Recap: Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger, Episode 46 – The Future is In Your Hands

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 46 Recap

Taiya recalls the night of BunBun’s crash landing on Earth. At the impact site, he had picked up a glowing ball. BunBun said it was not his, so Taiya wondered if it maybe had been buried in the ground and was unearthed from the impact of the crash.

BunBun advised Taiya to hang on to it since it felt warm, cozy and powerful.

Genba suggests it might be a crystallization of Earth’s life energy. Taiya is sure that if this crisis is the one foretold by Princess Nicola, then that ball is the key to reviving BunBun.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 46 Recap

Just then, they notice BunBun’s turning into sand. Byundi says he is wasting away and offers his body’s energy and parts to help stop BunBun’s decay. Taiya asks if he’s truly okay with that. Byundi says it is the least he can do. He feels he should’ve been the first one to notice Bundorio’s screams.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 46 Recap

Taiya looks over to Sakito who nods back in approval.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 46 Recap

Taiya gives Genba the princess’ pendant. Mira and Jou say they will come with. But Genba asks Mira to stay with Taiya as he is still worried about him. Mira understands.

As Taiya thanks Byundi for his sacrifice, Sakito also runs to accompany Genba and Jou.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 46 Recap

Elsewhere, the Sanseaters are nervous that even someone like Disrace was disposable. It makes them wonder what Spindo thought of MadRex. But Grantu had said Spindo highly regards them, so they decide to just continue to do their best with the Earth plan.

Just then, Yaruka is quickly summoned by Grantu. Grantu explains that all active Yarukas in the universe are controlled at his will. And at this moment, elite Yarukas are on their way to Earth. The phenomenon of Yaruka reacting to and swallowing large amounts of Gassholin is a classified order by Spindo.

Ittasha and Dekotorade realize that’s why Yaruka would act on his own. But Grantu says Yaruka is different because he was remodeled by Cannonborg. That’s why…

Grantu suddenly keys in Yaruka and turns him into a Kurumaju. Ittasha and Dekotorade are shocked, saying he doesn’t have to do that to Yaruka. But Grantu says they have been failures so this is what has to be done. Spindo orders them to defeat the Boonboomger. And when that happens, Spindo will make them commanding officers.

Yaruka is eager to grab this opportunity.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 46 Recap

Back at the warehouse, Taiya works to transfer Byundi’s energy to BunBun and it seems to stop BunBun’s decay. Byundi again says to transplant some of his parts into BunBun if needed.

Just then, Shirabe calls the Boonbooms and reports that governments around the world have stationed Killer Robos with the guise of being a peacekeeping system. The Boonbooms are still considered the enemy and the Hashiryans are a blessing that connects Earth to the universe.

Shashiro had told Shirabe that no one wants the truth anymore. The ISA and Hashiryan are showing the world news that is convenient and the world is eating it all up.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 46 Recap

Taiya says Shashiro chose his lane so he can say whatever the hell he wants. Mira says Taiya doesn’t need to be so mature about it. She asks why he isn’t frustrated that people look down on the Boonboomgers.

Shirabe says that she is frustrated and that’s why she will fight too. Though she cannot tell them where she is now, she says that she is also a Boonboom.

Shirabe looks at BunBun on her lockscreen after she hangs up. After Shashiro told her that she was forgetting someone, Shirabe has decided that if she can’t get close to the director, Mr. Naito is the next best option.

Speaking of, Mr. Naito is speaking with Spindo about an all out attack on Earth. It’s the first he’s heard of this. But Spindo says that he needs Gassholin that is not from Earth. Think of it as a bit of seasoning.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 46 Recap

Meanwhile, all roads leading to Taiya’s estate have been blocked off. Genba tells Jou and Sakito that he will leave the decoy work to them as he heads off to find a way in.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 46 Recap

Jou and Sakito walk straight to the ISA and police line. The enemies of the Earth are here, Sakito says.

Jou and Sakito fight the ISA forces and police officers. A fellow police officer tells Jou to forgive him, but he is just following orders. You think those orders are the right thing to do, Jou asks.

Suddenly, Maimi arrives and shoots her gun in the air. Officers restrain both Jou and Sakito. Maimi says Jou is a police officer who must obey them.

Jou says the Hashiryan are manipulating everyone and these officers of law have lost sight of what justice is. What they’re doing is wrong.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 46 Recap

Inside the Garage, the ISA agents are called out for backup. That allows Genba to slip in. He holds the pendant up and it glows, leading him to a box where the glowing ball is.

But Shashiro appears, pointing his gun at Genba.

What are you scheming, Shashiro asks. They battle in the Garage, but Genba is able to run. Shashiro chases after him through the halls of Taiya’s estate.

But Genba is able to get away after Shashiro stops himself from tripping the wire tape Genba has set up in the hallway.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 46 Recap

Back outside, Maimi declares it is Jou who is in the wrong. Only those with power decide what justice is. And the new era that is being built with the Hashiryan is the true justice.

Jou says that if that is what justice is today, then he is not afraid to be wrong. If he has to avert his eyes from the truth and not save someone from their screaming, then he will quit the force. Officer or not, he will protect those who need protecting, no matter who he has to fight.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 46 Recap

Sakito says Jou is very bakuage.

Just then, the Sanseaters arrive. Sakito is able to break free of the officers’ hold. But Yaruka uses his new powers to shoot at them all. Jou turns and tells the officers and ISA troops to get to safety. Maimi orders the forces to retreat and leave the two enemies of Earth to the Hashiryans.

Jou and Sakito henshin and battle Yaruka who uses the powers of the fallen Kurumaju. Dekotorade and Ittasha cheer him on. But Yaruka starts to overheat. They start to worry as Yaruka sends a bombardment of attacks at Jou and Sakito.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 46 Recap

Genba arrives and he gives the ball bag to Sakito who speeds off to deliver it. Genba henshins and he and Jou continue the battle as Champion. Dekotorade and Ittasha get themselves to safety as Yaruka’s Gassholin starts to really bubble up. Genba says at this rate, Yaruka will explode and take everything out around them.

Yaruka continues his Gastomize rampage on the rooftop. Dekotorade and Ittasha beg him to stop. But they decide they need to defeat him quickly so he can return back to normal, otherwise he might meet the same fate as MadRex.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 46 Recap

Jou and Genba are able to deliver a Champion Booster Drive finisher to neutralize the Gassholin and return Yaruka to his normal form. Dekotorade and Ittasha hurry over. Yaruka says he is exhausted. I guess we owe them, they acknowledge.

But the Gassholin floats in the air and the highway portal opens as Yarukas speed out and into the Gassholin blob. Dekotorade and Ittasha feel sorry for the Yarukas who are speeding toward their deaths. They decide to show everyone their pride as lackeys.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 46 Recap

Back at the warehouse, Sakito arrives with the ball. Byundi says the ball’s energy will spread through BunBun once Taiya fuses it with him.

Taiya puts the ball into BunBun’s body and his finger twitches. BunBun seems to start moving.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 46 Recap

But then everything shuts back down. It does not work. Byundi does not understand. BunBun had stopped decaying so he should be able to start again.

Taiya is devastated.

Back outside, the Yarukas have combined into an embiggened Kurumaju. Jou says they don’t have BunBun, Byundi or any of the Cars. But suddenly, the Sanseaters appear in their Killer Robo.

The Sanseaters call out, “Are you watching this Spindo?” They won’t let him have things his way and they will not let anyone be disposable.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 46 Recap

Jou and Genba look on, wondering why the Sanseaters are doing this.

The Sanseaters battle the Kurumaju until they are able to impale it and fly up into the sky.

The Sanseaters give it everything they’ve got until their Killer Robo and the Kurumaju explode in the air.

Spindo says Grantu could’ve done a better job. He admits that it was an embarrassing display but he reports that a second wave of Yaruka are on the way.

Director Tokoyari calls Spindo and says they have to deal with this Killer Robo incident properly. And he has a suggestion. On Earth, there is one way to drum up support from people other than using force between two sides.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 46 Recap

Back at the warehouse, Jou and Genba return. But they all suddenly receive a call.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 46 Recap

Taiya, Mira, Jou and Genba go out to meet Shashiro who has a message from the director.

The director proposes a ceasefire between the Boonboomger and the Hashiryan. One that will be made via a marriage between Spindo and BunPink.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 46 Recap

Mira screams Absolutely not!

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 46 Recap

Episode Thoughts

Um… okay? Now that might be the biggest twist of the season yet! Lol Though I guess it is a nice callback to the very first episode of the season of course with Mira’s wedding.

Let me get my slight criticism out of the way first before I rave about everything else. Lol But the show is definitely driving too much over the speed limit it seems. They’re thinking they’re on the I-5 driving 100mph when they should be following the 70mph speed limit! Lol What I mean to say is this whole control the world, propaganda, political stuff could have started a few episodes earlier I think instead of having to be rushed through like this in the final episodes.

This is actually quite good story. The evil forces manipulating the world against our heroes. So my gripe is that it deserved maybe an episode or two more. See more of the Boonbooms having to hide and fight back. See more of the Hashiryans working with the ISA, Mr. Naito, governments of the world, etc. That would be very interesting.

Still, I won’t get too ahead of the show. Even if there’s only two episodes left. (!!!!!!!!!!!!) Let’s just see what they will hold.

But back to this episode. Wowowoww! Just amazing! Every minute of it, even that last minute with that blue traitor (lol) meeting with the Boonbooms, it was all so good. Emotionally affecting. And that is a result of, again, all the episodes (45 in this case) that have come before it to make it all work.

The moments in this episode, from Jou’s bakuage and honorable declaration of justice to Shirabe’s call to the Boonbooms to Genba and Shashiro’s confrontation to Taiya’s emotional whiplash to Byundi’s willing sacrifice for his best bro to Maimi’s ice cold, gun-pointing response to Jou and Sakito to the Sanseaters apparent suicide mission. My goodness, all of this happened in one episode? Yes it all did. And it all landed safely and perfectly thanks to the strong and deep foundation the show has built up all year.

Let’s take it piece by piece. First of all, the feels I got when Shirabe called the Boonbooms, proudly proclaiming that she is part of the Boonbooms and then her holding her BunBun lockscreened-phone tight! Phew! I was just about tearing up there. A wonderful scene.

And, I guess a quick nitpick here, I wish we got more of Shirabe this season doing things like this. Working against the corruption in the ISA. Taking things into her own hands like she did piloting a Boonboom Car. That was so good!

Then there’s Jou and Sakito going up against the ISA troops and police officers and the ice maiden Maimi. Excellent scene seeing them fight the forces of the corrupt. But I think we were all Sakito when he was in awe of Jou being bakuage and declaring he will always fight whoever he needs to in order to protect the peoples. If justice has taken on a new meaning in today’s world, he does not care if he’s wrong. So awesome! That’s our cool Officer Jou right there!

Speaking of cool. Setting our momentary annoyance with that traitorous blue spy aside (lol), I loved seeing Shashiro chasing Genba through the halls of Taiya’s estate.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 46 Recap

It was one of the few fleeting moments of seeing spyShashiro in live action and it was absolutely badass! Mr. Toei! Some TTFC specials of spyShashiro’s mission please! Hehe.

All those scenes in the warehouse were also pitch perfect. Loved seeing the show not forgetting that bond between BunBun and Byundi. I know other seasons of Kamen Rider and Sentai would have just tossed that plot thread aside. But Boonboomger will not. And it was a wonderfully powerful character moment for Byundi. Not hesitating to help his dear friend like that. Especially after what their friendship has been through. And then that quick moment with Sakito helping Byundi up on the table as they watch Taiya with BunBun.

Also the moment at the start of the episode when Sakito nods to Taiya after Byundi offers himself to help BunBun. All little character moments that mean so much.

Very sad watching Taiya this episode of course. But that moment where BunBun seemingly starts to move is actually so fun and creative. We’re obviously in a car-focused season. BunBun is a vehicle of some sort. (hehe) So why not incorporate the idea of a crank no start into the story. Turning the key, car cranks up, but does not turn on. That’s what that scene was with BunBun! I immediately thought of that. So what might the problem be with BunBun? Needs a new battery perhaps? Hehe. We’ll have to wait and find out what that battery will be!

Interesting though that the princess’ pendant was just a plot device to introduce the glowing disco ball lol Though we don’t really know what that ball is yet. I actually very much like that it wasn’t a simple deus ex machina type thing that immediately brought BunBun back to life. It will make BunBun’s eventual resurrection all the more powerful. Especially if it might come at a time when the Boonbooms might need him most. (In the finale? Hehe)

Finally, the Sanseaters. They have been such an interesting trio all season. Clumsy goofballs. Merciless villains at times. But also relatable characters with surprising depth. They just wanted to find their place in the world. Find their lane. They got into the wrong lane, that’s for sure. But their sense of friendship and loyalty has been done quite well. Which again, makes their climactic moment in this episode feel supported, well-earned and deserved.

They haven’t been innocent. (Though they’re certainly no Stomach Family lol) But their bond with each other and respect for MadRex allowed them to realize what was right and wrong for them. They didn’t necessarily befriend the Boonbooms like other clumsy villains in past seasons. As shown by Jou and Genba being a bit taken aback by their actions here. But them caring for Yaruka and then risking it all in the Killer Robo to defeat the Kurumaju makes perfect sense for both their characters and the overall narrative as well. Only a well-executed and tightly-written season can accomplish something like that.

And that is what Boonboomger has been. But I’ll wait two weeks before I continue gushing about this season. Just two more episodes left, sadly. But after another excellent episode like this one, I know those two remaining episodes will have a lot of bakuage goodness in store for us.

6 thoughts on “Recap: Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger, Episode 46 – The Future is In Your Hands

  1. Very Saint Seiyaesque episode with Vicious Maimi as cynical in her vision of justice as Pisces Aphrodite and the Three Sanseaters who sacrifice themselves like Shiryu against Capricorn Shura… although we aren’t still sure of their death yet. Look forward to the finale, it will be cracked-up!

  2. Gozyuger cast reveal, shouma’s identity reveal ,gavvalen break up, sanseaters sacrifice,and now spindo gonna marry mira?!

    Man lots of things happened this week, and I love all

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