Recap: Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger, Episode 29 – Spy and Family

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 29 Recap Review

Sakito and Byundi find Shashiro on a rooftop as he begins his mission, using a drone to scout the home of the Aori Family which is guarded by a slew of bodyguards. Sakito wants to join him and Shashiro says he’ll hire them as long as they follow his orders and not ask questions.

Sakito says they do their own things as fixers, but he agrees to Shashiro’s terms.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 29 Recap Review

Meanwhile, the General3 ask Disrace why MadRex seems so different. Disrace says memories are just unnecessary trash. And all he wanted was MadRex’s power as a raider. Now he is Disrace’s bodyguard and their anti-Boonboomger weapon.

Disrace gives the General3 their orders for today and Ittasha keys in a ringside bell to bring about Gong Guruma.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 29 Recap Review

Back at the Garage, Taiya, Shirabe, Mira and Jou are reviewing what happened with the return of MadRex. BunBun makes them iced tea for a break and Mira and Jou ask where Shashiro is today. BunBun says he’s out doing spy things and they give him the space to do so.

In fact, Shashiro being able to sneak into Taiya’s mansion is how they first met him.

Like he is doing now at the Aori’s residence, Shashiro had been able to hack into Taiya’s security to allow him to get in. He was even able to break through Taiya and BunBun’s counter-programs.

Shirabe asks what Shashiro could possibly have wanted here. BunBun says Shashiro was looking for him. Shirabe, Mira and Jou are shocked. That means they had originally met as enemies, Jou says.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 29 Recap Review

Taiya goes on to explain that Jou had reached just outside the Garage. But they were able to catch up using Taiya’s simple trip wire.

At that moment, Shashiro asked if it was Taiya who came up with the idea and Taiya says it’s a very Bakuage thing. And from then on, they became friends. Shashiro ended up lying to his employer and keep BunBun a secret. His employer at the time being the ISA.

Taiya says the ISA had noticed BunBun when he first landed on his property. So they hired Shashiro to look into it. Shirabe can’t believe it as she had no idea. Taiya says the whole thing was completely out of her pay grade, so of course she wouldn’t have known.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 29 Recap Review

Back at the Aori residence, Sakito and Byundi head to the front door and begin to engage with the guards. Mr. Aori comes out to check on the commotion and his son ends up being entertained by Byundi. This distraction allows Shashiro to sneak in over the wall.

Just then, the General3 and Gong Guruma appear. The guards try to shoot, but their bullets do nothing on the Kurumaju. He hits them back and then collects the resulting gassholin. Sakito henshins, but Gong Guruma puts boxing gloves on him so he is unable to use any weapons.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 29 Recap Review

Inside the home, Shashiro makes his way through and finds what the director hired him to retrieve: a Hashiryan Key!

Shashiro heads outside to join Sakito against the Kurumaju. He calls the others to let them know what is going on and Mira is taken aback when Shashiro tells her they are at the home of her former fiance’s family.

Taiya, Mira and Jou henshin and hurry out. But they are stopped in their tracks by MadRex.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 29 Recap Review

Shashiro shows Byundi the Key he retrieved, much to the shock of the General3. When the father and son Aori run over, Shashiro demands they explain how they have a Hashiryan Key.

Mr. Aori explains that they made a deal with Cannonborg. If they joined the Hashiryans, they would become the head of the Earth corps once the Hashiryans took over the planet. And the Key was given to them as a sign of their agreement.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 29 Recap Review

The Aoris run away as Gong Guruma knocks Sakito back. BunBun calls Shashiro to update him on the others. But Shashiro says they will take care of things here.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 29 Recap Review

With Sakito down for the count, Shashiro steps into the ring. Sakito asks if he can handle it, but Shashiro says he has been trained in a variety of fighting styles since he was young. His parents had the same job as he did. Shashiro says Sakito can figure out the rest.

Shashiro henshins. But Gong Guruma also puts boxing gloves on him. No problem, Shashiro says and they box and battle. Sakito is able to jump in from the other direction and land a big punch as well.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 29 Recap Review

Shashiro is impressed by Sakito’s foresight. Sakito says Shashiro makes a good boss. They team up and deliver a Double Bakuage Punch to finish off Gong Guruma.

Yaruka embiggens the Kurumaju. Shashiro lends Sakito his Car as he locks in Marine. Shashiro, Sakito, Byundi and BunBun combine into Wing Boonboomger Robo Marine and Off-Road Custom.

Gong Guruma shrinks them into a mini-ring. But they are able to fly out and get themselves back to size. They deliver a Boonbyun Full Throttle Punch to finish off Gong Guruma for good.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 29 Recap Review

MadRex declares the mission complete and is about to retreat. But Taiya zooms at MadRex and slashes at his head. That seems to trigger his memories. Taiya asks what happened to MadRex. But Genba arrives to interrupt.

Genba demands MadRex tell him where Disrace is. MadRex is surprised to learn Disrace is even on Earth. He flashes a bright light at them to give himself an opportunity to get away.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 29 Recap Review

Genba walks away. Jou and Mira hate to see Genba like this. But Taiya says Genba is fighting against himself.

Later, Shashiro delivers the Key to the director. “You’re not brushing me off this time?” the director asks. Shashiro says he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

Shashiro asks if the director hired him just because it involved Hashiryans. The director says his job’s done so his questions are pointless.

Taiya arrives as the director leaves.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 29 Recap Review

The director calls Naito-san and confirms they’ve collected all the Keys despite Cannonborg having complicated things. Supervising the Hashiryan is under their control, after all.

Shashiro says the Hashiryans might not be their only foe. Taiya says that does not change their responsibility to come running when they hear the cries of the people.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 29 Recap Review

Episode Thoughts

Of course it’s another great episode with the Boonbooms!
Not gonna lie though, I wish we got a bit more about Shashiro’s past. And maybe even add some momentary conflict between Shashiro and the Gang. But that’s okay. The episode did its job with continuing to establish the ISA’s nefarious shadowy activities.

I like that in introducing and fleshing out the ISA and also Mr. Naito as potential antagonistic characters, the show is able to use Taiya and Shashiro and Investigator Shirabe. The General3 too, even. They are the characters we actually care about. So to see how they are potentially being used by these nefarious-looking actors makes this “twist” or plot development feel natural and fit into the overall narrative. Whereas many times in other seasons on either Toei toku, they like to abruptly swerve just for the sake of a big twist and turn.

We’ll see where this plot thread takes us. Especially as it slowly, but surely raises the threat to our heroes moving forward.

Shashiro was so cool and badass as a spy and secret agent man. Like I’ve mentioned, his focus episode 14 is probably my favorite of the season so far. So I was really excited to see this episode and have more about Shashiro’s past.

Those scenes were really fun, but a bit short though. So I hope we can see more in the future. Especially the early days of Taiya and Shashiro’s relationship. And maybe even more of Shashiro’s childhood as he implies to Sakito.

Speaking of, I loved Shashiro and Sakito’s interactions this episode. Always love when Sentai pairs off the team members in episodes to explore the different relationships and dynamics they have.

Very interesting to see the potential with MadRex as well. And I like that they’re not rushing Genba’s story too.

Also a fun moment was BunBun doing the henshin moves with them. I would love to see BunBun henshin in the future! Hehe.
Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 29 Recap Review

Overall, another great and enjoyable episode.

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