Recap: Power Rangers Cosmic Fury, Episode 10 – The End
Aiyon wakes up in the Grid with a Zayto-looking person in front of him. Meanwhile back on the mountain, Slyther and Mucus arrive, having hijacked a Squidrill. And they shoot just before Bajillia’s countdown reaches zero. Scrozzle leaves and the Captivator Canister cracks.
Bajillia orders Squidrills form a blockade around the planet. Slyther and Mucus are resolved to open a path for the Ranger reinforcements to get through.
The Rangers move quickly with Amelia teleporting the Master Captivator away. The others are close behind.
In the Grid, Aiyon says Zayto is here and hugs him. But the man says he is someone else. The Zayto-looking person says Aiyon is only seeing what he wants to see. Aiyon thinks this is a nightmare and he is on Nibyro with notZayto being one of the Guardian’s illusions.
notZayto says this is not Nibyro and has no idea who he is, but the terms Lord Zedd and Rangers sound familiar to him. The Morphin Grid has somehow connected them. Aiyon asks if Zayto’s energy is in the Grid and the man says perhaps.
Meanwhile, the Rangers are fighting their way through the Squidrills. Mucus and Slyther’s Squidrill explodes, but they are able to eject just before. Billy arrives with some reinforcements. Classic Megazords come to help shoot down the Squidrills.
The Rangers cheer as Billy and friends are able to finish the Squidrills. They check on the Captivator Canister and the crack is growing, but no energy leak yet. Billy checks on them and says the universe is in their hands now. They must be the ones to figure out how to deal with the Master Captivator.
notZayto says he can feels Zayto’s presence in the Grid. However Zayto’s mortal life is indeed over and that cannot be changed. notZayto says he can help another way by sending Aiyon back to his friends who need him.
“May the power protect you,” notZayto says and Aiyon wakes back up in his body and joins the others.
The Rangers believe the Morphin Grid might be the best place to explode the Master Captivator without affecting anyone. However, that could destabilize all their powers.
Amelia says if the alternative is to save the whole universe, then that should be okay. They believe the other Rangers would agree. They decide to return to the Altar on Zordnia, which is the only place to access the Grid.
Javi steps forward to once again put the staff in the Altar. But Izzy will not allow it. Ollie says maybe they must all share the danger and do it together.
Just then, Bajillia appears, having stowed away on their ship. The Rangers morph. They combine their weapons into the Cosmic Blaster and shoot at Bajillia. She turns to ink, but she drops her gun and the impact on the ground shoots at the Master Captivator.
The Rangers all grab the staff. But suddenly, Zayto appears and takes the staff himself. He assures them it is him. He tells them to brace themselves as he takes all of them inside the Master Captivator.
Lord Zedd appears in front of them, but Zayto says they are all only energy inside here. Zayto offers to help Zedd by saying that once the Captivator explodes, it will destroy Zedd like it destroyed Zordon all those years ago.
Amelia says Bajillia wanted Zedd gone so she could rule the universe. Ollie reminds Zedd about the advice he gave him about survival is all that matters to the strongest.
Zayto reiterates that the only way Zedd can be saved is with their help. And only if he agrees to release the energy of the Morphin Masters. Zedd says he will not make deals with Rangers.
Zayto says they will all die then. The others cannot believe it, but Zayto says they have no choice. Ollie tries to talk to Zedd, saying Zayto is giving him an out here. As the Captivator begins to rumble, Zedd ends up agreeing to the offer.
Zayto raises his staff and they are all released from the Captivator. Zedd thinks he’s won. But Rita appears and calls him for some drinks.
The Rangers awaken and Zayto explains that thanks to the power of planet Nibyro, Zedd is now living out his nightmares. The Guardian appears and says unless Zedd’s spirit is noble, he will be forever trapped here. And anyone who tries to come and save him will be trapped as well.
Zayto says Zedd may yet overcome his nightmare and become a force for good in the universe in a future season. Even Lord Zedd has potential for redemption if future story needs call for it.
Back at the base, the Morphin Masters commend the Rangers on their idea to seal Zedd. But they ask Zayto how he became a Morphin Master. He has no idea either. Aiyon says he might know. He tells them about hitching a ride to the Grid and meeting some being of consciousness. That thing told him about Zayto’s presence in the Grid and about knowing Rangers and Lord Zedd. And the being wanted to help.
The Morphin Masters have no idea of such a being. But they acknowledge that Aiyon’s intervention was an important part of Zedd’s defeat.
Zayto says he is happy to have seen them one last time. He thanks them for being his wonderful team. They share a group hug and the Rangers thank Zayto for all he’s taught them.
Aiyon hugs Zayto and is grateful for this chance to say goodbye to his best friend. They fist bump and hug once more.
The Morphin Masters say it’s time to go and Zayto joins them through the portal. Zayto tells them to have more adventures.
The Rangers head home. And immediately attend Javi’s concert where he performs a new song based around the hopeful sentiment “May the power protect you.”
Billy fondly recalls Zordon saying those words. But he is intrigued by Aiyon’s trip into the Grid. He wants to hear all about it.
Amelia gets a text from her father that her mother has given birth to her new little sister. She shows PopPop and says the baby’s name is Poppy, named after him.
Amelia hurries to show Aiyon, Billy and Mick. Aiyon hugs Amelia and Billy steps aside with Mick to wonder if Zordon’s spirit is lurking about somewhere in the Grid. Mick says that’s like a ghost. And the word perks Amelia up saying she is definitely in for any ghost hunting.
Mucus and Slyther handle the lights at the concert venue.
The Rangers and their family join Javi on stage for the final scene of Power Rangers as we know it.
Zayto watches. “Until next time Rangers.”
Episode Thoughts
For such an untraditional season, this was very much a traditional ending. And I actually liked it!
That scene of the Rangers and Zedd inside the Captivator reminds me so much of many a climax or finale in Sentai or Kamen Rider, to be honest. The kind of philosophical ending and resolution in which words are far more impactful than any kind of Koichisplosion. (As awesome as that would be of course.)
But the finale had the right amount of stakes and satisfying resolution to what has been a solid story this season.
Again, the strongest aspect is the Rangers’ relationship and bond. And anything with Zedd and his history (read; MMPR plot points) is just second fiddle. Of course the show would leave it open for Zedd to return in the future. And they were able to do it in a creative and reasonably understandable way.
Zayto becoming a Morphin Master is meh. If only because I don’t really feel much of anything for the Morphin Masters to begin with. I talked about it when they first appeared in Dino Fury. I had never heard of them before that episode. So Zayto becoming one feels like something the Nexus Prism would spit out.
But at the same time, it doesn’t really take away from how solid this finale was for Cosmic Fury. Good character moments and good action. That’s all I ask for. And it was satisfying for me as someone who is apathetic to Power Rangers. I will assume it was amazing for others who actually still care about this franchise.
But like I also said a few times before, these episodes of Dino Fury‘s finale and of Cosmic Fury has kind of lessened my apathy. Yes, I still don’t care about whether or not the franchise is dead. But at the very least, these episodes kept me reasonably engaged. And I even enjoyed a lot of it too. Not enough to get me to go campaigning for a new movie or a new series or whatever. But good enough to make me appreciate what they were able to do here. And maybe give me pause for the next time I wonder; “Is there is a chance Power Rangers can still be enjoyable?”
For 10 episodes of Cosmic Fury and a couple of episodes of Dino Fury‘s endgame, perhaps there is a tiny, small, sliver of a chance. Quite miniscule, yes. But a potential chance, nonetheless. And that is probably what surprises me the most after this marathon watch.
ETA (8/6/24): So like I mentioned back in May, I had saved these recaps for Dino Fury and Cosmic Fury in my drafts so I could have something to post on days when I needed them. Since I wrote this recap back in April, there’s definitely been a lot of news regarding the Power Rangers franchise. But basically, the television series is most likely dead until any sort of resurrection in the future. It’s not surprising. And I feel like the writing has been on the wall for a long time now.
Even though I have lost interest in the franchise, I know it still has so many fans around the world. So while it’s sad for them, it’s really just a reality that perhaps the franchise has already hit its ceiling. Both creatively and financially too.
The 30 years of Power Rangers will of course live on forever. But will there be fresh content? I highly doubt it. The franchise has just been a mess for years. And the fandom has honestly not done much to lessen the blow either with its frequent toxicity.
Anyway. I’ve recapped every new episode of Power Rangers since RPM. Which itself was something I never initially planned on doing. But when I started it, I never stopped. Even through the exhausting Saban Brands and Hasbro Eras. So with this recap of the finale of Cosmic Fury, I can finally close the door on Power Rangers.
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2 thoughts on “Recap: Power Rangers Cosmic Fury, Episode 10 – “Our most beautiful show ever.””
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It’s fascinating that Power Rangers has been airing shows on TV and streaming for 30 years; even off-year of 2010 had MMPR Season 1 revision, despite not being a new show.
It’s interesting that Hasbro decided to make continuation of Dino Fury, despite only had plan for 1 season, by making it a 3rd season as Cosmic Fury, which marks the first time since MMPR S3 and also first time since MMAR to have 10 episodes season.
The anniversary seasons for Power Rangers doesn’t tend to have a good reputation for being worst season of the franchise; Wild Force, Operation Overdrive (which you love), Megaforce, and (Super) Ninja Steel. Even though the former 2 has gotten better reception overtime (I know you love Operation Overdrive, but I, like many, still don’t. lol), latter 2 has still been mocked by fans, even to this date.
Before the season came out, I had an optimism due to how well Dino Fury was made.
As it turns out, I was really surprised how it turned out.
I really enjoyed it and it’s probably the first (and ONLY) anniversary season, that has gotten praise upon its release; though, that could also be due to the continuation of Dino Fury and FINAL season of Power Rangers.
The season was very loosely adapted from Kyuranger with some elements/props from Zyuohger and Lupin vs. Pat. Even though I was little disappointed that Kyuranger suit wasn’t utilized, I like what Hasbro did with suit design; it was also nice to see Orange Ranger for final season. For the most part, Kyuranger elements were used pretty well, coming out after dino season.
I like how the overall narrative was very tight, where there was not much room for filler where story flowed very well. There were moments where I felt like I was matching 2~3 parts movies rather than TV series, due to Netflix releasing episodes all at once. The character developments were well written, where EVERY character had a chance to shine in a unique way. I was little bummed that not ALL 7 rangers didn’t get together, but the overall story was enough to cover that.
The final episode, ironically called The End, wraps up the season and the franchise pretty well. While it doesn’t ties up the loose end for EVERYTHING (Scrozzle), it was satisfying way to end and it’s probably one of the better ending of the season I’ve seen.
Overall, Cosmic Fury was definitely a solid continuation to Dino Fury and satisfying conclusion to franchise. It may not be perfect and there were few things to improve, but it was nice that franchise finally had an anniversary that has mostly positive reception contrary, and franchise ended strongly.
Good-bye Power Rangers!
Thank you for 30 years of entertainment!
Yes, goodbye Power Rangers!