Recap: Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger, Episode 24 – The Song I Want to Deliver

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 24 Recap Review

BunBun wakes Taiya up from a dream where he relives a moment from his childhood. He liked playing by himself and building cars out of everyday items while at an after school club. And his teacher had given him a lot of attention.

BunBun tells Taiya that they have to hurry or they’ll be late.

They and the other Boonbooms arrive at that very after school center where Taiya used to attend. The children are excited to see them all today.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 24 Recap Review

Meanwhile, after speaking with the higher ups, Cannonborg laments how it has been so hard to collect gassholin. He blames the General3 for doing a bad job and zaps them. He believes this is his last chance so he keys in a guitar to bring about Akogi Guruma.

Back at the center, the Boonbooms are enjoying spending time with the children. Taiya later treats them with a song on his guitar.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 24 Recap Review

BunBun tells the others that Taiya plays this song lot as it is a song that his first love Mahiro-sensei had played a lot when he was a kid. The after school teacher says Taiya took up the guitar to take after her.

An excited Byundi would like to know more about Taiya’s hatsukoi. Shashiro asks why Byundi is so interested and Sakito says he has been reading a lot of romance novels lately.

The teacher continues to talk about how Taiya was introverted and shy, but Mahiro-sensei was the first to get him to open his heart. Mahiro-sensei taught Taiya the song. And even after he stopped attending the after school program, he would still come to visit her.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 24 Recap Review

Mira and Byundi tease Taiya about his hatsukoi and they want to meet her. But Taiya says she went somewhere far away. Shashiro changes the subject and reminds them that it’s time to play in the park.

While they are all enjoying the park, the Kurumaju arrives and with every strum of his guitar, people around who get hit with the music fall to the ground asleep.

Taiya and Sakito shield the others from getting hit and they fall asleep as well and find themselves in a dreamland.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 24 Recap Review

In his dream, Sakito is back at the day he had begged Byundi to take him to space. His old friend Kakeru approaches him and says he can stay on Earth and they can play together.

In Taiya’s dream, he is shocked to see Mahiro-sensei again.

Back in the real world, BunBun takes the kids to safety. The Kurumaju tosses guitar picks at the Boonbooms. But Shashiro quickly henshins and tells the others to work on waking Taiya and Sakito up while he keeps the Kurumaju busy.

Genba provides them with loud instruments to try and do just that. But nothing works. Instead, gassholin begins shooting out of Taiya and Sakito.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 24 Recap Review

Watching the scene, Cannonborg says the people cannot be awakened outside of their dreams and that gassholin can continue to be collected while they are asleep.

Back in the dream, Sakito realizes what is going on. He does not believe the path he chose was a mistake. He shoots out and is able to wake up. He explains to the others that the dreams make you a prisoner of a fake past. Sakito knows that wasn’t his childhood friend Kakeru and he hated seeing it.

Sakito henshins and hurries over to join Shashiro against the Kurumaju. He tells Shashiro to take Taiya and find a way to quickly wake him up.

Shashiro hurries over while Sakito battles Nejirettas.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 24 Recap Review

Back inside the center, they hear Taiya mumbling “sensei” in his sleep. In the dream, Mahiro-sensei asks Taiya if he likes her and she says he can stay with her. They don’t need anyone else. She hugs him and hopes they can always be together.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 24 Recap Review

Seeing the song on the wall, Shashiro suspects Taiya’s dream is trapping him in the past. Mira suggests Taiya might snap out of it if he hears the song. They ask the children for a favor.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 24 Recap Review

In the dream, Taiya hears the voices of the children singing the song. He knows this is not the real Mahiro-sensei. That Mahiro-sensei told him how the world can become colorful and more interesting when he meets different people with different colors.

The fake sensei grabs Taiya’s hand as he turns away. But Taiya thanks Mahiro-sensei for her influential words to him.

Taiya finally wakes up. He apologizes for worrying everyone. BunBun helps him up and thanks the children for their song.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 24 Recap Review

They hurry outside and henshin, quickly joining Sakito to finish off the Nejiretta.
Taiya goes 119 and together with Sakito are able to finish off the Guruma

Yaruka beams the Guruma up and it embiggens.

The Boonbooms hop into Boonboomger Robo. But the Guruma puts up red stop lights in front of them to stop them from being able to move. Taiya gets an idea. And he summons Boonboom Leo Rescue which, as an emergency vehicle, can run red lights.

Taiya and BunBun combine into Boonboomger Robo 119. And with a Boonboom ZunZun Finish, they take care of the Kurumaju for good

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 24 Recap Review

Back at the center, the kids say goodbye to everyone as they head home for the day.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 24 Recap Review

Taiya is outside playing the guitar by himself. But the others come out and join him to sing along.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 24 Recap Review

Episode Thoughts

A nice, sweet and wholesome episode.

Now, I’ll get it out of the way first. But the dream version of the teacher was kinda creepy. Lol. I guess this is my overthinking of Boonboomger for the week. Lol. But at the same time, Taiya realized that the real teacher didn’t want it to be just them two together, alone. Instead, the teacher tried to show Taiya that it can be a good thing to meet and encounter different people.

Again, we get some insight into how Taiya grew up. He was a shy, introverted kid. In other episodes, we kind of get the sense that he was perhaps lonely. But I’d like to point out that just because a kid prefers to play by himself making cars out of cardboard does not automatically mean he is lonely. Nor does him being in an after school program make him lonely or alone either.

Still, if we are to take Taiya’s situation as a whole, we can still piece together a possible picture of his childhood from what we know so far.

The most important thing to take away from seeing this new moment from Taiya’s past is that his present is very different. Now he has a lot of great new friends. And they are able to smile and be happy together. While also fighting to save the world together too.

And also, like we’ve seen in previous episodes, Taiya is determined to give back as well. And try to make it so he can help children be happy too. Maybe in a way that no one (save for this teacher and Mr. Naito) was able to do for him as a child.

Through Taiya’s story, we also get a bit more insight into Sakito’s character. We of course already know a little about his own loneliness that drove him into space. But it was great to see the bit of contrast between him and Taiya. Sakito recognized the ideal scenario in his dream as being fake. That really shows the different experiences both of them have had both while growing up and in the years since.

Meanwhile, it seems like Cannonborg’s days are numbered. We’ll see what happens and perhaps we’re due for another climactic battle. We are nearing the time for the midseason climax of course!

Elsewhere, it was great the show was able to find a way to have Haruhi Iuchi play the guitar and sing on the show. If you haven’t yet, follow him on TikTok where he posts nice covers often.

I really enjoyed the scenes of the Boonbooms enjoying their time with the children. It was a lot of fun.

The funniest moments though were of Shashiro with the kids. Like here at first where he hides behind the curtain:
Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 24 Recap Review

And then Sakito falling on his butt as he had been sitting on Byundi’s tire foot when Byundi suddenly stepped away. lol

And another fun moment was my realization that emergency vehicles could run through red lights. At that moment and before Taiya explains it, I laughed and was like “That is so clever!” lol

Overall, this was a sweet episode that gives us some nice insight into Taiya’s background some more. And maybe best of all, shows us the real bond and friendship the Boonbooms have forged with each other already. It’s not a fluke, they really are close and that’s so great to see.

4 thoughts on “Recap: Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger, Episode 24 – The Song I Want to Deliver

  1. This season is so cute and warm. It’s like a comfort series. I am really enjoying it. What would make it even better is if they include more awesome action scenes. Like Kiramager. I think both of them have similar vibes. Also! How about a ToQger cameo on this season for the 10th anniversary! Trains and cars!

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