Recap: Single’s Inferno Season 4, Episode 7

Whew! This is a long one today. And it’s only for one episode! lololol Once again, my thoughts in italics throughout. =)

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 7 Recap

Arin and Dongho DJ on the helicopter before arriving in Seoul. Arin jokes that she will always think of Dongho whenever she crosses the Dongho Bridge like they are doing right now.

They have dinner in their hotel room. Arin says she is 25 and correctly guesses that he is 30. Dongho correctly guesses that she is a model and she also correctly guesses that he works in an office.

They then realize that not only do their work in the same area, they also both live in Wangsimni. They say they probably crossed paths a lot.

They talk about the first Paradise matching and how they almost went together if she chose him instead of Theo. But now, she is not interested in chatting with anyone else. That’s why she mustered up the courage to talk with him earlier even as they kept getting interrupted.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 7 Recap

After dinner, they head to the pool. They agree that they will have more opportunities to talk now and they promise to work at whatever the next game is so they can win.

They head back to the room for some beer and Pringles before going to sleep and they joke about cooking for each other at home.

Nice evening for them, I guess. No drama. Just finally getting a chance to spend time together.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 7 Recap

Jiyeon and Tehwan have dinner. She reveals that she is a spatial designer, working with brands and companies on events as well as contributing her ideas for their designs.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 7 Recap
omg, crushing harder for Jiyeon, tbh lol

Tehwan says he is a DJ and runs an underground club in Itaewon.

Though I would never expect him to say he’s acted in a BL drama, I really thought he would just be an actor. So it was a pleasant and interesting surprise that he’s also a DJ and a club owner. lol

Jiyeon correctly guesses he is 31 years old and he guesses she is 27. But she’s actually 25. Tehwan says it’s because she has a mature vibe.

The hosts are shocked and quite disappointed as they though Tehwan was much younger and Jiyeon was much older.

And this is why I fast forward through those cutaways with the hosts. Absolutely annoying. lol

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 7 Recap

They talk about lunch today and how Jiyeon was a bit bothered by Haelin sitting next to Tehwan. She kept looking at him, but he never looked back. But he says they made a lot of eye contact and jokes that he thought they were communicating through telepathy.

Tehwan tells us that her being jealous is very cute.

After dinner, Jiyeon and Tehwan head to Lotte World Ice Rink and have fun for the rest of the evening.

That was probably the cutest, if not best date so far. At least for this season, if not across all four seasons, tbh. I think it’s also because it was Jiyeon and Tehwan so their sweet, innocent vibes matched well with the romantic ice skating date.

Before we get to the stars of this episode…

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 7 Recap

Back on Inferno, Hyejin and Jeongsu have a chat. She says it feels like he is equally nice to everyone. He acknowledges that he likes to take care of people. But she says that can make it confusing. I guess so, he replies.

Hyejin asks to his top pick is and he says it’s Sian. “I thought so,” Hyejin replies.

Good for him being honest!

Jeongsu says he’s not good at multi-tasking, so right now he wants to keep things simple and just get to know Sian better. Hyejin says she will cheer him on and he says likewise.

Not sure them wishing each other well was sincere though lol

Hyejin says she’s said and heard everything she needs to. But Jeongsu says he wants them to hang out here more.


“You’re doing it again,” Hyejin says.

I Agree!

In her confessional, Hyejin tells us she was getting angry during that entire conversation. But now, she’s decided to focus on Jonghoon.

Jeongsu tells us that he’s not someone who’s worth having your feelings hurt over. So that’s why he tried to let her down easy. But he acknowledges that might be why she was more confused.

Oooo… uh, I don’t know about that… lol

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 7 Recap

Elsewhere, Theo and Youjin are chatting in the room. He says he told Sian that she should continue to get to know the other guys better so that in the end, she can realize he is truly the one for her.

Youjin says she feels she can better express herself now. But it’s still a bit depressing, especially when Arin was in the bed next to her earlier when it was announced she’d be going to Paradise with Dongho. Theo encourages her to keep trying. But Youjin says she’s not like him and the way he can express himself so easily. Theo tells her she should not have any regrets.

Very nice to see friendship convos like this. Wish we could get more. Really, just more interactions between everyone. But the show seems to insist on regulating when, where and how they all interact with each other.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 7 Recap

Jeongsu and Haelin head to the dining area to chat. She asks who he chose to go to Paradise with today and he says Sian because he wanted to talk to her more. He adds that he is interested in two people and wanted to confirm those feelings.

Jeongsu says he enjoyed the time he spent with Haelin, especially when she is his ideal type, appearance-wise. He adds that he likes her, but he’s not good at multitasking. So he wanted to spend time with Sian to try and figure out his confusion at the moment.

Haelin asks what Sian’s charm is and he says it is her personality. She asks if she and Sian have any differences and he says they are completely different. With Haelin, he feels the urge to take care of her and do more for her. With Sian, she “weighs on [his] mind.” Haelin does not know what that means.

Jeongsu says he has no idea right now. Haelin says she was curious about whether he had feelings for her and who she was. And with Jeongsu being so caring and attentive, it confused her.

Jeongsu says he’s not that attentive to others. But Haelin says he really is, that’s why she was curious about his true feelings.

Didn’t he just say he likes to take care of everyone? Lol

Haelin says she is cold and he offers her his jacket. Jeongsu says he feels out of it right now and she suggests they should go and get some sleep now. He says that would be too bad.

“I don’t get you,” Haelin says. “The things you say are all over the place.”

Is the alcohol talking? I think it is! Moar alcohol for the singles please! We need moar drama lol

Haelin says she does not like being confused. Jeongsu says he’s been clear so that there wouldn’t be any confusion. He wants to hang out, but not in his current state since he’s so out of it.

Haelin tells us that she would have preferred he was honest about his feelings for Sian rather than more of this leading on. Jeongsu tells us that he was clear about his feelings for Sian. Unless he wasn’t, asking the show’s directors.

And now to the stars of this episode!

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 7 Recap

Sian and Junseo arrive at the restaurant and start their dinner while revealing their ages. Junseo says he did not expect to be here today, thinking that he did not express himself enough to her. So he was surprised and relieved when his name was called out.

Sian says she was grateful he approached her first yesterday and that he did express himself well. She wonders though why he didn’t answer the question about who he wanted to go to Paradise with last night. Junseo says he knows how Theo feels about her and wanted to be considerate of that. He doesn’t think it should be casually revealed in a drinking game, especially when he hasn’t been as public with his feelings for her.

Sian admits that she feels like she’s holding back her feelings from the people she wants to go to Paradise with. She doesn’t want to cause misunderstandings because of her changing feelings. That’s why she hopes to quickly sort out her feelings after today so she can more freely express herself.

Junseo asks if she has mixed feelings and she says she just has a lot to think about. She says it was fun until Day 3 or 4, but now her energy has dropped because she doesn’t know how to process her feelings.

Junseo understands and says there’s nothing wrong with feeling that way. All she has to do is set aside those thoughts and just take in the moment now first. Sian says she will focus on him today.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 7 Recap

They head to the hotel and Sian puts her feet in the rose petal-filled hot tub. Junseo watches Sian as she picks the petals off of a rose.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 7 Recap

They move to the bedroom and she asks if there’s anyone he would like to go on dates with. He says he knows everyone well enough now that he doesn’t think anyone else will interest him. Sian says he feels more mature, masculine and cool today.

Junseo asks her what she thinks of Theo since he has been very outward with his feelings. She says that she likes him. But that she has become confused today since she likes Junseo too. It keeps changing every day.

Sian says she’s only sharing this with him. She doesn’t even talk to the other girls about this. Junseo says he can’t talk to the other guys either.

Sian says being attracted to several people is so strange. It would be unimaginable outside of here.

And isn’t that the point! It’s great that they acknowledge this. There is nothing wrong with it in this situation. They’re on a TV show that lasts 10 days. It’s to be expected that they get confused and will have fluctuating feelings.

Sian tells us that Jeongsu is kind and polite and she gets kilig in those moments. With Theo, he is playful and cute. And with Junseo, he has a tough guy vibe. Not warm and tender, but a mature and strong leadership vibe.

Sian’s honest thoughts got me thinking about the format. Perhaps it’s better that there is no prize at the end. I don’t know how it works on other shows like Love Island. But a prize would force the singles to “settle” for someone just to win money. But here on Singles inferno, the singles will continue to pursue who they are most attracted to even if they have rivals for that person. If a prize was involved, then they might give up easily and just go for whoever they might match with. Rather than pursue their true feelings. So maybe this format does have its advantages from a TV perspective.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 7 Recap

Junseo and Sian also have a late drink. She reminds him again to call her by her name and not just “Ya”. She asks how often he would see a girlfriend when dating and he says once a week at least. She asks what they would argue about. Junseo says he is stubborn and doesn’t consider other thoughts or perspectives. So that is something he needs to work on.

Junseo says he doesn’t think arguing is a bad thing as it helps you understand yourself and each other better. You learn a lot about each other. And he says he wouldn’t have learned some things about himself otherwise.

Sian asks what kind of relationship he wants. Junseo says he just wants to follow his heart. He wants to be with someone he wants to be with and it will all work out.

Sian says he is the easiest to talk to and they can have a natural conversation.

I agree. I think they can just talk about anything rather than focus on the flirting. Sometimes a more natural conversation can end up expressing more feelings than a more flirty chat can.

Junseo asks what she thought of him the first time they met. Sian says she wasn’t interested at all. But he was the one she didn’t talk with and he wouldn’t talk to her outside the designated times for talking.

Aha! Designated times for talking? So the show really discourages them to talk to each other unless they have the cameras in the right place. Something like that? That’s the hard part I guess. This isn’t Big Brother with cameras at every spot. But still, His Man of all shows can catch all the convos (albeit in a house and not on an island). I think Single’s Inferno should be able to have enough cameras to follow the singles around so they can freely talk to each other.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 7 Recap

Their lack of interaction made her curious about him and want to get to know him. Now, she sees he is different from what she expected and she likes him a lot more. She feels this was like a genuine date. And she feels she can be herself when she talks to him. She is relaxed and honest. That’s why their convos seem to flow so much better.

Sian says she just has a lot on her mind. Junseo tells her she doesn’t have to pick him, but that he wants her to be genuine and honest. No need to hide or sugarcoat her feelings.

She admits that she is confused. Like, for example, how she wasn’t interested in him yesterday and now it is a different story. Seeing herself like this confuses her.

Junseo asks who she likes the most and she says Theo. He expresses his feelings a lot and that has caused her to keep thinking about him.

Junseo says that’s exactly what he wanted her to say.

See! Good honest convo. Two mature people! As much as we want fun, soapy drama, this is very refreshing to watch as well.

But Sian reiterates that she has developed feelings for Junseo and she is unsure.
She starts to cry. “My feelings are all over the place,” she says. Junseo understands and tells her she doesn’t have to say anything more.

She goes to the restroom and he follows. They continue to talk and he tells her she can cry as much as she needs to. She again says it’s nothing like that, she is just confused about her feeelings.

She’s probably crying because she was afraid the crazy fans would go after her for liking three guys lol Which, again, is not something she should feel bad about.

Sian says in her confessional that she hates being indecisive and feeling like a person with no backbone. At the same time, she knows it is understandable to feel this way. She has genuine feelings and Junseo helped her to release these pent up emotions.

When youre on a show like this, it is definitely understandable and not anything about having no backbone. Again, I’d be more suspicious of someone who decides on Day 1 who they will stick with until the end. This isn’t some dreamy love at first sight scenario, after all.

They head back to the table and she says she thinks she understands a bit more now after her good cry. She says she will just follow her heart. But she never thought something like this would happen within ten days.

Junseo declares that they will return her to Paradise one more time before it’s all over.

Recap: Single’s Inferno Season 4, Episode 7

Later, they head to the bedroom and Sian says they can sleep together in the bed. This is both their first time sleeping in a queen size bed. She asks if he is drunk, but he says no. She admits she had three glasses.

Junseo asks why she cried earlier. She says it’s just complicated because the only person she’s opened up to is him.

Junseo suddenly gets on top of her to look at the clock on the side table.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 7 Recap

After getting a glimpse of her true feelings, he says he has the confidence to clearly express himself now. She doesn’t have to confirm anything for him. Even though they haven’t talked much, he now also understands how he feels.

Sian says she feels the same way.

Junseo asks if there are any times she felt nervous and Sian replies, “Now.”

Junseo hugs her under the covers.

“It’s a bit of a shame to just go to sleep,” she says. He agrees and then goes under the covers.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 7 Recap

Episode Thoughts

Oh!!! Ohhh!!!

Lol. The only time I actually agree with the hosts’ reactions. Lol Now usually, I’d just do a quick recap of both episodes together. But this episode was pretty packed and actually not much to fast forward through (other than the hosts of course).

So many great, honest conversations. Not so much the flirty, giggly, sometimes playing to the cameras kind of moments. But these singles actually being honest and potentially sincere with each other.

And not just about them liking each other. But also expressing their confusion and wanting to have clarity on where they all stand with one another.

This episode might be one of the most refreshing of the series since season one. This is the first time in a long time across three and a half seasons that I feel like this is as close to a “reality” show as the series has been and not the structured, lightly-guided and directed pseudo-K-drama that it had become.

Of course, Sian mentioned something about them being stuck within designated times to speak to each other. Which I have been annoyed about since season one.

It skews the singles’ feelings into something that might be easier for the show to edit into episodes. But this episode was interesting in spite of the self-imposed limitations of the format. Not because of it.

Anyway, let’s move on to Episode 8. Are they gonna have sex? I doubt it. lol But at the very least, the honesty and possible sincerity in the convos this episode is really the most refreshing and interesting the show has been in a long time.

2 thoughts on “Recap: Single’s Inferno Season 4, Episode 7

  1. I appreciate being able to come to your recaps and look at things without having to go through the episodes itself again lol

    I actually like all the singles this time. No one is annoying too much.

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