Recap: Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Formation Lap: Informant Secrets (Your Eyes Only), Chapter 4

Recap: Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Formation Lap: Informant Secrets (Your Eyes Only), Chapter 4

Shashiro arrives at the Garage and sees Taiya working with some interesting blueprints. Taiya says it’s just a “dumb little project” of his.

Anyway, for today’s delivery, they will participate in an underground street race and win the top prize of a billion yen-worth bottle of fine wine for their client. Shashiro says he’s heard of this race which can involve life and death since it has no rules.

But Taiya hasn’t finished fixing his car from their last delivery yet.

A mysterious man walks in and says to leave it to him. He’ll procure a new vehicle for them. Shashiro cannot believe this guy was able to sneak in right behind his back. Taiya introduces him as Genba Bureki, their procurer.

Genba says he’s heard a lot about Shashiro as the informant. Shashiro is annoyed that Taiya would tell Genba about him. Taiya says they needed some extra help with this one.

Genba looks forward to working with Shashiro. But Shashiro says he cannot trust someone who smiles the way Genba does.

Boonboomger Manga Recap

Taiya says Genba charmed him the same way Shashiro did. So he should be trustworthy. Shashiro blushes. But Genba says it’s up to Shashiro whether he trusts him or not. Nevertheless, he’ll get them what they need.

It’s the night of the race and Taiya and Shashiro have their cars, care of Genba. Shashiro is impressed how his car is somehow perfectly tuned to him. Taiya says he has good taste in partners.

As they race through the course, a huge monster truck speeds through, wiping out all the cars in its path with only Taiya and Shashiro left. Shashiro tries shooting at the truck, but it doesn’t work.

They reach the bridge which has the finish line on the other side. As they speed across, the driver of the truck blows the bridge up. One of the spectators falls and manages to grab on to the edge of the roadway. As the truck speeds ahead, Shashiro’s car is also damaged and he tells Taiya to just go ahead and beat the truck.

Standing on the bridge’s truss, Genba drops something down for Taiya to catch. Taiya swerves and gets behind Shashiro. Shashiro questions Taiya pushing him forward, saying he won’t have a chance to reach the finish line now.

They drive up the roadway which has been raised upward. Taiya is able to propel Shashiro’s car across the divide while the monster truck gets caught on the edge. Meanwhile, Taiya falls over and down over the water as the spectator loses her grip from the roadway.

Shashiro crosses the finish line, but all he can think about is Taiya. He gets out of the car and runs to look over the side of the bridge, fearing the worst. But he is surprised to see Taiya with the spectator in his arms, having used a parachute to safely land on a boat in the water.

Shashiro is speechless as the crowd cheers. He can’t believe Taiya helped him get across the finish line while also springing to action to save the girl. Shashiro thinks Taiya is something else. And working with Taiya has allowed him to experience a whole new world.

Taiya says it’s thanks to Shashiro they will be able to make their delivery today. Shashiro says it’s because of Taiya’s quick thinking.

Taiya asks if Shashiro is up for another round. Shashiro reminds him that his name is “Ishiro,” but he’s definitely up for it anytime.

Boonboomger Manga Recap

Chapter Thoughts

Exciting chapter! Just another chance for Shashiro to fall even harder for Taiya… I mean, another opportunity for Taiya and Shashiro to solidify their bond and their trust in each other.

Really, more on Shashiro’s part since his lonely upbringing has made him suspicious of everyone. And so him still trying to understand Taiya and being wary of Genba is very much his character. So it’s great to see him and his early days in this bakuage team.

Shashiro at the end saying that meeting Taiya has opened a whole new world for him is really a poignant feeling.

So far, it’s been great to also see Taiya in these early days too. It’s awesome how the manga really has captured the essence of the in-series characters. Like, you really believe this is a prequel to the series.

Other fun moments from this chapter were Taiya working on the Boonboom Changers at the beginning. And of course, Shashiro seemingly being jealous and shy. Hehe.

But overall, I really love this manga. Again, I wish we got this story in real life. But the manga has been so fun and enjoyable to read.

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