The Emmy-winning (!) The Traitors US is back for season 3. And while it’s definitely the most refreshing reality show format to come to television in years (maybe more than a decade), I’ve certainly had my criticism of it and how I feel like it could maximize its potential bit more.
Still, even if the season ends up annoying me, The Traitors is a show I’ll watch all the way through. I just hope it will be because I want to watch to the end and not because I embark on a hate watch or something lolol.
So first, I’ll talk about the cast. It really is amazing how NBC has been able to gather a pretty amazing collection of reality show All-Stars. Most especially from the CBS trinity of Survivor, Big Brother and, tangentially, The Amazing Race. Like, I don’t know how much money NBCU is throwing at these vets. Take all the CBS alums who have been on The Traitors so far and you pretty much have like half the all-time CBS All-Stars list.
So seeing BB icons Danielle Reyes and Britney Haynes here after enjoying Rachel Reilly and Janelle Pierzina in the first two seasons is amazing. It’s funny though because I didn’t watch Reindeer Games. But to have the Christmas season be the driver of Danielle and Britney’s relationship is really funny. I think I vaguely followed it. But it was an atypical holiday special season. And The Traitors focusing on that tension as really the first big moment of the season was so wild to me lol
What’s interesting about The Traitors US is really how the outside pre-show relationships affect so much and drive so much of the drama and even influence gameplay. That can be a positive because it is baked in drama and tension for good TV. But on the other hand, it can be annoying because it’s stuff many of us have no idea about. Or care about.
Seems like I should check out other Traitors instead where there aren’t such dynamics. Any suggestions?
Speaking of, I have no idea about the dynamics between the Survivor alums. Though I at least know who Tony Vlachos is.
Also, if anyone deserved that entrance on The Traitors, even if I’m not the biggest fan of him, it was Boston Rob Mariano. Lol I’m sad though that he can’t be on the season when NBC is bold enough to cast Charla & Mirna lol But it’s definitely not a surprise that the show would find some way to get Rob into the competition one way or another.
Seems like a better group of Housewives this time around. And by that I mean they don’t seem as annoying lol
There also seems to be a better mix of people from random places. Bob Harper? Nikki Garcia from WWE. Zac Efron’s brother? Britney Spears’ ex? Chrishell Stause who I personally know only because she used to be married to Justin Hartley who I first knew from Passions? Interesting picks!
And great way to keep Derrick and Wes a surprise as well. It’s been a while since I’ve watched Wes in anything. And I barely watched Derrick’s BB season, though of course know of his game. So both are great additions to the cast and as big gamers.
But I do I hope future seasons lay off stacking the cast with people from the same show and have more diversity of reality stars and influencers. Lol
Moving on, let’s get through the episodes. First, Alan revealed the new rule in the final. And I think it’s a good one. It helps to shake things up in the end and hopefully cause more hurt feelings lol
Just like this first challenge did. Lol It was a great task that immediately provokes suspicion and annoyance toward their fellow contestants. Of course, that’s definitely needed so they’d have something to talk and whisper about back at the castle.
Continuing into Episode 2, again, of course the show would find a way to get Rob into the competition no matter what. And definitely not a surprise to make him a Traitor.
I think having more than three Traitors is great. First since it’s different from the first two seasons. But also it gives more opportunity for the Traitors to potentially clash.
I will say that having three of the Traitors be Survivor/BB alums might be too much. It’s good that there’s a couple other people from the shows. Because it’s good to have them on the Faithful side. We saw what happened in season one when Cirie went up against newbies who were completely in over their heads. She just tore them up. So at least we need some of these comp show alums on the Faithful side along with others who are competitive and take the initiative to play the game and not just follow along.
For the first murder, I actually liked Dorinda. She seemed like someone who could stir up trouble in a good way. And as someone who does not come from a competition show, she would be a more interesting character to see play the game rather than the other comp show alums.
That brings us to the second challenge which was another solid task. It didn’t really produce the same type of drama as the first one. But it was funny to see people kiss Rob’s ass. And then of course later on seeing the Shield end up helping to doom Tony.
One funny moment from the challenge was Gabby saying Derrick has a baby face and that somehow makes him someone she should work with. She has no idea who he is and it’s hilarious.
The first Roundtable was good. And yes, the table being weary of the Housewives is well-placed considering how the last two seasons went. But I doubt most of these people actually even watched the first two seasons anyway lol
With so many people at this first Roundtable, it makes it crazy and unpredictable. Wells as the first banishment is okay. I think he came across as fodder when there are so many big personalities. And it turns out Dylan is being set up as this season’s Peter instead. So there’s that.
Was very interesting seeing Dylan suspecting Bob the Drag Queen. Especially when others kept saying he was so nice and fun and all that. When someone on The Traitors seems nice and fun, that should be a major red flag. Lol
Even more interesting is that Dylan directly bringing up Bob’s name at the Roundtable probably keeps him safe for a few rounds as naturally, Bob would not want to throw suspicions back at him for murdering Dylan.
I know the show was trying to nudge Danielle toward the firing squad, I think Bob is more in danger. When he talked about being in charge of the first Roundtable and holding court, like that seemed like the start of a downfall storyline if I ever saw one. Lol. It’s basically what happened to Phaedra, except a few rounds earlier for Bob. But we’ll see.
Speaking of Bobs, Bob Harper has been pretty great. I’m sure the bros choosing the bros for the Shield has already annoyed many fans lol But Bob Harper was good for speaking up and saying others needed to find their balls. Typical floater mentality of course from some people. It would be nice to have more proactive competitors. And that doesn’t necessarily mean loud people. Just those not afraid to speak and put themselves out there. Standing back and being in the shadows in a strategy. But that’s no fun. lol
Finally in Episode 3, I honestly am ready to start rooting against the Traitors for murdering Ayan. Lol She was really fun.
For the challenge, did I miss in the rules that they couldn’t just use numbers for the doors? I guess that makes sense as it would’ve been much easier to get through probably. But it was just funny seeing the contestants just fail miserably with it.
Also good that there were no Shields because I think Shields should be won secretly so as to keep the Traitors on their toes.
At the Roundtable, I think throwaway votes should be suspicious and be called out more. Though, I’m not sure if I would be more annoyed by that or by the people who just vote with the rest of the group. I don’t like it on Big Brother, so I shouldn’t like it here either. But of course it’s a survival move. Better another person than them I guess.
Too bad for Tony. He’s a big character of course. But he’s another easy fodder for this early in the game.
As for the Traitors’ mission, it’s an interesting level up for last season’s poisoned wine. But I honestly think the Traitors shouldn’t have been able to meet and talk it out. I thought each Traitor would separately write three names and then the most votes would end up being the shortlist. That would’ve been awesome so as to cause more drama within the Traitors.
But that’s what the show is called, after all. So we’re supposed to want The Traitors to get every advantage they can get and to stick together as much as possible?
For me, I don’t. lol I want to see them implode. See which Traitor is the best of them all. And then have a great finale.
Anyway. It was a solid first three episodes. I always have hope at the beginning of new seasons. So I certainly hope this season can deliver some great, fun and enjoyable TV.
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4 thoughts on “Recap: The Traitors US 3, Episodes 1-3 – “I don’t want to be the duck.””
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Have you watched Episode 4 yet?
Yes! I will be posting my recap on Tuesday =) It was great!
Have you reviewed Deal or No Deal Island? It’s a reality competition game show, it’s kinda like Survivor mixed with Deal or No Deal (if watched the original Deal or No Deal with Howie Mandel), I heard that Rob Mariano (Boston Rob) from The Amazing Race USA Season 7 and Survivor: Marquesas was on Season 1 of “Deal or No Deal Island” last year, I think(?).
I saw a clip of the final, but I didn’t watch it.