Recap: Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger, Episode 45 – Enemies of the Earth

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 45 Recap

A flashback to happier times, Taiya gives BunBun some hot cocoa, congratulating him on a job well done. Taiya asks what happens when someone like BunBun dies. BunBun says his body will turn to sand and his soul will go to his planet’s version of the afterlife. Taiya says that’s a very Earth way of thinking.

Even if I die, you keep heading for the BBG, BunBun says to Taiya, knowing what might happen if the Hashiryan were ever to come to Earth

Taiya says there would be no point if they’re not together. No matter what BunBun’s past is, it was his dream that won him over. And he vows to deliver BunBun to the BBG.

Okay, BunBun says and they wrist bump.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 45 Recap

In the present day, the others are watching as Taiya is working desperately on reviving BunBun.

Meanwhile, Spindo is having a meal with Mr. Naito. He asks Mr. Naito if it makes him shudder to think about the look of suffering on his favorite student. Naito says he did nothing more than teach him the reality of being an adult.

Spindo says both Mr. Naito and the director are scoundrels. Maimi says the director is surprised it was so easy to defeat Bundorio, expecting it to be a bigger deal.

Spindo says it was a big deal because now a weight has been lifted from his shoulders. And he’s now got an exciting aftertaste.

Downtown, the peoples are watching breaking news coverage of the Hashiryan officially offering to donate resources and technology from space with Spindo and Mr. Naito shaking hands to make a deal official. The news tries to gaslight the people into believing that any incidents that happened upon the initial arrival of the Hashiryan on Earth are just misunderstandings.

Mr. Naito reports to Spindo that the apology has gone a long way and more and more people are calling the Boonboomgers the enemy. Spindo says that’s why they need to continue their momentum.

Spindo revives Disrace and thanks him for helping to make his reunion with friend Bun possible. But now he has another job for him. Spindo slaps a strange mask on Disrace who says all he needs is 2000 minutes to perform this trick.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 45 Recap

Back at the warehouse, Genba and Jou arrive with some parts requested by Taiya. Genba suggests Taiya a break, but he refuses. Taiya also refuses an onigiri from Mira who urges him to eat something. Taiya reiterates that BunBun is gone and he cannot stop working until he can bring him back.

Sakito motions to Byundi and they both quietly leave.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 45 Recap

At the Garage, Shirabe unsuccessfully orders the ISA agents to stop. Shashiro confirms that the security systems of all the Boonboom Cars have been deactivated. These are everyone’s dreams! Shirabe protests. But Shashiro reminds her that he is doing what Shirabe was trying to do at first.

Shashiro says he already warned Taiya this would happen. So the Boonbooms becoming the enemy of Earth is on Taiya.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 45 Recap

Shirabe says she will not allow the director and Hashiryan get their way. But Shashiro points out that she is forgetting someone. “I know,” Shirabe says as she walks out the door.

At the warehouse, Taiya continues working. He tries to flip the switch, but nothing happens. He does it over and over to the same result. Jou, Mira and Genba can’t bear to watch Taiya like this.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 45 Recap

Genba speaks up and says Bundorio is not coming back. You are not the one to decide that! Taiya snaps. He’s sure he just needs different parts. Genba reminds Taiya that BunBun is not a robot. He had a living soul just like them. So who could possibly fix his soul with replacement parts.

Taiya says he could. A frustrated Genba says Taiya is being arrogant.

Mira pleads with Taiya to take a break and says he has the weakest grip on his handle right now that he can’t hear his own screams. She has him sit down at the table to eat curry she made according to the recipe BunBun taught her.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 45 Recap

If you don’t calm down, Mira says, you won’t be able to save anyone that needs saving.

Taiya takes a bite and it reminds him of BunBun. It tastes just like his cooking. Taiya is teary eyed as he finishes the bowl.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 45 Recap

Elsewhere on a rooftop in the city, Sakito says this was the first time he heard Taiya’s scream. He scoffs that Taiya is like people who meddle in other people’s business, but keep their lips sealed about their own desire to be saved. Byundi asks if Sakito wants to save Taiya.

Sakito says Byundi must also be upset about Bundorio. Byundi says it doesn’t feel real yet.

Down on the ground, Disrace is speaking to a crowd of people. The Sanseaters are shocked to see Disrace as he tries to rally the people into hating the Boonboomgers. He mind controls a few people who then riles everyone else up. The Sanseaters can’t believe humans can get whipped up like that so easily.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 45 Recap

Sakito and Byundi step forward to confront the crowd. If you want a Boonboomger, here I am, Sakito says. Byundi also remarks how easy it seems to be to sway people’s minds.

Sakito challenges them to bring it on. He admits he abandoned Earth long ago, so they can call him anything they want including be called “evil”. But he will not stand for the others being called names at all.

Sakito and Byundi do a roll call as Sakito henshins. He and Disrace battle. But the Sanseaters are shocked when they hear Sakito mention MadRex. They quickly inject themselves into the battle, demanding they explain what that means.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 45 Recap

Disrace shoots at them and Byundi catches the Sanseaters as they go flying. He tells them that MadRex was able to take back his handle. But because of Disrace, he exploded, win or lose, because he was seen as disposable. Disrace says MadRex was supposed to take the Boonboomgers out with him when he blew up. But it just ended up being MadRex who was a waste of a revival. The Sanseaters cannot believe it. How dare you talk about MadRex that way, they say.

Just then, Spindo calls Disrace and commends him on successfully brainwashing the people against the Boonboomger. But now he can take himself out with the Boonboomger. Turns out the mask he slapped onto Disrace earlier was a bomb. Disrace can’t believe he’s disposable too. He begs the Sanseaters for help. But they laugh at his face and leave.

Sakito laughs at Disrace. He and Byundi charge toward him.

Sakito and Byundi finish off Disrace for good as they toss him in the air to explode in the sky.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 45 Recap

Feeling a bit calmer, Taiya says he hates not being able to do anything again. The others wonder what he means and Taiya decides to explain.

When he was five years old, on the other side of his walls was a home devoid of love. He would hear the screams of a young boy and he could not do anything about it. After that, he followed similar incidents on the news and found there were even worse cases happening all over the world.

That’s why he wanted to grow up fast because as a kid, his options were limited. He wanted to have an adult’s authority. There were people with heart. But the more “leeway”/余裕 someone had, the less they did. Taiya wanted to rid the children of their screaming. But the people with that leeway just laughed at him.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 45 Recap

That’s why he was determined to become an adult and gain more 余裕 than them. So he could create a place where screaming children could feel safe and freely dream. Taiya wanted to be able to have that world continue on even long after he dies.

Taiya says he does not regret his decision to race forward with BunBun. And what’s lost can just be built again.

Jou, Genba and Mira tell Taiya that this is something that is too great for one person to take on alone. He should not burden himself with everything when they are a team.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 45 Recap

Taiya understands and he thanks them. “I’m glad you guys are my friends.”

They are happy that Taiya has finally regained control of his handle.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 45 Recap

Mira’s tears of happiness fall onto the Princess’s pendant, seemingly activating it. A hologram of Princess Nicola appears in front of them.

Nicola says she is in the midst of her own battle with comrades as they fight to liberate Planet Trickle. She asks their forgiveness for her contacting them like this. But her jewel informed her of their crisis and of the key that they can use to overcome it. She shows them that key and she hopes that they can exchange good news about their battles soon. She wishes them luck.

BunBun begins turning to sand.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 45 Recap

After defeating Disrace, Byundi says he’s just heard Taiya’s story and he has made up his mind. He tells Sakito they should hurry back to Bundorio.

Episode Thoughts

We’re losing Boonbooms every week now! Only three of them in the smiley panels…
Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 45 Recap
and five of them with the Super Car!
Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 45 Recap
What’s going on!?!?! Lol

Of course this was a great episode. I feel though like it was a chunk of a movie. Like these last four episodes would probably edit well into a feature length film. And this episode felt like the first ¼ of that movie. It was very much a great episode to depict the aftermath of last episode’s heavy developments. But also the perfect introduction to what is really this home stretch for the season.

It was very tough to watch Taiya of course be so desperate to revive BunBun. And the others helplessly watching him, understanding what he’s going through, but having no idea how to help him. Very emotional and a testament to all the positive things this season has done and the great performances of this endearing cast.

So from the short snippets of Taiya’s flashbacks to his childhood, I thought that that the cries for help came from his own household. Which of course would so horrible and saddening. It was almost a relief to learn that perhaps it wasn’t his own home, but screams of another.

A few seconds relief that maybe Taiya did not experience such need to scream himself. But a return of the heavy, emotional feeling while hearing Taiya describe what I will again assume was abuse. But it was actually his neighbor, the little boy next door. Not him.

That feeling that he wanted so much to help upon hearing those screams, but being unable to. Whether as a child or as an adult looking for people to support him and getting turned away or laughed at; Taiya has been hard at work to ensure a world where other children need not need to scream for help any longer.

Quite an honest critique of our world today. Those with 余裕 or the leeway and the means to help do the least. While the opposite, those without much might be the ones who help the most. Really a profound sentiment so wonderfully expressed here through Taiya.

Understanding where Taiya was coming from and the trauma he must have had from that moment as a child really adds so much to his character and what he and the team stand for.

I think the season has done so well with the idea of teamwork and also being able to grab on to your own steering wheel in life. Sincerely some profound emotions this season has tackled.

This episode reminded us of Sakito’s own childhood and trauma as well. Thankfully, that had a wonderful resolution. But it very much speaks to the very real world situations young children go through today, unfortunately.

I think that realization and the clarity on Taiya’s past trauma has really elevated what has already been an amazing season for me.

And of course, emphasizes and supports the desperation that Taiya was expressing in trying to save BunBun.

We’ll see how the Princess’ pendant/jewel/necklace/whatever lol will help.

Elsewhere, I just loved Sakito and Byundi heading out to face the mob of people like that. Again, a perfect way to remind us of his own past. And also to show how much the rest of the Boonbooms mean to them as well. I am so happy the show decided to quickly integrate Sakito into the team (even if I wish they had done a lot more) rather than drag out any antagonistic dynamic between them.

With the Sanseaters, them learning about their dear old MadRex was good. But still doesn’t totally redeem them from their really nasty reactions last week. Ignorance is bliss, I guess. (Does that apply here? Lol I dunno.) But if the show wants to turn the Sanseaters into some Candelilla and Co.-type of goofy villain-turned-friend characters, they still have some work to do. Lol

The other remaining snippet from this week was Shirabe and Shashiro at the Garage. No clarity yet as to what the hell Shashiro is doing. Lol But it was interesting how he brought up the fact that Shirabe was doing exactly the same thing when she first got involved with the Boonbooms. A full circle moment I guess. But we’ll see what happens with our two suits!

Can I say how amazing the orchestral version of the theme song is? The way it was playing at the end when Taiya finally smiles for the first time as he thanks them all for being his friends. MaGMCM, hello! lol

Overall, a great episode that perfectly depicts the emotional aftermath of last week while also doing an excellent job of setting up the final three (!) episodes.

7 thoughts on “Recap: Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger, Episode 45 – Enemies of the Earth

  1. It was funny to see Disrace being fooled himself after fooling the others for so long. 🙂
    I wonder what Shirabe will do (although it will probably involing the neutralization of her corrupted friend Vicious Maimi).

  2. With every episode I’m more scared Shashiro really is a traitor! 😅 I hope not. That would be the worst ending ever lol

    1. It’s obvious he’s not, he has something on his mind. I wouldn’t been surprised if his former colleague Sutea would come back in the last episodes (we never saw her dead after all) to help him and deal with “Vicious Maimi”.

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