Recap: Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger, Episode 33 – The Procurer Won’t Give In

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 33 Recap

The Boonbooms are fighting Ishiyakiimoki Guruma and Renga Block Wall Guruma while Sakito and Byundi battle an embiggened MadRex.

As the General3 cheer on their comrades, Sakito activates Byunbyun Mach Robo ToQ Custom. Genba watches the scene and thinks about MadRex telling him to tell Taiya to kill him.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 33 Recap

Sakito delivers a finisher at MadRex, forcing him back down to size. The others are able to knock the Kurumajus down toward the General3 and they retreat.

Disrace is impressed that they all hung in there. But he suddenly gets a call with some interesting news.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 33 Recap

That evening, MadRex nurses his wounds from the battle. Genba approaches him and asks why he is pretending he lost his memory. “Who knows?” MadRex says. More importantly, he asks if Genba relayed his message to Taiya. Genba says he cannot go back to them until he gets his revenge.

MadRex points out that Disrace is pulling Genba’s strings as well. “You pathetic clown,” MadRex says. Disrace took control of both their handles and they are just spinning their wheels now.

Genba asks if this is MadRex’s way to say he is looking for his place to die. MadRex says he’s already dead.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 33 Recap

While the General3 are out searching for MadRex, he says he can’t do anything about being dead. But he is doing this now for the sake of his three trusted lackeys. For Genba though, it is not too late for him to regain control of his steering wheel.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 33 Recap

Back at the Garage, Jou and Mira are sure MadRex is being controlled by Disrace.

Investigator Shirabe reports that the ISA surveilled Genba at the scene earlier. Sakito declares that no matter what Genba says, he really does want to come back. Shirabe wonders if he ever will.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 33 Recap

Speaking of, Genba is on a rooftop in the city thinking about MadRex’s words to him.

Next day, the General3 are with Disrace, begging him to return MadRex’s memories. Disrace says if they are good, he will think about it. He orders them to get back to work and they are motivated to do well to help MadRex-sama.

After they leave, Disrace says the three are quite a nuisance and thinks it better to make them his puppets too. MadRex tries to stifle his anger, but Disrace knows he’s regained his memories. Disrace chains MadRex up and says he exists merely to be his plaything.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 33 Recap

Genba arrives at the seemingly empty Garage. Investigator Shirabe walks in and he says he’s just here to deliver a message from MadRex to Taiya. But Shirabe says Taiya and the others are already fighting MadRex.

They watch as Taiya, Shashiro, Mira and Jou are struggling against MadRex whom they conclude is still not in control of the wheel.

Outside the warehouse, the General3 are cheering on the two Kurumajus as Sakito takes them on.

The four Boonbooms try their best to hold off MadRex’s attacks. Taiya asks what happened to MadRex being behind the wheel.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 33 Recap

At the Garage, Genba tells Shirabe that Disrace stole everything from MadRex; his pride and dreams and steering wheel. And that is the same for him. Shirabe, however, says that no one can take away your hopes and dreams. At least, that’s what Taiya believes.

Genba says he was after revenge. Shirabe says they all understand that and she flashes back to last night.

After Sakito declared that Genba really does want to return, the other Boonbooms all agree. Taiya and Shashiro say Genba just misplaced his driver’s seat and that he will find it soon. Jou and Mira says they will just have to patiently hang in there until he does.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 33 Recap

BunBun walks in and remembers how Genba said he was a good guy even though that isn’t necessarily the case. But Taiya still accepted every part of him. And now he is not alone. He has a place here.

Genba remembers all the wonderful moments with his new friends.

“That’s why I’ve been able to hold on to my dream with Taiya, to win the BBG,” BunBun says.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 33 Recap

Shirabe hands Genba a brand-new team jacket. “Do you want it?” she asks, “If not, I’ll wear it.”

Genba takes the jacket and becomes very emotional.
“I’ve found it,” Genba says, “My driver’s seat.”

Back at the battle, MadRex slashes at the four Boonbooms, forcing them to dehenshin in a huge explosion. They fall to the ground.

MadRex shoots a finisher at them. But Genba arrives, tossing a manhole cover to block the attack.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 33 Recap

Genba explains that Disrace attached a license plate on MadRex to draw out his power beyond limits. Disrace’s illegal customization robs the victim of their free will and turns them into a fighting machine.

Genba tells Taiya about MadRex’s request to be killed so as to be free from Disrace.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 33 Recap

Taiya says that is a tall order. He gets up and asks Genba what he brought for them today. “I’ve brought me.”

Mira, Jou and Shashiro welcome Genba back, Genba says he is sure that this is his place to live, with the Boonboomger.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 33 Recap

Genba has a delivery from BunBun. Taiya is touched that BunBun was able to finish the Champion Changer for him.

The Boonbooms henshin and Taiya activates the Champion Changer, allowing them to uphenshin to Champion Boonboomger, complete with fresh new jackets.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 33 Recap

Shirabe and BunBun cheer them on. BunBun explains that the emblems on the jackets when tapped can make a copy of the Boonboom Cars as a weapon. Shirabe applauds BunBun for the great feature.

As Sakito finishes off the two Kurumajus outside, the Boonbooms are now able to better battle MadRex with the new powers. The Boonbooms say that as a team, you can overcome anything. They push MadRex back.

Shashiro, Mira, Jou and Genba all pat the team patch on Taiya’s back. And that powers up a Bakuage Champion Drive finisher which he delivers at MadRex.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 33 Recap

All goes silent as they cheer on MadRex’s Disrace license plate being destroyed. “I told you to kill me,” MadRex says. Genba tells him that Disrace cannot steal his steering wheel and that he has to take it back himself.

“Is that so?” MadRex says. Taiya asks if they should settle this once more. But MadRex says it’s time for his dog’s walk.

Just then, MadRex experiences a sharp pain in his head. He explains that Disrace planned for him to blow them all up through him. But he tells them not to feel bad as he already died once before. And in the end, he is able to race on his own terms.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 33 Recap

“Maybe you guys can get there one day,” he says. MadRex hops on his scooter and speeds away.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 33 Recap

The General3 lament their two Kurumajus failing once again. But they are still determined that if they continue to do their best, one day, MadRex will be able to remember them. They positively look to face the next day with the same reckless drive MadRex instilled in them.

As he flies into the sky, MadRex watches the three and wishes them well. He reaches space and then explodes with his head held high.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 33 Recap

Episode Thoughts

Wowowow! I think what is most unexpected for me is how well this story with MadRex has played out. On its own, it is a very well done story. A depth that is usually not offered to villains and generals and commanders. But MadRex’s story with his three trusted underlings really ran parallel to the great story of Genba and the Boonboomgers.

Overall, it is the idea of being able to be in the driver’s seat and take control of your own handle/steering wheel. Having that freedom for yourself is something that has been running through this season all the way since the first moments. Of course with Mira taking control of her wheel after the arranged marriage, for example. So that theme running through to this point is so effective. And a great culmination of what the season has done so far.

First of all, I loved that scene of the Boonbooms believing in Genba. Sakito being the first one to point out that obviously Genba wants to be back with them was perfect. Sakito is the positive guy who doesn’t really hold back his thoughts. Kind of like saying out loud what everyone else is thinking.

So when we go back later through Shirabe flashing back to the rest of that moment with the others expressing their belief in Genba, it was a very emotional and impactful moment. Really one of the moments we were all waiting for.

It perfectly captures the idea of the Boonbooms being eager to have their friend and teammate back, but allowing him the opportunity to work out whatever he was going through. Not forcing him to come back before he was ready. And trusting him and believing in him to do so when he was. As well as be ready themselves to help whenever he might need it too.

How Genba and MadRex’s stories ended up being both parallel and then intersecting was wonderfully illustrated in their little conversation in the evening. It made me think of Akira’s story as well. “My place to die.” That’s quite a heavy sentiment. And certainly can be a very deep discussion. Possibly far too deep for a Sunday morning children’s program of course. But I think both seasons did well with that kind of story and idea in their own ways.

Finding a reason and purpose in life. Finding something positive to hold on to and being able to freely move forward with it. That what’s Genba’s story was about. And with MadRex, it was a way to show that even in their darkness, he was able to find a bit of light with the three sidekicks as well. (That doesn’t excuse them of their crimes though of course lolol)

But the care the show put in telling these stories is really evident in the payoff in this episode.

Such as MadRex exploding to his death. Again, it is so unexpected for me how emotional that was. I would not have expected such an impact for the story and to him as a character when he first popped up. But it worked very well. And again, as a contrast or even a compliment to Genba’s story.

Genba’s story itself was a great way to solidify the Boonbooms’ bond and teamwork. And a creative way to tell this familiar (and annual) Sentai plot point.

Speaking of, I love that their power up is just a racing jacket. Visually speaking. It certainly fits the theme. And I think they are rather cool. I definitely want one! (Or all! Hehe) I’m only sad that Sakito is not part of the Champion team and the logo. I want all six handles! But it makes sense story-wise since technically, in the BBG-sense, Sakito and Byundi are a different racing team. But still, I want a representation of all six Boonbooms! hehe

It was fun seeing Sakito and Byundi with the ToQ upgattai! I’m wishing we get more ToQger visits later in the season like Daigoro did last season with the Ohgers. Hehe

But overall, a great and exciting episode. Emotional episode too. A great climax to Genba’s story. And a perfect way to introduce the new power up and solidify the great teamwork of the Boonbooms!

4 thoughts on “Recap: Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger, Episode 33 – The Procurer Won’t Give In

  1. Really great episode. Love seeing the Boonboomgers back together. I agree about wanting Sakito with them too! I hope they film a new ending dance too where he is included ☺️

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