Recap: Single’s Inferno Season 4, Episodes 5 and 6

Recap: Single’s Inferno Season 4, Episodes 5 and 6

So I’ll be recapping Single’s Inferno like I did His Man and point the most interesting moments as they happen in the show and then insert my side comments in italics before a wrap-up at the end =)

Episode 5 picks up from the last cliffhanger where the ladies learn they will decide the fate of three new guys. Only one will get to return to Inferno with them. And to help them decide, they will each spend 10 minutes with the guys.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 5-6 Recap

The three guys, Jong Hoon, Ki Ha and Seong Bo understand the stakes and know they have to make a good impression here.

After having their little chats, the ladies write their choices on a train ticket to drop in a mailbox. Jiyeon votes for Ki Ha. Minseol and Arin vote for Seongbo. Hyejin, Sian and Youjin vote for Jong Hoon and he is now officially an Inferno Single.

The Voice comes on the speakers to announce that Jong Hoon will now choose two ladies to go on a date in Paradise with. Jong Hoon chooses Hyejin and Sian.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 5-6 Recap

All the guys seemed alright. But obviously each lady will have their own preference. Which is what we want to see. We don’t want everyone to go after the same person of course. And Jong Hoon charmed the most ladies. This speed dating twist is probably one of the better twists of the show in a while. Which the show definitely needs.

Back on Inferno, the guys are having a simple lunch while guessing what the new guy might look like. They see someone walking up the path to the dining area. But instead of a new guy, it’s an eye-catching new girl.

The new girl is Haelin and the guys invite her to sit down across from her. Tehwan takes the initiative to offer her water first. After first impressions, Haelin says two guys have caught her eye; one fitting her ideal personality-type and other her ideal appearance. Though she hopes to have a chat with each of the guys this afternoon.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 5-6 Recap

Haelin is a good addition as well. She is definitely different from the other ladies, both in looks and personality. So that can provide some interesting new dynamics, we hope. Honestly, it’s taken these six episodes for me to tell most of the ladies apart!

After some campfire chicken and beer, Haelin chats one on one with the guys. But the show only features two of her chats; with Dongho and Jeongsu. And she seems to vibe with both. We know where this is going lol

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 5-6 Recap

Back in Seoul, Jong Hoon goes on his dates. First a dinner with Sian where she and we learn he is a 30 year old owner of two restaurants. He says Sian was the first who grabbed his attention as he walked in.

Next, Jong Hoon has a small bite at the bar with Hyejin. He compliments both Sian and Hyejin on their looks, but says Hyejin is the prettiest one. He adds that she looked intimidating at first, but now realizes she’s very easy-going.

I thought they would have only one date. Like, he would date both ladies at the same time. Which would’ve been much more interesting lol Watch how the ladies try to impress him against each other. Or maybe they’re all friendly and it’s more comfortable that way. And also how Jong Hoon might try to connect with each lady similarly or differently.

Also, I thought the other ladies would have to fly back to Inferno tonight. But they apparently get to enjoy Paradise for the night. Which again touches on one of my criticisms of the show the last season where they spend more time in Paradise rather than on Inferno. Which, considering the title of the show, seems odd.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 5-6 Recap

Next day, the four ladies return to Inferno first and find only three guys having lunch together. The seven singles fill each other in on the new people and the guys inform the ladies that Jeongsu and Dongho have gone to Paradise with the new girl.

After they’re all up to speed, Sian, Hyejin and Jong Hoon arrive. The guys acknowledge Jong Hoon will be a tough competitor.

After lunch, they all head to the pool for some afternoon fun. Minseol keeps an eye on Junseo who is “hovering” around Sian while Theo also makes sure to stay close as well.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 5-6 Recap

See! More of these types of moments! Having them all hangout as a group.

Pretty soon, it’s time for dinner. Which apparently has already been cooked for them, so all they have to do is serve themselves and each other. During dinner, various singles try to do little things to express their feelings and attraction to their chosen single.

And after dinner, the singles get more beer and snacks.

Theo invites Sian to the abandoned train car where they enjoy their flirty conversation before Theo gives Sian a flower ring he made last night, which she appreciates.

Those are plastic flowers right? It looked like it lol I mean, the set designers would not want to have wilted flowers as decorations of course lol

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 5-6 Recap

Meanwhile, Jiyeon and Tehwan have an honest convo about their previous relationships. Tehwan, trying to show he is a good listener, mentions something about Jiyeon wearing contacts for eight years. But it turns out that it was not her, but another girl who talked about that. Oops! They laugh it off.

Elsewhere, Minseol and (an already drunk) Junseo are chatting and reminiscing about their great experience in Paradise together. They talk about how comfortable they feel around each other.

Junseo is the best drunk on the show I think. He’s hilarious! Lol

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 5-6 Recap

Minseol and Junseo ask each other if they want to talk to someone else and they mention Theo and Sian, respectively. They decide to go look for them.

Sian is chatting with Arin and tells her that while she keeps coming back to Jeongsu, Theo is who she is drawn to the most at the moment. She also doesn’t feel any pressure when around Theo.

Moving into Episode 6, Junseo invites Sian to talk under the tree and she offers to straighten his hair with her flat iron tomorrow. She then asks if he’s narrowed down his choices and is surprised when he says he is interested in her. He mentions that he feels comfortable with both Minseol and her, but their coffee date is when he felt something different. And that motivates him to want to go to Paradise with her.

Sian asks if Junseo could ever fall in love within 10 days. He says that’s never happened to him before.

When they return to the group chatting in front of the rooms, Sian goes to the swings to get herself to sober up.

Yes! More alcohol please! Lol Like on Big Brother, the more alcohol, the more potential fun drama there can be! It also allows them to be more honest with their feelings and maybe not so careful and conscious about what they’re saying. None of this ensuring their image, you know? lol

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 5-6 Recap

The show rewinds to earlier today in Seoul. Haelin and Jeongsu have a date on a boat. She reveals she is a 24 year old college student studying acting. He tells her that she has a pretty distinct character and there’s no one like her on Inferno.

After lunch, they have fun with tubes in the water.

Next, Haelin has dinner with Dongho who reveals he is a 30 year old CPA. She says she picked Jeongsu because she felt she had a lot in common with him and she picked Dongho because she felt they were so opposite.

And sure enough, they are very different from each other with different likes and interests. But she says she likes that. Though she guesses Dongho is also the opposite in that regard. She adds that he probably isn’t typically into girls like her. He admits that’s true, but he is also curious about her now.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 5-6 Recap

On the way back to the hotel, she falls asleep in the car and Dongho steals glances at her.

Next morning after breakfast, Haelin, Dongho and Jeongsu arrive and all the singles meet each other for the first time. They are all a bit overwhelmed by Haelin’s cheery, energetic personality. The ladies are taken aback when she calls them all “unni”.

The singles hole themselves up in their rooms again. And that gives Sian, Youjin and Arin time to chat with Haelin about who she likes. Arin and Sian are a bit jealous about Haelin being interested in the two guys they are interested in.

Arin and Sian chat with Dongho and Jeongsu and grill them about their time in Paradise with Haelin. After Arin and Dongho leave, Hyejin joins Sian and Jeongsu and also starts asking him questions.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 5-6 Recap

After some awkward silence, Haelin and Youjin arrive. Haelin’s mere presence annoys Sian so much she leaves, saying she is a bit sleepy. Hyejin agrees and as Sian walks away, Haelin comments that she seems to be the only girl who isn’t sleepy today.

Dongho and Arin try to have a chat in the dining area, but everyone keeps interrupting them until The Voice comes on telling everyone to head to the swimming pool.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 5-6 Recap

Today’s game has the singles paired up. The women will wear a cap and hop on the men’s back in the pool and try to knock it off each other’s head. The last couple standing will get to choose another single to go on a date with.

The singles draw colored balls to determine their partner. Hyejin draws the gray ball so she will have to sit out this game.

The first match-up is Youjin/Jeongsu vs. Sian/Dongho. Sian manages to knock Youjin’s cap off first.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 5-6 Recap

The second match-up has Haelin/Tehwan defeating Jiyeon/Theo and the third match-up sees Minseol/Junghoon beating Arin/Junseo.

The three winning couples face off in the last match-up. Sian knocks Haelin’s cap off first and then Minseol’s.

For the afternoon dates, Sian chooses Jeongsu and Dongho picks Arin.

Sian and Jeongsu chat a little before admitting to each other that they don’t think they have to look at anyone else. Jeongsu a little more tepid in his admission than Sian, but still expressing his feelings for her nonetheless.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 5-6 Recap

With Dongho and Arin, he starts by describing his trip to Paradise with Haelin yesterday. He says the trip allowed him to know what direction he’s heading toward in terms of his choice. Arin says her day was boring in comparison. He is sad that she wasn’t able to talk and meet with the other guys in the meantime. She tells him that she was waiting for him all day and felt kind of weird seeing him carrying the “new girl’s” stuff and seeing her looking at him all the time.

Just then, The Voice announces that it’s time to Paradise Match. The men have chosen who they want to go to Paradise with. The women will now step out and name which guy they prefer.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 5-6 Recap

Youjin is first and she wants to go with Dongho. But it is not a match. Haelin and Arin both also choose Dongho. But Dongho chooses Arin, of course. Youjin is annoyed by Arin being so chatty and excited as she collects her things before leaving. Haelin, meanwhile, is determined to win Dongho next chance she gets.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 5-6 Recap

Jiyeon and Tehwan match and leave for Paradise next.

Hyejin chooses Jonghoon, but it is not a match. Minseol chooses Theo, realizing after talking with Junseo yesterday and him saying he was interested in getting to know Sian that she should also expand her horizons. So Theo was the most interesting for her.

Theo, Jeongsu, Jonghoon and Junseo all choose Sian. And Sian decides on Junseo.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 5-6 Recap

Take that irrelevant studio hosts!

Episodes Thoughts

Lol Seriously though. I hate how they use the studio hosts to try and drive the narrative when the singles can do it on their own. No need to forcibly push something in one direction just so this cliffhanger with Sian choosing Junseo is somehow more shocking, as an example.

It’s actually not surprising at all, even without their yapping.

It gets to this idea which I don’t get about choosing someone on Day 1 and sticking to them no matter what. Like, it’s somehow impossible to maybe forge a stronger connection with someone else after, I dunno, you actually talk to other people? And then the idea of if you are feeling more than one person, you’re the bad guy (or girl) all of a sudden? Come on now.

So I don’t need the hosts’ horrible reads, scripted or not. lol Thank goodness for Fast Forward and skipping through. lol

I think part of the problem too, and I’ve whined about this since season 2 I think, is the singles don’t get enough opportunities to mingle. Especially when they’re getting shipped off to Paradise every night. I don’t remember right now, but someone mentioned how they hadn’t even had a chance to talk to someone because they were always away. Or how some people had not seen each for days. That’s horrible!

That’s why it was great to finally have everyone spend a night in Inferno for once. I don’t think this happened on season 3 other than one of the first nights and the night before the final choice. Craziness!

But the show needs to encourage more group interactions. Whether it’s through activities or games, etc. Force them to interact! Don’t keep them locked in their rooms all day.

Which reminds me. Why they don’t have them cooking their own meals anymore? Lots of fun flirting and tension happened during cooking for their meals. Now it’s just serving each other food which is far less interesting.

Have them do chores and cook food and all that. They don’t even have the long hike to the water jug this time around. They’re glamping now instead of roughing it on the supposedly “hell” island.

Again, the show seems to favor the one-on-one chats only which feels more and more “scripted” in the sense that they urge the singles to have these chats instead of more natural interactions during things like cooking or hanging out activities.

These two episodes (which totaled more than 3 hours!!!!) were a bit better overall. But there’s still lots of missed opportunities to improve the show in terms of drama and actually pairing these clout-chase… I mean, singles up.

As for the singles themselves, I’m still Team Jiyeon. She’s getting probably the least screentime. But I still like her the most. At this point, it seems she and Tehwan are destined for each other since no one else seems to be interested in either of them.

Kudos to Sian for not settling on Jeongsu and taking the opportunity to get to know Junseo more. And also kudos to Minseol for taking the futile initiative to get to know someone else aside from Junseo. Maybe she can have a chat with Theo in Inferno later that night. We’ll see if Theo sticks to Sian or if he expands his horizons too.

Somehow I’m not at that interested with the drama between the three ladies interested in Dongho. When compared to Haelin, Arin and Youjin are not as dynamic a character. So I guess I’m rooting for Haelin only because she’s so different from everyone else and a unique personality. Dongho is also a good guy with a great job. But we’ll have to see how the fight for him plays out in the coming weeks.

Overall, a solid two episodes. Though three hours was definitely a bit of a chore to get through. Thankfully there were at least interesting and enjoyable moments to keep me pushing through. lol

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