very seriously. That’s why Junseo has decided he will do what he can to take his chance with Sian. Junseo wanted to share this with Theo because he respects the connection Theo has forged with her.

Junseo knows her feelings are strong for Theo as well. So all he can do is just continue forward and he hopes Theo can do the same. Theo agrees.

Theo says he has expressed his feelings a lot and when Sian came in his heart, he locked the door and did not let anyone else in. He acknowledges that for Sian, it’s different. And he understands that they can do all they can, but it’s ultimately up to Sian.

Good to see the bros have a candid discussion like this. That’s how it should be. Give it all you’ve got and whatever happens, happens. This is a ten-day experience. It’s not the rest of your life. Have fun, enjoy it. Hook up. Done. lol

The two of them wish each other well.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 8 Recap

Elsewhere, Haelin immediately jumps up to speak with Dongho. They take a seat in the shade and she tells him that she picked him yesterday. Dongho thought she picked Jeongsu. But Haelin says she doesn’t think her feelings will change much.

Haelin says she’s never expressed her feelings so directly before. But she’s not interested in getting to know anyone else here. At this point, her feelings for him go up or down and that’s all. So if she ever gets a chance to go to Paradise, she will pick him.

Haelin asks him to tell her if he doesn’t want that. But also then says she really does want to go with him. Dongho nods. We have to be open and honest, he says.

Just then, Youjin comes by and says she wants to talk to Dongho too.

That was a bit cringe lol

Dongho asks if she can wait a bit though and she says sure.

Dongho asks Haelin what the right thing to do is and if he can think it over first before he lets her know. She says sure, but no matter how he feels, her own feelings won’t change. But it’s okay because she knows he has a lot to think about. They first bump before getting up to join the others.

Love seeing more honesty and candor!

As they approach the others, Dongho compliments Tehwan on his Paradise outfit. Youjin thought he was complimenting her, but she was wrong.

Yikes! lol

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 8 Recap

Now alone, Youjin says she’s disappointed that they haven’t had a chance to talk. And since she’s waited this long, she plans to try really hard to win him over starting today. However, if Dongho ever feels uncomfortable about her crossing a line, he should let her know. She does not want to be rude to him.

Dongho says it’s not uncomfortable and that she has always been nice and considerate. He wonders though if his actions have been that ambiguous and if he’s done something wrong. Not at all, she says. They just all have their ideal types.

Dongho says he should quickly decide so they can all have peace of mind. But Youjin says she hopes he does not decide quickly so she has a chance to go to Paradise with him. She feels like she’s the only one with no information. So if he hasn’t fully decided yet, she hopes that he won’t make a decision just yet.

Youjin tells us that she hopes someone will take Arin to Paradise tonight so she can spend time with Dongho alone without her lingering around.

Youjin was cringey at first today, but she ended up being direct as well. So another good convo. Dongho is a good guy too. His innocence in thinking he’s led them all on. But no, they just think he’s that hot. lol

Junseo knocks on the girls room and Minseol invites him in while Arin and Hyejin are there as well. They joke around before he asks if she thinks she’ll go to Paradise. She says yes and believes she should always be confident.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 8 Recap

Junseo invites her out. Arin and Hyejin tease her and says she’s smiling from ear to ear now

This was a fun moment to see them teasing her.

Junseo and Minseol take a set. She asks if he’s still worried about her. He says a little bit, but she says she’s fine.

Minseol says she doesn’t need to talk to someone unless she’s curious about them. He asks who she’s interested in and she replies him and Jonghoon.

Minseol wonders why he wanted to know.

She brings up Junseo and Sian drinking whiskey when he promised her they would before. But Junseo says it wasn’t Johnnie Walker, so it’s different.

Minseol says she can’t figure him out. But she doesn’t him to spoil the ending just yet.

Junseo asks if she wants to go to Paradise. Of course, she says. It’s fun to get more time to talk and connect at Paradise. Junseo says he understands and he gets up.

Minseol is surprised that’s all he wanted to talk about. “You’re no fun,” she says.

Minseol tells us that she thinks he will pick her since they should get one more chance together after he went with Sian already last night. She adds that she would be so embarrassed if he ends up not picking her.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 8 Recap

Junseo talks to Sian. She says he was so cool at ssireum. He asks if she wants to go back today. She says he can do what he wants, but that she does want to go. Junseo understands.

Sian tells us that she feels something special could happen if they go to Paradise this time.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 8 Recap

Tehwan and Jiyeon are chatting. He mentions that he noticed she didn’t look too good earlier at the ssireum. But she says she was just a bit dizzy. He says she should go to Paradise to feel better. She asks if he’s going to pick her and he says of course.

Jiyeon has something to say though. She doesn’t want him to take this the wrong way, but she suggests that maybe he should try to go with someone else so he can get to know them better. That’s what the purpose of Paradise is anyway. Maybe he can see if his feelings change once there. Or he could realize that Jiyeon really is the one for him.

Should I try that then, he asks. Jiyeon says he can do whatever he likes. Tehwan asks how she’d react if he chose her. She replies that she’d happily follow along.

Tehwan asks if she really doesn’t want to go. But Jiyeon says they don’t have many days left and he hasn’t had a chance to connect with anyone else. It’s be disappointing if they didn’t maximize their opportunities to get to know others more.

Is this a test? he asks. Jiyeon says No. He thinks she’s really cute.

Interesting convo! I think Jiyeon is just that kind of person to be considerate of Tehwan. Of course she wants him to pick her, but she actually has a good mindset, like the others who encourage each other to get to know others. I think it’s a different situation with Junseo who has the momentum and knowing that he has two rivals. He might not want to unintentionally throw doubt in Sian’s mind especially after seemingly making huge inroads with her last night.

So I don’t think Jiyeon is pushing him away. Honestly, going to Paradise is probably more exhausting than staying in Inferno no matter what they say. It’s also her personality probably that she isn’t into that kind of stuff. And perhaps she’s sure of her choosing him and it wouldn’t matter if he changes his mind anyway.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 8 Recap

It’s time for the Paradise picks. All the ladies think Junseo will pick Minseol.

But Junseo actually chooses Sian. And they leave Inferno hand-in-hand with their matching all-black outfits.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 8 Recap

Episode Thoughts

Strangely enough, not as exciting as Episode 7. But it seems to be setting up a bit more drama in Episode 9. So I guess that’s alright. But also, the episode might’ve suffered no matter what after such an interesting Episode 7.

Still, we got more good, honest conversations. People laying their hearts on the table. And letting everything take its course. I think that’s actually good.

The only questionable thing is probably Junseo giving Minseol false hope. And you can’t really blame Minseol for having her flame for Junseo reignited after she kind of gave up on him last week. Deep down she probably hoped there was still a chance.

But I guess Junseo’s convo with her stands out because everyone else, including Junseo himself, has been so honest and candid with their feelings that his conversation with Minseol was not so much that.

We’ll have to wait and see the fallout in the next episode. So I guess this episode did its job!

Now to talk about something else.

I made the huge mistake of going to the comments section of the show’s pages online and I regret it so much. I should’ve known better.

Why did I think that there would be sensible commentary on the show. Of course there wouldn’t be any. Or at least, not so much. Apparently people are already going on the singles’ socials to attack them, insult them, etc. People are acting like sanctimonious hypocrites. (No surprise.) People are pushing their coupling fantasies again. (Cringe!)

The fan experience for shows like Single’s Inferno and His Man, which are the only two I have followed, has really made me think perhaps dating shows are just not good for a Korean drama or K-pop audience.

The toxicity is through the roof. And it is insane how gross it can be. Best to avoid such cesspools of vitriol and just watch the shows on your own and with friends. But to engage in the online chatter about these shows. I suggest you avoid that.

And we can all hope that these singles just brush off the nasty comments and take comfort in the fact that they still have a life outside of the show and away from crazy fans of the show. Lol

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