Before everything else, I just have to say this. To a big chunk of the fans and audience of His Man, Please grow the f- up. Seriously. The behavior these fans are exhibiting on social media, particularly on the social media accounts of the MEN themselves is absolutely abhorrent, disgusting and embarrassing. The hateful vitriol that comes spewing out of their mouths onto their fingers as they type out such nasty comments is so unbelievable.
None of these guys deserve this hate. None of these guys have done anything to warrant such behavior. Most especially from people just watching a TV show.
So again, GROW. THE. F-. UP!
The eight guys all being happy and at peace with their experience from the show is the most important thing to consider. The feeling of entitlement from these rabid fans should be thoroughly condemned. And yes, the team of His Man should take any and all legal action necessary toward anyone who crosses the line. Even though many comments have already gone pretty close to it.
I’ll have more to say about this later. But let’s get to the two episodes first. And to change the tone, I must say this was an amazing finale.
Episode 13 begins as the final morning dawns in the house. Everyone is a bit sleepy after their long and emotional final night. But they quickly get up and finish packing their things.
As they sit around the couch, Seongmin asks Hwi to take a photo of him. Jaeseung likes it so he asks Hwi to take one of him too. The three of them enjoy Hwi’s photography skills.
(The last glimmer of hope for a throuple! Thank you for the crumbs His Man! lolol)
“You’re really good at everything you do,” Jaeseung says to Hwi. (And maybe the last glimmer of hope for a Jaeseung-Hwi endgame? Lol)
As everyone makes their final preparations, Myeongkyun and Youngjoon hug. Myeongkyun apologizes again and Youngjoon laughs that he doesn’t have to do that.
Youngjoon tells us that he was thankful and sorry to Myeongkyun that he wasn’t able to find the courage to approach him and act like the hyung that he should be.
(Myeongkyun really is such a soft-hearted guy. I can understand how these situations can be difficult for him. Especially what happened with Youngjoon. But it’s great to see this scene because it shows a bit more closure than their “lay it all out on the table” convo.)
Just then, Youngjoon gets a text telling him that it is time for him to go to the phone booth to make his final decision. And to leave the house.
Youngjoon hugs everyone goodbye and heads to the phone booth. He is asked to write down the name of the man who has made his heart race the most while at Men’s House. He then goes inside the booth to leave a message to that person.
Myeongkyun is summoned next, followed by Hanmin. Jaeseung begins to cry as Minseon is the next to get called to leave.
While Seongmin is making some coffee, he gets the text. Hwi begins to cry as Seongmin walks out the door. Hwi is emotional as he recalls the feelings he’s had from the start until now.
At the phone booth leaving his message, Myeongkyun says while this week has been short, his feelings have changed a lot.
A nervous Hanmin walks into the booth and tells his man that he hopes to meet him soon.
Minseon walks into the booth telling his man that they share a similar sense of humor.
Seongmin walks in thanking his man for making unforgettable memories with him.
Back inside, Seungjin gets the text and he leaves after saying goodbye. (omgyay! Hwi and Jaeseung left alone at home! Lol)
Jaeseung and Hwi say they have no regrets of their time here in the house. Hwi says he also gained some confidence while in the house and feels he can be himself now in the real world.
Jaeseung then gets the text. Hwi asks him to stay a bit longer. But they hug and get emotional once again. They try to cheer each other up.
(From the best date to the best, most sincere conversation to now the best goodbye hug!)
They hug once more at the door. Jaeseung begins to cry, feeling sorry for not recognizing how tough a time Hwi was having soon enough.
Hwi tells us that he wonders what it would have been like for the two of them if they met outside of the house.
(*screaming* Is it really Right Person, Wrong Time for these two? Or perhaps Right Person, Wrong Age? *sigh* What could’ve been indeed!)
Hwi is now alone at home and looking though the photos on his phone. That’s when he gets the text. He takes his bag and walks out the door, saying he’s learned a lot about himself here.
We first see Jaeseung make his call then Seungjin. But we suddenly rewind to the night before. Hwi gets a text to go to the phone booth to make his call.
Hwi decides to call Seungjin, saying their date was fun today and he hopes they can go on another one. Hwi tells us he is grateful for Seungjin having stayed by his side the most in this house.
Seungjin tells us that this being the first call he has received, he felt very thankful and happy. Seungjin goes to the phone booth and excitedly calls Hwi too.
Back to the present day, Seungjin is in the phone booth calls his man a snowman in the desert and hopes they get the chance to see each other again.
Hwi arrives at the phone booth. He wonders if he will meet “someone like that” ever in his life again.
Hwi calls “hyung” and thanks him for making his heart flutter in a way he never felt before. Hwi says no matter what choice “hyung” makes in the future or who he chooses, he hopes he is happy.
(It’s funny to read the subtitles since he obviously refers to a hyung in his call, so we know he did not choose Seungjin. But anyone who only reads the subtitles and might not have heard the “hyung” might be given false hope that Hwi actually called Seungjin. Lol At least, maybe the delulu fans might hope so. lol)
After the calls, it’s time for the final results to be revealed.
Youngjoon heads to a cafe and waits for Hanmin. Meanwhile, Minseon waits for Myeongkyun.
We see Myeongkyun arriving at a location.
(He looks like the lead actor of a romantic drama. The rich heir character romantic lead getting out of his red sports car lol
At this point, I realize the show is building up some faux tension that Myeongkyun might choose Youngjoon, his first love, instead of Minseon, his current love. But we all know what’s going to happen hehe)
Youngjoon is still waiting at the café and he wonders why no one is here yet. He wonders if maybe Hanmin might have second thoughts about how their relationship could be like outside compared to in the house. But his worries are unfounded as Hanmin walks up to him.
(I mean I knew they would pick each other, but there was still that 0.01% chance that the exes might have reignited some spark in the house. You never know hehe)
Youngjoon begins crying tears of happiness and they look forward to spending more time together and getting to know each other.
Hanmin tells us he liked Youngjoon from the beginning. Youngjoon says it started for him at their ring date.
Meanwhile, Myeongkyun of course goes to meet Minseon. He tells us he was worried Minseon might have thought he was too difficult to be with. They talk about their initial awkwardness on their first date. Myeongkyun says he is learning how to express himself better and thanks Minseon for being understanding of him.
Minseon tells us that Myeongkyun expressed himself well enough and that he made his decision when he received his letter. Myeongkyun tells us that his ideal type has changed. He is most comfortable with someone who will bring him happiness.
They hop into Myeongkyun’s Moto-Moto and drive off into the sunset together.
Hwi arrives at the site of his first date here on His Man. He says he’s changed a lot since then.
Hwi feels calm and peaceful in this moment as he waits for Seongmin. And while he remembers all the wonderful moments he’s spent with him.
Jaeseung, meanwhile, also arrives at his first date location. He of course left a message for Seongmin as well and also recalls all the precious moments he’s shared with him.
Jaeseung says rather than remembering those memories, it would be harder to forget them. He is surprised to have seen this side of himself; that he would look for someone to be around him.
Just then, Seongmin arrives and the two reunite at the place where they first met. Seongmin tells us that he was nervous coming here, but felt relief seeing Jaeseung. Jaeseung tells us that he is so happy to think about this new start.
He realized his feelings for Seongmin when he called him on the third day and found out he didn’t call him back. He wouldn’t have been sad if he didn’t like him then. So that’s when he realized his true feelings.
Seongmin says Jaeseung naming him in the anonymous chat as the guy he would most like to date was when he was sure of his feelings. That confirmation touched his heart and excited him.
Seongmin wants to compare hand sizes and he finds Jaeseung has big hands. Seongmin says he wants to be in a good relationship with Jaeseung for a long time. Jaeseung says they should go on a real date now.
They hold hands and walk out together.
Jaeseung tells us he wants to go to Seongmin’s favorite exhibition. He can’t say that he would enjoy the exhibition, but he will enjoy the time with Seongmin. Seongmin tells us about his many ideas for a potential date, but is very shy to even suggest a hotel staycation.
Meanwhile, Hwi gets a text saying that final choices have ended. He tells us that he hopes Seongmin can be happy. But he also wants to tell Seungjin what he is feeling and to be comforted by him.
Speaking of, Seungjin is emotional while driving to his final location and thinking about Hwi. He has a lot of regrets about this week. But he is both relieved and frustrated as he gets the text that final choices have ended.
After decision time closes, the men get the voice messages they left for each other.
Minseon laughs that Myeongkyun’s message is exactly the same as his letter.
Myeongkyun is emotional listening to Minseon’s message thanking him for taking care of him.
(Minseon really had a sweet message for our favorite soft boy Myeongkyun!)
Youngjoon smiles listening to Hanmin’s message and Hanmin gets emotional listening to Youngjoon’s.
Jaeseung listens to Seongmin thanking him for an unforgettable week and for the happy memories they created and will create in the future.
Jaeseung tells us he is thankful too. In his call, Jaeseung tells Seongmin he looks forward to having a real date together outside.
Seongmin also gets to listen to Hwi’s message. Hwi says he has come to terms with Seongmin’s change of heart. But Hwi thanks Seongmin for making his heart flutter in a way he never felt before. And he hopes he can be happy.
Seongmin says he feels sorry, but also grateful for Hwi’s sincere feelings.
He hopes they can always be friends with each other
Hwi listens to the message from Seungjin and starts to cry. Hwi says he didn’t expect a message, but is happy and moved to have one. Especially when he did not know someone liked him that much. Hwi says he is grateful.
Seungjin did not receive a message, but he says he did his best in the house. He feels he matured and became more resilient.
(At this point, I’m wondering what Episode 14 could possibly be about!)
The guys all express their wonderful memories of this week where they have learned a lot about themselves. The end!
But wait! There’s more!
(As Episode 14 begins, I realize we are getting an epilogue. And I initially feel like it makes sense considering the season was filmed exactly one year ago.)
It is apparently a few weeks since they’ve left the house. Hanmin first walks into a nice restaurant before Youngjoon later arrives with flowers. As they enjoy their little dinner, Youngjoon says he has a job offer and will have to be in the office more. Hanmin tells him not to work too hard.
After dinner, they finish their drinks and Hanmin has something he has to say.
While on the show, he feels he did not think things through too deeply. Perhaps he got caught up in the feeling of being in a romantic drama. And how they were able to speak comfortably being the same age.
Youngjoon says he understood Hanmin moves at a different pace as him when it comes to relationships. Youngjoon admits that in general, he tries to get close with friends easily and quickly. So he is always aware that the other party might feel burdened. Even though his feelings might eventually take over.
Hanmin says he knows Youngjoon has been considerate of him, but that itself makes him feel pressured along with all the other things that worry him.
Hanmin believes two people cannot like each other exactly the same amount.
And he prefers to be someone who likes the other person more than the other likes him because only in this way will he not be stressed about the other person getting hurt even if it means he himself gets hurt more.
Youngjoon says it reflects badly on himself if his words and actions pressured Hanmin. Hanmin says he doesn’t think they are good as a couple and feels the need to draw a line, regardless of how Youngjoon feels.
Hanmin starts to cry. Youngjoon says he doesn’t know. He feels that he has seen a different side of himself. One that is different now from how he used to be previously. That’s why he feels he wants to hold onto him.
Hanmin regrets realizing this after the show. But he has wondered why their first date had to be about making couple rings.
(Now that I think about it, Yeah show! Why did you do that to them! It certainly can put a lot of pressure on the guys. Matching couple rings on their first date? Yikes, right? Lol)
Hanmin knows it might be tough now, but hopes they can be friends. Youngjoon understands even if it hurts.
Hanmin removes the ring and puts it on the table.
Youngjoon says Hanmin should go first. Before Hanmin leaves, Youngjoon asks if he wants the flowers. He tells Hanmin to take them and throw them someplace he can’t see.
After Hanmin leaves, Youngjoon also removes the ring and puts it on the table before leaving himself.
(How interesting to hear Youngjoon like this considering what happened between him and Myeongkyun. But perhaps hearing Myeongkyun has enlightened him?
I will admit, it’s also kind of funny to think Youngjoon might now be the Myeongkyun to Hanmin lol But I really felt bad seeing Youngjoon crying like that. It’s a difficult moment. Hanmin was honest about his feelings. And Youngjoon has every right to feel hurt and upset. But that’s the downside to having a crash course in dating with living together in a house for a week with cameras on you 24/7.)
Later, it’s Minseon and Myeongkyun’s turn to go on a date. They walk hand in hand on the street together and arrive at a theater to watch the musical Zoo, Again. Minseon is touched by Myeongkyun’s thoughtful idea to come here.
After the musical, they go take photos together at a photobooth studio.
They then go to a café. They have met often since being in the house. And even as they have less time to meet now, their feelings are still strong if not stronger.
Myeongkyun says of all the guys he’s dated before, he is happiest with Minseon. Myeongkyun suggests they make this their first day officially as a couple. Minseon is surprised, but very much likes the idea.
The two are now the first official couple of His Man Season 3.
Now this is the real The End.
Season Wrap-up
Whew! That was actually kind of exhausting! But in a good way!
It’s funny because I saw Jaeseung’s IG post before I watched the episode.
I wasn’t surprised that they chose each other. But I was actually pleasantly surprised to see they are still together! Happy for them!
Let me start by saying that overall, season 3 is my favorite season of His Man. Maybe part of the reason is that I followed this season weekly rather than binge watch the season like I did with the first two.
So being on that seven week journey rather than speeding through episodes in a day or two fosters a stronger investment in these characters and stories.
And His Man Season 3 really does have some amazing characters and amazing stories.
I called His Man Season 2 the “Best K-Drama That Isn’t” in my Good Ol’ Review. And the same can be said for Season 3.
I say that not to imply that this series is scripted or anything like that. But more on the combination of these dreamy, cinematic visuals enhancing the very real and raw emotions of these real, everyday guys.
I think the His Man teams has really found their footing after the first two seasons. And it absolutely shows here. It is definitely the most polished season of the three. A tighter production. A tightening up of the format. And of course, it also helps that these eight guys provided plenty of content to allow them to craft 14 episodes of engaging drama and romance.
The eight men were each complex individuals with complicated emotions. They weren’t perfect. And that allowed them to be much more accessible and relatable as “characters” and personalities. In being very distinct individuals, we got to see many fresh dynamics and relationships formed. Not just romantic pairings. But the friendships and love triangles. Even former lovers too.
The way the series was able to properly develop these stories and craft them into an engaging and clear narrative is amazing. That’s really just another reason why this season feels like a K-drama. Especially when it has better story development and progression than actual scripted Korean drama series.
Along with that, the character growth for each of our men is something we didn’t really see in the first two seasons as much. All eight men stood out and made the most of their times in the spotlight. And again, each of them having very distinct personalities allowed for more engaging story to tell.
We had plenty of romantic moments. We had many sad and emotional moments. But we had so many satisfying moments throughout the season. I laughed. I cried. I cheered all season. I was on the edge of my seat and my jaw dropped at the many twists and turns.
When some fans say this season was “boring,” I don’t think we watched the same show. Being upset about the results is one thing. But boring? This season was nonstop drama. How is it boring?
I actually loved that these guys were more open to exploring their feelings. There should be nothing wrong with wanting to explore any potential feelings you have for different guys. This is a reality show where you get one week to make a love connection. You can’t expect these guys to make a final decision on Day 1 and stick with that choice all the way through.
So I really appreciated the guys being more proactive in that sense.
Also, the music choices are always on point. Really sets the mood. Especially in these final episodes. Not just the lyrical songs, but the scoring in most other scenes. Like Hwi and Jaeseung’s moments alone waiting for their choice. Or the official new OST “Flawless Relationship” by Myun:
Now for my criticism of the season, I still wish they had one or more group dates. Of course I understand the limited time they have with one week. But I do think an early group date could help guys be more open to explore their feelings.
But my biggest criticism, again, is to the crazy fans. When I saw Jaeseung’s IG post before watching the episodes, I already spotted the negative comments. A few quite hateful already. But this has been going on for weeks already. And to the point that the His Man team announced they would take legal action against the malicious comments.
Really though. What is wrong with some people. And I don’t even think it’s “some”. It’s actually quite a lot. These crazy fans are harassing these men. Posting such hateful stuff on their social media pages. Ranting hateful vitriol on Reddit or MyDramaList or Twitter. It’s unbelievable.
The way that these people are putting in more effort and energy into sending disgusting vitriol at these men than to their oppars and unnirs who actually have done much worse. It’s okay for their oppars or unnirs to actually commit crimes. But for the guys of His Man, it is the gravest sin to follow their hearts and be true to their feelings rather than fulfill whatever delusional fantasy the audience has.
Honestly. It seems like these rabid fans are 15 year olds fetishizing gay men for whatever reason they might have. Immature, hateful and quite degrading for them to think they can control these men’s lives. Or even pass judgement on their choices for love and relationships. Ranting on your own Twitter account is one thing. Going to these guys’ personal social media accounts or the show’s social media accounts and acting like fools is another.
I think this pathetic behavior should absolutely be condemned. I can’t imagine how much stress it is putting the guys under. And while yes, they are public figures now that they put themselves out there on a reality show, that does not give anyone the right to degrade them because of their own twisted fantasies.
At this point, I hope there is no season 4 for His Man. Especially with this kind of behavior from the audience. Anyway, some of these crazy fans have moved on to other shows. So good for them. The team of His Man and any potential singles for a future season probably won’t want to deal with the nastiness and hateful behavior from the audience anymore. It’s not worth it maybe. And that’s a shame.
To end on a positive note, I wish the eight guys all the happiness they deserve. Hope they don’t let the negativity affect them. And hope they just live their best lives, as we all should.
Overall, I enjoyed this fun and dramatic season. It was good, enjoyable television. And that’s all you can ask for. Definitely my favorite season of the three.
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6 thoughts on “Recap: His Man Season 3, Episodes 13 and 14 + Season Wrap-up”
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I followed your recaps all season. If was great to read a neutral opinion on the show. Even though i had different ending couples, I also enjoyed this season. I liked that all the guys at least wanted to be there in the end unlike the first 2 seasons where guys gave up halfway through.
I also think they won’t do another season after the mess with the fans this time. Let’s see if they take legal action first.
Yeah, I honestly wouldn’t even want another season if the fans get worse and worse.
Fuck off with your pretentious bullshit. Are you even gay? You seem to be but if not, shut the fuck up and don’t involve yourself when you’re not even the target audience. We have a right to our opinion. Maybe you don’t.
That’s for visiting!
I stopped reading the wacko comments from the delusional toxic fans. It’s so embarrassing to be a fan of the show when there’s others like that ruining it for everyone. Hope the men don’t take those comments to heart. They don’t deserve any of that hate.
i have that experience with many series lol It definitely ruins my enjoyment