Recap: Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger, Episode 44 – The Deliverer Doesn’t Arrive

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 44 Recap

As Taiya is speeding off somewhere, he flashes back to the Garage. Shirabe confirmed that Taiya’s fortune and licenses were now transferred to Lightning Tech, but strangely pending a final approval. Genba suggested that it is for Taiya to take the wheel. Sakito offered to come with, but Taiya said it is okay. He must go alone to deal with this.

As Taiya left, BunBun wished for Taiya to stay safe.

Meanwhile, Spindo is meeting with Director Tokoyari to go over their agreement. Tokoyari is to maintain the status quo. That is, to keep the planet producing premium gassholin by continuing things like inequality, war and hunger. Tokoyari says both the public and private sectors are currently executing a plan to render the Boonboomgers powerless.

Spindo says his Bun should have had enough time to warm up. It is now time to have some fun.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 44 Recap

Back at the Garage, Mira finds out that she has been fired from her job. Just then, they watch a breaking news report that seems to be spreading propaganda against the Boonboomgers. The public has begun turning on them.

All this comes as a surprise to the Sanseaters who don’t know what to make of it since if the Boonboomgers are supposed to be evil, then they should be comrades then. Suddenly, a strange monkey pops up next to them.

As the public calls for the Boonboomgers to be arrested, Byundi reminds everyone that Shashiro had warned them they would become enemies to Earth. Genba warns Jou not to go to work either as this is exactly what happened on Bureki. The hijacking of society starts slowly and right under their nose.

BunBun worries about Taiya.
Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 44 Recap

Taiya arrives at the quarry and finds Mr. Naito standing there. The view has changed, Mr. Naito says. When Taiya was in middle school, they would come here to watch the stars and talk about their dreams.

Mr. Naito remembers how Taiya was as a child. He asks if Taiya remembers the words he wrote asking for help.

“I want to grow up fast,” Taiya wrote. Mr. Naito was the only one who accepted him. Mr. Naito says he was drawn to Taiya who was a good student and someone who took his teachings and learned how to contact the world in a way that would give him so much. Taiya becoming a hero was a surprise, but Mr. Naito understood. However, as a result, Taiya took his eyes away from the true nature of the world.

That is, the significance of screaming. A person watches another’s suffering and in comparison, they are relieved at how blessed they are. Others’ screaming creates happiness for that person. Mr. Naito suggests Taiya look at the Hashiryan as foreign disruptors who would be beneficial in the long term.

Taiya asks if Mr. Naito is pro-Hashiryan. Mr. Naito admits that it was he who created the Killer Robo.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 44 Recap

Suddenly, a dark cloud arrives. It is Spindo. He asks Taiya to dance with him. And by dance, Spindo means throwing Taiya to the ground. Taiya henshins and tries to battle Spindo. But Spindo easily handles him. “Bun, my friend. Do you see this?” Spindo calls out.

As Taiya goes Champion, BunBun decides he has to go be with him. However, the others stop him. Genba reminds BunBun of how he had been before and how he learned to turn to the team for help. The others remind BunBun that Spindo is after him. So he must wait here and not give Spindo what he wants.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 44 Recap

Byundi says they will deliver BunBun’s feelings to Taiya. Shirabe is touched by their sentiments. BunBun understands. He asks them to take care of Taiya.
The Boonbooms henshin and hurry out.

While Taiya can hang on a bit better while in Champion, Spindo is still too powerful. He kicks Taiya and he is forced to dehenshin. Mr. Naito says Taiya cannot possibly win. Spindo revels in the violence.

Taiya says he was won over by Mr. Naito. He wanted to grow up to be just like him. But Taiya declares he will never be influenced by this true nature that Mr. Naito and Spindo speak of. He will always come running when he hears a scream. That is him taking control of his wheel.

Spindo says that wheel is for him to decide.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 44 Recap

Just then, Mira, Jou, Genba and Sakito arrive and bombard Spindo. But Spindo easily counters their attacks. Byundi arrives and says to Taiya that he is here to deliver Bundorio’s feelings. He joins the others as they struggle against Spindo.

Taiya punches the ground. But he is taken aback when the others stand in front of him to shield him. They are not giving up. But Spindo sends them all flying, forcing them to dehenshin.

Spindo addresses Bun. He says he will not kill any of his friends. But instead will just torture them, make them cry and leave them beaten to a pulp. That’s the future you wanted, Spindo says.

Shirabe cannot stop BunBun as he rushes out.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 44 Recap

The Sanseaters are feeding the new monkey friend some noodles as an embiggened BunBun comes stomping through the city to the mountains.

BunBun demands Spindo let Taiya go. Spindo says he missed his Bun so much that he might have went a bit crazy. But now that he’s here, Spindo wants his gassholin. BunBun says he can do whatever he wants to him, but not to lay a hand on his friends.

I don’t think so, Spindo says. His friends will be screaming for the rest of their lives.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 44 Recap

Spindo adds that he is not the one making them all dance. Their blue friend is the one. BunBun says Spindo made him do it. But Spindo says Bun of all people would know better than anyone what type of person he is.

Spindo summons Killer Robo and hops in, saying it is time for big fun. Mr. Naito grabs Taiya’s Changer from his wrist.

The Sanseaters arrive for a front row seat as Spindo invites BunBun for a dance. They begin to battle. Spindo wants more screaming.

Grantu pins Taiya to the ground saying the powerless has no freedom to get behind the wheel.

BunBun calls on the other Boonboom Cars. But Spindo is able to carjack them, taking control. The Sanseaters cheer happily as Spindo uses the Boonboom Cars to beat down BunBun.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 44 Recap

Mr. Naito brags that he borrowed the Boonboom Cars under the pretense that it was for the kids. But really, it was him making adjustments for this very moment in which Killer Robo could take control of them.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 44 Recap

But Mr. Naito offers Taiya a choice. With the press of a button, all Taiya’s fortune and privileges will be handed over to Lightning Tech and he will be able to save BunBun now. But then he would not be able to go running to a scream like he’s done before.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 44 Recap

Taiya flashes back to a moment from his childhood where he recounts how he heard the screaming.

Taiya tells Mr. Naito to push the button. How bakuage! Mr. Naito says as he officially confirms and approves the transfer of ownership.

Taiya quickly grabs the Changer and henshins. He zooms toward BunBun. But before he can reach him, Spindo shoots, hitting BunBun right in the chest.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 44 Recap

Everyone is shocked as BunBun calls out Taiya’s name with his last breaths.

A bright white ball of light engulfs the mountain before regressing back onto BunBun. The lights go out in his eyes and he falls.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 44 Recap

Shirabe, watching from the Garage, is speechless. But suddenly, Shashiro and ISA officers storm in. Shirabe tries to tell him what’s happened, but is stopped dead when Maimi emerges behind him.

Do you understand what you’re doing? Shirabe asks. Absolutely, Maimi replies.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 44 Recap

Spindo absorbs all the gassholin from this moment and he emerges with a brand new white hat and coat. He revels in the delicious gassholin from the traitor.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 44 Recap

In the smoke, Taiya stumbles toward BunBun laying on the ground. The others walk behind Taiya as he falls to his knees next to his friend. Taiya tries waking BunBun.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 44 Recap

They all cannot help but cry as the rain begins pouring down.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 44 Recap Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 44 Recap
Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 44 Recap Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 44 Recap
Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 44 Recap

Taiya screams.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 44 Recap

Episode Thoughts

What the fu…!!!!!111!

So, I was kind of spoiled a little bit because the photo of Taiya kneeling beside an obviously dead BunBun popped up on I think it was Instagram or probably Twitter from the official show account or maybe Haruhi Iuchi’s account as soon as I opened the app like minutes after the episode aired in Japan. I immediately closed the app as soon as I saw it. Though it wasn’t that much of a surprise, to be honest.

Still, it didn’t make the episode any less impactful and emotional for me. And that’s definitely a testament to the absolutely strong foundation the show has built up to this point. I knew what was coming, but I was still beside myself by the end of the episode because of the well-developed story, the properly developed characters and their well established bonds and relationships.

Unlike certain other seasons of Sentai or Kamen Rider, when the Boonbooms come together for each other or are emotional when one of their own is in danger, you believe it. You know it’s sincere with the Boonbooms. And not something forced or hollow like when other seasons try to do something like this. (I won’t name names, but you could read my Sentai and Kamen Rider season rankings and probably figure out which ones I’d be referring to lol)

At the start of the episode I thought Shashiro being separated in the opening credits was going to be the saddest thing I’d be seeing today. But boy was I wrong!

The episode was structured so well as the emotions were like a pot of water on the stove. A slow, but steady warming up until everything just boiled over.

I was already on the verge of tears, increasingly so, as the episode progressed. But that three second flashback to Taiya as a child recounting the screaming he heard to what looks like the police. My goodness! That moment and the thought of what Taiya must have gone through and experienced as a child in what appears to be an abusive home is just heartbreaking. We of course knew about it already. But seeing that moment was just crushing.

It really brings the man that Taiya is to the forefront. Someone who wants to make it so no other person, especially a child, would have to experience what he did. The screams for help that went unanswered. Like, omgwtf!

Just thinking about that, that fuel! that has powered and motivated Taiya now just being mocked and derided by Spindo and Mr. Naito? It provokes this heartbreaking sadness and indignant rage! And in a way that, at this moment immediately after watching the episode, I have not experienced while watching a Toei toku ever!

The others fighting without hesitation for their friends. Their reactions as they watched BunBun being shot to death. Taiya’s scream at the end. (I think it would’ve been even more powerful had they muted his scream actually.)

I was as speechless as Shirabe.

The rush of emotions had me cursing out the Sanseaters and their cheering on BunBun’s “death”! Like, get outta here and go back to feeding your little monkey car friend more noodles or something.

And then Shashiro leading the ISA officers in storming the Garage. Like, I want to trust in his love for his ride or die Taiya so much. But at that moment, after such a heavy sequence of events, I wanted to just tell him to f- off too. Lolol. I wanted Shirabe to throw the computer monitor at him or something. Lol

Well, I’m calming down now as I type this. So I still believe in you Shashiro. But you better come through or else! Lol

*deep breath*

Damn. The insanity of this episode though. An entire MaGMCM episode! It’s not even a whirlwind of emotions. It was all downhill from the very first second. Started off sad, Ended in complete despair! Omg this season. lol

I’m glad I watched Gavv first today because if I had watched the Boonbooms first, I would’ve been in a bad mood the entire time. Forreal. Lol

But anyway, bravo to everyone involved with this episode though. Absolutely powerful and emotional. I absolutely expect the last four episodes to carry the same energy and same amount of impact as this one. My expectations for the final stretch of this final lap has skyrocketed so high, they’re definitely going to need the Gokai Galleon or something to reach it. Lol *crosses fingers*

16 thoughts on “Recap: Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger, Episode 44 – The Deliverer Doesn’t Arrive

  1. Boonboomger has been absolutely a treat, after I’ve been so afraid that it won’t surpass King-Ohger and Donbrothers before it.

    Dude, don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love King-Ohger as my all-time favorite Super Sentai (or actually one of my top 3 Tokusatsu in general) for its fantastically tightly-written storytelling, absolutely lovably quirky and talented ensemble cast, and overall having the aesthetics, the visuals, the editing to make it a true cinematic masterpiece, especially once the final few episodes hit.

    BUT Boonboomger is quickly rising to become one of my top 3-5 Super Sentai, along with Gokaiger, Kiramager, Go-Busters, and perhaps Go-Onger/ToQger with how amazingly they’ve balanced out humor with tearjerkers/heartwarming moments AND especially with just how sheerly awesome stuff can get — from the fights against the Kuramajuu to the arc villain final battles (special mention to the Champion Boonboomgers which I actually liked as a power-up even more than the Ryoga Issen). I truly wish Boonboomger maintains control over its handle / steering wheel all the way to the end to become a champion, as Boondorio would say. I hope that for all the high expectations and love you pour towards Boonboomger, by grasping your hands together with the team, you will truly laugh and yell out “Boon Boom!” with happy tears in your eyes.

    (And yes, I did pay a tribute to the Boonboomger ED in light of how it was removed from today’s episode to reinforce just how serious shit has gotten thanks to the knock-off Michael Jackson)

    1. Knock-off Michael Jackson! lol It’s so true!
      Spindo Boonboomger

      For my all-time Sentai rankings, I have 6 seasons tied as my #4. But Boonboomger might just take that spot outright in four weeks.
      I definitely agree about the well-balanced story. The season has had everything. And I feel like it has taken a lot of positive things from the previous seasons you mentioned (also my favorites!) and helped to add some refreshing touches and twists for a 2024-2025 series. Very excited for the next four weeks. And even with my high expectations, I think the season has been that strong that it will be hard to change my overall opinion of it at this point.

      1. Sorry for very late reply, but damn, Imma charge up the immortal-killing/universe-piercing Ohger Calibur rn to overkill that knockoff Michael Jackson to avenge Ash Ketchum, I mean Boonboom. That gif makes me even angrier

        It amazes me as well, especially with how well Tomioka-san did on his debut Sentai series, reaching emotional (tearjerker and heartwarming) heights that only say: TakaMina-san, Kobayashi Yasuko-san (heck, I’m sure you know what I mean as you love Shinkenger, Go-Busters and ToQger), and Arakawa-san (via Kiramager and Gokaiger mainly) have reached

        1. Oh I absolutely agree with the comparisons. I was already thinking about my season rankings and how I might compare the seasons and the writers as well. Really amazing work this season.

  2. I can’t believe I am saying this but this was the most dramatic finale i saw in sentai (sorry king ohger, toqger and lupat)

    1. Somehow, for how ruthless we know Takahashi Yuya can get with Ex-Aid/Zero-One/Geats in terms of casually killing off main characters, despite TakaMina being his kouhai, TakaMina didn’t kill off main characters, and I’m glad for that.

      I’m actually flabbergasted that: 1) Boonboomger’s main writer Tomioka-san let Boondorio get killed (considering he’s voiced by Ash Ketchum, who is THE main character in the Pokemon franchise where Tomioka has written some of its greatest, most important arcs/episodes); 2) The Sanseaters for all their comedy cheered on knock-off Michael Jackson for murdering Boondorio, which immensely pissed me off, but then again, I wonder if they blame the Boonboomgers for the death of Madrex until now

  3. Intense episode, although I still have doubts about Boondorio truly dead (four episodes left, plus they would still need him for giant battles). The most intriguing part for me is they say, “before fooling your foes, fool your friends”. I still believe it’s the case for Shasshiro, although, the ambiguity still remains for the impassible Maimi Baisu/Miami Vice, or even maybe Naito (did he think of his nephew yet?), although it’s more improbable.
    Well, I think the last lap of four episodes will worth it!

    1. Oh, it will be exciting to see everyone true colors and motivations in these final four episodes. Any twist like that will add to the fun. And most especially Shashiro reuniting with his friends of course.

      And I will assume the pendant from the princess will have something to do with bring BunBun back.

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