First Impression Review: Single’s Inferno Season 4, Episodes 1-4

First Impression Review: Single’s Inferno Season 4, Episodes 1-4

Here we go again! Time for Korea’s most popular clout-mining… I mean dating show. Lol I think by season 4, we know this isn’t really a dating show. Have we even had one couple who lasted more than 5 minutes off of the island? It’s actually kind of funny because they don’t even win any money or prizes. The only prize is really just clout. Followers on their TikToks and Instagrams. And the usual 15 minutes of fame.

I mean, even His Man has more post-show romance success than Single’s Inferno. lol

Of course, they can provide 12 episodes of guilty pleasure television. But coming into season 4, I think I am approaching the season in a different way. After three seasons, we pretty much know what to expect from this show now. And it’s definitely very different from the expectations that season one offered when it was absolutely different from the typical Korean reality show and different from your typical western dating show.

I’m just sitting back and enjoying the soapy, structured (read: not scripted. But not spontaneous either. Lol) drama. Typical reality show voyeurism the likes of Big Brother or Survivor, but with no money at the end. (Even Love Island has money in the end at least.)

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 1-4 Recap

Also this season, I’ve decided to just fast forward through the commentary. I really do not care about anything the five studio hosts have to say. They really add nothing to the understanding or enjoyment of the stories emerging from the characters… I mean, the singles. It’s not like they’re revealing extra information. So they’re pretty much irrelevant. And I wish Netflix had a commentary-less version of the episodes. Lol

I will say, I relate to them though because I too have a cheat sheet of the singles on my phone. I know their cue cards have the singles’ photos and names so they know who these people are. I do the same because honestly, I can’t keep track. lol

So let’s get to the episodes.

It actually starts out well. It is a refreshing twist to have the women and men arrive separately. It was definitely funny at the start when it was just the women. You know that TikTok sound
A refreshing tiwst to have all the women arrive first. You know that TikTok sound about “Girls?! I wanna see men!” Where’s the men?!” That’s probably what went through the women’s minds at first. lol

I wonder if the guys and girls all thought they had walked into a gay dating show instead of Single’s Inferno all of a sudden. lol

So, two of my biggest criticisms have been 1. Too much focus on getting to Paradise and 2. Not giving the singles time to just hang out, mingle and get to know each other first.

It would be great to have all the singles spend the night on Inferno first. Get them interacting with each other as much as possible. Get the singles to survey the playing field. Size up their competition and chat up people they’re interested in.

The show is much more focused on forcing the singles into immediate pairs just to have the drama of them then separating and drifting away from each other toward other people when they actually meet the rest of the singles.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 1-4 Recap

The most interesting and actually most fun section of these first four episodes was that log crossing challenge. And it was simply because it had all the singles there in the same place. All 11 singles actually interacting with each other. Seeing everyone’s dynamic with each other.

The “skinship” of the actual challenge. The jealousy that arises from those interactions. The psychoanalyzing of each single’s every move. (Which also was the only time the studio hosts said anything of note across four episodes.)

It is what we should be getting more of.

I’ve suggested the same for His Man. But basically get the singles into more group dates or group activities.

My suggestion would to be start their time on Inferno doing some kind of group activity. Or even a game of some sort. Have them working as a whole group/team to win amenities for their camp on Inferno. Maybe extra food. Or hot water.

Maybe have them building something. Like finish building their rooms or the kitchen/dining area. Or setting up the campfire.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 1-4 Recap

Just some random stuff like that that has them all working together in one place and thus interacting and getting to know each other.

It was already Day 3 (or was it 4?) when everyone finally came together. And the singles still didn’t even know each other’s names. Heck, I think some people didn’t even say a single word to each other until the campfire. Like, that’s horrible!

I’d much rather they all get to know each other first and then have their first Paradise trip. Mingle for the first night and then challenge bright and early on Day 2 for the top winners to get to Paradise that night.

Aside from that, it again seems like the show likes keeping the singles away from each other. It’s possible they just don’t show the times when they’re all mingling out and about. But why leave that on the cutting room floor and instead focus on the group chats amongst themselves (women in their own room, men in theirs).

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 1-4 Recap

It’s like they don’t want the men and women talking to each other outside of pre-determined times and scenarios or specifically staged meetings. Almost like they lock them up in their rooms until it’s the show’s preferred time for interaction.

The way the show pretty much forces these first impression picks and matches feels like they’re stacking the deck for certain people they want to be main characters.

And it seemed obvious who they wanted as main characters from the start. It’s not for lack of trying by others when they barely even get an opportunity to present themselves as engaging characters.

Again, giving the singles more time to interact with each other freely helps to level the playing field. And can actually provoke more potential drama (and good TV) when the singles can forge more connections than the ones the show seems to have forced into existence from the start.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 1-4 Recap

The campfire being truly the first time people just sat and conversed with each other and everyone else somehow devolved into more propping up of favorites and existing couples (over the first 2 nights) rather than them all getting to know each other and get a feel for each other without having to be concerned about their already-chosen ones.

Other than the log challenge, the show seemed to just rush through the first games. Not even showing some singles competing in those games. All to just emphasize the idea that everything is pre-determined and they have specific main characters they want to push harder for.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 1-4 Recap

I actually wanted to see the elimination games with the guys in the pool and the girls playing chicken.

As for the singles. My favorites, or basically the ones I like the most and would love to hang out with if I was also a hot young Korean single would probably be Junseo and Jiyeon.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 1-4 Recap

First of all, I honestly started crushing on Jiyeon as soon as she walked out. Then watching her intro package? I would have been instantly drawn to her if I were one of the guys on Inferno. Absolutely beautiful. Probably the personality I would be attracted to the most. Definitely my Single’s Inferno bias of the season. 😊 Which annoyed even more when she was seemingly ignored by everyone, including the show itself, in the early episodes. She didn’t even get an significant airtime until episode 4.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 1-4 Recap

And with Junseo, the long hair makes he and I kindred spirts in that regard. Lol But his tsundere aura, someone who seems to have a cold exterior, but a warmer interior, is very fun. He’s actually pretty hilarious and his clumsy personality is very endearing. Couple that with his good looks, it’s no question why so many ladies are interested or even just intrigued by him.

As for the other ladies, Sian was the next one that made a noticeable impression on me. The other ladies are alright. And thankfully, I don’t see anyone like the ones in previous seasons who have obvious other priorities while on the show.

For the guys, I know Te Hwan from the BL drama Love Class. His character there definitely matches well with his initial personality here. But it was very interesting to see him finally step out alongside the also overlooked Jiyeon.

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 1-4 Recap

And Theo is also hilarious. He’s that kind of cocky bro that doesn’t come across as cringey. He’s a mood maker. But as we saw in episode 4, he also has a direct and straightforward side to himself. And it will be interesting to see how he reacts when things get serious.

With the new arrivals, it’s very interesting how they introduced the three guys and of course the possibility of only one actually joining the cast. But then we also get a new lady which ends up with another imbalance.

Also Paradise being in Seoul at the Banyan Tree Club & Spa gives the season a different flavor since the first three seasons really gave off the feeling of being on a remote island and all that. This time, it kind of emphasizes that overly produced feeling where they aren’t actually that far removed from society like the other seasons. That that feeling of seclusion and their own little paradise… err, inferno I guess lol

So this review is more on the format itself. But I know there will be plenty of opportunity to talk about the singles and their relationships in the coming weeks! Hehe

Single's Inferno Season 4 Episode 1-4 Recap

So overall, I actually did enjoy the four episodes. But I think that has more to do with me coming in the season with a different perspective. And knowing what I am coming into the show to look for.

Moving forward, I’m just hoping the singles get more opportunities to check out the other fish in the sea. I don’t fault any single for keeping their options open.

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