Taiya and BunBun welcome Shashiro to some new land Taiya has just purchased. Taiya would like to show Shashiro something he’s been working on for a while: The Boonboom Changer: Beta Model. Taiya remembers seeing Taiya wear it once.
Taiya explains that he and BunBun created it in order to allow them to wear a special suit to protect the human body from the grueling conditions of the Big Bang Grand Prix. Taiya originally intended it for just him, but he would like Shashiro to have one.
Shashiro says the BBG is Taiya’s dream and that he’s never told him he’d be coming with. Secretly, however, Shashiro is quite impressed by the device.
BunBun tells Shashiro to give the Changer a try. Taiya tells Shashiro to repeat after him: “Boonboom Change!” Shashiro hesitates, but says the two words. And suddenly, both he and Taiya are now wearing very bakuage suits!
Shashiro asks why there’s a tire on their face. Taiya says it makes an unforgettable, bakuage first impression!
BunBun suggests they work on a cool pose. Taiya knows exactly the pose he prefers. But they suddenly hear screams nearby. Taiya uses his suit to literally speed over to the location. Shashiro is surprised by the suit’s capability. But he tells BunBun he’ll be following Taiya over.
As Taiya and Shashiro arrive on the highway overpass, BunBun informs them there has been a big rig crash. But there is sign of life in the driver’s seat. Taiya jumps down and is able to whisk the driver out of the truck and to safety.
However, the cargo in the back of the truck begins to fall down to ground level where there are civilians watching above. Taiya and Shashiro quickly spring into action and blow up the falling cargo before they can fall and hurt the people on the ground.
Back home, BunBun congratulations Taiya and Shashiro on the bakuage work. Taiya is pleasantly surprised that the suits worked out even better than they expected. He commends BunBun on his work on them as well.
Thinking to himself, Shashiro is impressed not only by the device, but by Taiya’s big dreams and ambition. He’s got the entire universe in his sights.
Shashiro remembers Taiya saying the BBG involves harsh conditions. But he’s lived through “harsh” conditions all his life. So in that case, he is ready to ride along with Taiya toward his dream.
Taiya thinks that’s bakuage!
Shashiro thinks that thanks to Taiya, he now feels like he can have a dream of his own.
BunBun says they plan to create a whole rainbow of awesome Boonboom Cars. He believes their bakuage team will be able to drive through any road. Taiya thinks it would be wonderful to have a big, colorful bakuage team.
Just then, they receive a new delivery request. BunBun tells Shashiro that he’s sent the map to his Boonboom Changer.
Shashiro says that’s very handy. But Taiya and BunBun notice Ishiro did not protest being called “Shashiro”. BunBun excitedly hugs Shashiro and they fall on the floor. Shashiro tells him to get off as he’s so heavy. And they have to get to work.
We sure do, Taiya says. He holds his hand out. “Let’s ride, Shashiro.”
Shashiro says “Alright!” and he grabs Taiya’s hand.
Chapter Thoughts
“Let’s ride, Shashiro!” 🥲
Taiya and Shashiro are each other’s Ride or Die! I love it! Hehe
This really was a great manga. Of course I wish it were longer. But it was a great prequel to the series itself. And of course, as a hopeless romantic shipper, it was fun to see Taiya and Shashiro’s first meeting and how they grew to be best bros. (Or more! Lolol)
This was definitely my favorite chapter. I can only imagine how much more emotional it would’ve been in live action. The whole dynamic of Shashiro being surprised by Taiya and BunBun’s creation to his wonder at its capabilities is familiar for Sentai and Kamen Rider. But with these two great characters, or really three including BunBun of course, seeing these pre-show events has even more meaningful impact.
That’s a credit to the writers and the actors of course who have for more than 40 episodes now really established a great bond with us the viewer. And that makes this manga that much more enjoyable.
Shashiro’s line about having grown up in harsh conditions was also very emotional. Another great prequel idea would be Shashiro recounting his childhood and adolescence. Having to grow up in the spy world. Perhaps all alone while his parents were away. And then going through training. All of that. Would be amazing!
The action in this chapter was awesome. And perfectly paired with the strong character moments.
It was funny how they brought up the tire helmets. I know people whined about it when the first images of the season were first revealed. But I liked them. I thought they were cool and unique. Especially in that first retro-looking poster for the season. And I’ve since grown to really love the helmet and suits as well.
Boonboomger has been such a great, fun season. And this manga was a welcome extra treat. Bittersweet next few months for the season. But I know it will be exciting!
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2 thoughts on “Recap: Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Formation Lap: Informant Secrets (Your Eyes Only), Chapter 6”
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I am annoyed Toei did not film this story instead 😒
Same! lol