Recap: Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger, Episode 40 – The Immeasurable Man

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 40 Recap

Shashiro has just gotten off the phone when Mira, Jou and Genba see him. They are accompanying BunBun to the Berora fanmeet. But Shashiro doesn’t think it is a good idea for him to be out and about while Spindo has his eye on him.

BunBun says he has decided that he and Spindo will eventually battle, so he will not be running this time. That’s why, Mira says, BunBun deserves a bit of a mental break. Taiya actually gave them the thumbs up for today. Shashiro is shocked by that. But Genba say BunBun is well protected. Jou adds that he has a lot of authority as well as a police officer.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 40 Recap

Just then, a little boy taps on BunBun, excited to see real life Boonboomgers. The boy recognizes Jou as Bun Black. But he is more interested in meeting Bun Blue as he would like to become his apprentice. The boy thinks Bun Blue is calm, cool and professional and he wants to be just like him.

Shashiro is a bit flattered, but he most certainly will not be taking on a pupil today. Shashiro grabs Jou and says the boy can be his pupil instead.

After Shashiro leaves, Mira suggests Genba be the boy’s mentor. But Genba and BunBun have already slipped away.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 40 Recap

BunBun asks Genba if it’s okay for them to leave Jou and Mira like this. Genba says Jou is best suited to be the boy’s mentor out of all of them. BunBun agrees and they skip on over to the fan meeting.

Mira decides to step up, but the little boy settles on Jou. He says Jou might not be cool enough, but he looks forward to learning from him.

The boy introduces himself as Hirose Itsuki. Jou invites Itsuki to accompany him as he goes on patrol. Mira follows.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 40 Recap

Jou helps a grandma by carrying her on his back while Mira holds her grocery bags. Jou then helps a student with his bike and then retrieves a soccer ball for some kids.

As he walks out of the creek, Jou slips in the water. Itsuki says Jou is no hero. He’s just doing simple police work. He wants to see the secret training and missions and monster fighting and mecha battles. Mira says they don’t fight monsters every day.

Just then, they hear a woman scream for help. Jou rushes over to stop a man from stealing her purse. Jou throws the man on the ground. But it’s actually just a television drama shoot.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 40 Recap

Back at the Garage, Taiya. Sakito and Byundi talk about how the BBG has become a Hashiryan plaything. Taiya asks Sakito and Byundi if they can help investigate if that really is the case. Byundi says he will contact their cleanup partners in space.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 40 Recap

Spindo takes a seat in his new headquarters on Earth and congratulates the Sanseaters on collecting some wonderful Gassholin. From today, he declares the Sanseaters will be his right hands and invites them to race through the universe together.

Actually, it’s just Dekotorade, Ittasha and Yaruka’s dream. And they are motivated to show their best to Spindo so they can get that promotion. Ittasha keys in a scale to bring about Taijyukei Guruma.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 40 Recap

As Jou puts his shoes back on, Itsuki asks how in the world can he be a hero. He even messed up and caught someone who wasn’t a thief. Mira says heroes and police officers can make mistakes sometimes. But Itsuki says a hero never makes mistakes.

If you’re going to help someone in trouble, you can’t make mistakes, Itsuki says.

Itsuki remembers playing with his brother at the playground. His little brother said he was thirsty, so Itsuki left him to buy a drink. But while Itsuki was gone, his little brother fell off the jungle gym and hit his head. Itsuki blames himself for his brother getting hurt because he made a mistake.

Meanwhile, the Guruma is wrapping people in measuring tape while revealing embarrassing details of their lives. While his methods are a bit lame for the Sanseaters, at least he’s collecting lots of Gassholin.

Jou and Mira come running to the scene. But Itsuki also joins them. They try to get him away and to safety. But the Guruma weighs Mira and reveals she failed the driver’s test six times.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 40 Recap

Mira falls to her knees. Jou tells her it’s nothing to cry over, but she reminds him that she is the Boonboomger’s driver. She doesn’t want anyone knowing this number.

The Kurumaju shoots the tape at Jou and reveals that the lowest score Jou got on a test is a negative 10. Jou knocks the number away, so the Kurumaju reveals more embarrassing details of Jou.

Jou fights through the embarrassing numbers. But the Kurumaju then reveals Jou made a huge mistake when he was nine years old. Itsuki is surprised.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 40 Recap

Jou recalls the moment. Remembering his father saying he would get cold while on patrol, Jou had put his police uniform on the heater to warm it up for him. But it ended up catching on fire.

Jou apologized to his father at the time. But Papa Akuse said it wasn’t Jou’s fault. He didn’t know, especially if his parents had never taught him it was dangerous.

Papa Akuse told Jou to never lose his kindness and to never be afraid to make mistakes. You would be wasting your life if you are too scared to do anything.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 40 Recap

Those words resonate with Itsuki. Jou says they have a lot of mistakes ahead of them. Some of those mistakes can’t be undone. But they cannot be scared and hit the brakes on themselves.

Jou says he is not a perfect hero. But he will continue to follow his heart and speed forward.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 40 Recap

Jou breaks free of the weight and says anyone can be the hero they want to be. They can learn from their mistakes and that means he can never be on the Kurumaju’s scale.

Jou tosses the Kurumaju into the air. And when he slams back down on the ground, Mira is released from her weight. She agrees that her mistakes are what made her to what she is today.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 40 Recap

Jou and Mira henshin and easily take care of Nejiretta. The others arrive as Itsuki is wowed by Jou and Mira’s fight.

Shashiro says there’s nothing cool about Jou. But he is the most hero-like hero of the Boonbooms. Taiya tells BunBun to take the boy to safety as he, Shashiro and Genba join in the battle.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 40 Recap

The Boonbooms go Champion and power Jou up to deliver the Champion Drive finisher at the Kurumaju who weighs Jou’s combat skills at an immeasurable level.

Yaruka embiggens the Kurumaju and the Boonbooms hop into Boonboomger Robo Champion.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 40 Recap

The Kurumaju places a scale under the robo and it shows that they are overweight for the roadway. BunBun downgattais them, but they are still too heavy.

Sakito and Byundi arrive in Byunbun Mach Robo: ToQ Custom. They are able to speed through because they’re actually a train and not a vehicle, per se. Anyway, the Boonbooms are able to finish off the Kurumaju for good.

At the Garage, BunBun excitedly shows Mira and Byundi his Berora selfie. Genba gives Taiya and Sakito Berora candy and notebooks while he gives Sashiro a Berora necktie.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 40 Recap

For Jou, BunBun has a special mystery bag.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 40 Recap

But Jou is at the park where he is touched to hear Itsuki excitedly telling his younger brother all about becoming Bun Black’s pupil and how cool he was.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 40 Recap

Meanwhile, Mr. Naito is showing Spindo the new weapon that they have installed on Killer Robo. Spindo is looking forward to Earth being filled with wonderful screams.

Episode Thoughts

Noooo! We’re already in the 40s?! That can’t be! This season has really moved at full speed! Hehe.

And it’s easy to see why when we get an episode like this. Time flies by when every episode is so good and so fun and enjoyable. This was an excellent Jou-focus and one of the best executions of a Moral of the Week too.

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. You can always learn from your mistakes. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. Everyone can be a hero in their own way.

All great messages and presented in a way that did not feel forced. The episode’s story fit very well with Jou as a character. It really felt like a culmination of the Jou we’ve seen all season. Someone who is kind and eager to help and protect people. He has always had a great sense of responsibility. And he’s definitely the kind of police officer we would love to see more of.

I was a bit annoyed at Shashiro saying Jou actually wasn’t cool, but just the most-hero-ish of them all. But the episode ending on Itsuki telling his little brother how cool Jou was made up for it. We can all be cool in our own ways! Hehe.

Speaking of, I wasn’t sure if we were to believe Itsuki’s little brother died. Like, he was just lying there. He obviously fell off the jungle gym and hit his head. I guess the show intentionally made it seem like he died and that it was all Itsuki’s fault. That’s why he felt guilty. But then when we saw the little brother in the end, I literally let out a huge sigh of relief. Thank goodness he survived that fall lolol It would’ve been even more sad and emotional if he had died!

But again, this season knows how to do perfect emotional payoffs. And that scene with Itsuki and his brother and then Jou hearing Itsuki call him cool was just pitch perfect. A satisfying end to the strong episode. With of course the final moment with Spindo and Mr. Naito of course to tease the endgame.

I love Mira and Jou together. The two kiddos of the team hehe They are like the little brother and sister. Or really, Taiya and Shashiro’s kids, to be honest lolol But they match each other very well. And it was a perfect combo to effectively tell this episode’s story.

The things the Guruma was weighing (failed job interviews, guys the girl was dating, how much toilet paper the guy used) were pretty funny. The job seeker saying “It’s not me, it’s this country!” is quite a social commentary! lol

Love that Daruma Otoshi attack with the tires. Very fun! Nice peek at the Sanseaters’ dream of being promoted. And good little scene of Taiya speaking with Sakito and Byundi about finding out more information regarding the BBG.

Overall, a really excellent Jou-focus episode. A perfect example of the many things Boonboomger has done so well this past year!

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