No spoilers.
With Episode 43 referencing the Boonboomger summer movie, I remembered I didn’t actually watch it yet. And considering something from the movie seems poised to play a part in the final episodes, I thought I should probably get to watching it as soon as possible.
Especially with the hope that the movie could possibly help cheer me up a bit after the devastating Episode 44, it was as good as time as any for me to finally check the movie out.
And it definitely did cheer me up as the movie was a perfect encapsulation of what has made the season so fun and enjoyable. And definitely bakuage!
GekijoBoon! Promise the Circuit begins with Shirabe having the Boonbooms protecting Princess Nicola from the planet Trickle which has been taken over by Hashiryans. The Hashiryans have sent Captain Demon Thunder to fetch the princess with the hopes of mining some premium gassholin from her. If the Earthlings don’t hand her over, Earth gets nuked.
The movie is a quick, fast-paced chase as the Boonboomgers fight Demon Thunder and the Kurumaju Circuit Guruma while Mira whisks the princess to safety and teaches her about the wonderful idea of taking the wheel into your own hands.
It turns out I actually didn’t even need to watch the movie to potentially understand what the princess’ pendant might mean after Joe Gibken delivers it to the Boonbooms in Episode 43. The movie actually didn’t even talk about it other than the princess regularly clutching it while trying to adjust to the somewhat wacky, maybe scary Boonbooms. Lol
But the movie was basically a CliffsNotes version of what this season is all about. These awesome bakuage heroes have taken control of their own handle and are driving forward to their dreams together while saving the world. It’s that theme that has powered (fueled? lol) Boonboomger all year. And I’m sure it is what will fuel the Boonboomgers’ eventual victory in these final episodes.
My biggest takeaways from the movie actually had nothing to do with any story or plot, to be honest.
First, the movie featured some amazing choreography and direction. Most especially in that final battle between the Boonboomgers and Demon Thunder. Of course, Toei’s summer movies and their relatively bigger budgets allow the featuring of atypical locations. And this movie certainly did that with the racetrack and the mountain roads and scenery. Definitely refreshing.
But what I was most excited about after watching this movie is FINALLY!!! We are treated to a full team roll call (including BunBun and Byundi!) as well as finally getting ALL the Boonbooms dancing the ending dance! No more Sakito and Byundi rolling around in a bubble!
And technically, this movie takes place between episodes 20 and 21! All the way back then! I’ve been hoping that we would get a full roll call and full team dance in series. And it turns out all I had to do was watch the movie to get what I wanted. Lol
Overall, this was a wonderful movie and a perfect representative of what Boonboomger is all about. Certainly a great cleanser after Episode 44 this week! But a fun, thoroughly enjoyable and exciting piece of this excellent season of Super Sentai!
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2 thoughts on “Movie Thoughts: Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger GekijoBoon! Promise the Circuit”
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Seemed like a regular episode with some new locations but it was okay
A little bit, yes.