Recap: Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger, Episode 22 – Lion’s Flaming Fury

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 22 Recap Review

Taiya meets with Naito Raita who commends him for being Bun Red and knowing the Earth’s safety is in good hands with the Boonboomger. Today, Naito would like Taiya to deliver some fireworks for his nephew Senji’s camping trip for school.

Speaking of, Dekotorade, Ittasha and Yaruka choose to target Senji’s camp, thinking this is the perfect location away from the city and away from the Boonboomgers. Ittasha locks in a tent to bring about Tent Guruma with a grill face.

As Senji, his classmates and teacher start running, Tent Guruma traps four of the kids in tents with their heads sticking out and their cries producing plenty of gassholin. Senji’s teacher tells him to run to safety as she also gets trapped in a tent.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 22 Recap Review

Back at the garage, Jou arrives as Sashiro is showing Mira and BunBun the new Car he is working on for Taiya, inspired by Bun Red 119. Jou asks BunBun to make him a power-up too: Bun Black 110. But Shashiro says he gets first dibs on new power-ups. And he already has an idea for it: Bun Blue 007.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 22 Recap Review

Genba arrives with an AI chip featuring a reinforced algorithm first used in Safari and Marine to help with autonomous controls. Shashiro quickly installs it.

Back at the mountains, Sakito and Byundi are by the river at their own campsite. Byundi says it would’ve been better if they found a home on this planet. But Sakito thinks camping is fun.

Suddenly, they hear Senji’s calls for help as Nejirettas surround him. Sakito hurries over and henshins to fight them off.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 22 Recap Review

Taiya, meanwhile, arrives at the mountain and sees what’s going on. He hurries up and sees Senji. When Tent Guruma finds them, Taiya and Senji are about to get trapped in a tent as well. But Sakito quickly jumps to kick them out of the way. Byundi tells Taiya to take Senji and quickly leave.

Byundi tries to save Sakito, but gets caught inside a tent himself.

When Taiya sees the General3 taking photos with his Car, he takes Senji on foot through the mountains to escape. Taiya calls the others who hurry over. But not before BunBun gives Shashiro the new Car they’ve been working on. BunBun says he will finishes the final adjustments in the meantime.

While making their way through the forest, Taiya-niichan explains why he came in the first place and tells Senji that his uncle just wanted to make him happy. Senji is touched by the gesture and Taiya says adults love putting smiles on children’s faces.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 22 Recap Review

They continue through and reach the city. But Cannonborg has brought Senji’s tent-trapped teacher and classmates into the industrial park to draw Taiya out into the open.

Taiya hesitates, but tells Senji to stay safe as he heads down to face the Hashiryans. Sakito ends up freeing himself from the tent and joins Taiya in henshining as they face Tent Guruma.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 22 Recap Review

Tent Guruma uses campfire torches and mechanical mosquitos to attack. He is able to send Sakito flying back, but Sakito is able to help Taiya avoid a tent trap and knock the Kurumaju back as well.

Taiya thanks Sakito for the save and he uphenshins to 119.

Taiya is able to better counter Tent Guruma’s attacks and delivers a Zunzun Overdrive finisher at the Kurumaju. Yaruka quickly infuses Tent Guruma with a Highway Beam and it embiggens. Cannonborg also has a surprise as he uses special screws to embiggen Nejirettas.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 22 Recap Review

Cannonborg transports the teacher and Senji’s classmates into a tower that Tent Guruma quickly lights on fire.

The other Boonbooms arrive and Shashiro hands Taiya the new Car. Taiya locks it in and BunBun launches Boonboom Leo Rescue. Taiya hops in and shoots at the Kurumaju and Nejirettas with water. That gives him the chance to detach Boonboom Shobosha and attach to Leo Rescue’s ladder to get him inside the tower.

Taiya reaches the teacher and kids and quickly clears a safe path for them out of the burning tower, even as Tent Guruma tries to shake the building down.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 22 Recap Review

BunBun activates the henkei program to allow for the transformation to Boonboom Leon. The other Boonbooms hop into PatCar2, Classic, Off-Road and Dozer which Leon then activates into their attack modes. Now together, they are able to deliver a Bakuage Scramble finisher at Tent Guruma to take care of him for good.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 22 Recap Review

Senji, his teacher and classmates thanks the Boonbooms for their help today.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 22 Recap Review

Sakito and Byundi watch and Sakito says smiles are better for children than screams. Byundi asks Sakito if he can walk after being a bit injured earlier. Sakito says he’s fine, though Byundi teases him.

At the garage, BunBun serves a special 119 curry. But the other Boonbooms are spending time with Leon. Taiya, meanwhile, is on the phone with Mr. Naito who thanks him for making the delivery as well as receiving the delivery of his nephew’s smiles.

Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Episode 22 Recap Review

Taiya credits everything to Boonboom Leon.

Episode Thoughts

How can you not watch Boonboomger and have a smile on your face the entire time! This was another fun, exciting and feel-good episode.

The focus was definitely on Taiya and we saw once again how much of a hero he can be. It’s easy to see how he deserved the new 119 toy from last week. And his fellow Boonbooms definitely agree and are happy to see it as well. I mean, after two years of Sentai teams having conflicts and maybe not being as close as you’d expect, it has been so enjoyable to see the Boonbooms’ dynamic have such a positive vibe.

And again, having such a positive and feel-good vibe does not prevent the show from getting into more dramatic or serious stories either. So when that balance is found, we can be treated to something special.

With Taiya, we get some more tidbits about his pre-Boonboom life. We meet Mr. Naito’s nephew who we can assume had a good relationship with Taiya as well. He certainly looks at Taiya as a big brother.

And in this week’s case of overanalyzing (lol), in that moment where Taiya mentions how adults love to make children happy. I thought maybe he was remembering his own lonely childhood where he didn’t have an adult to be there for him and help him smile. =( It’s really interesting to think about the many possibilities the show has for Taiya’s backstory which we will learn more about as we go through the season.

Also some fun moments with Sakito and Byundi camping. Then Dekotorade, Ittasha and Yaruka taking photos with Taiya’s car. You know that trend or meme or whatever where people take pictures with cool cars to post on social media pretending it’s theirs? lol

And that fun moment at the end where Byundi teases Sakito. If we want to overanalyze that moment too, Sakito keeping his pain to himself might stem from his childhood experiences too. =( We’ll see! hehe

I loved the Boonbooms back at the Garage having fun thinking about getting their own power-ups. And I don’t know why, but I loved that little moment where the cars pulled over to the side when Boonboom Leo Rescue was coming up the street. It felt very exciting. Like, here comes Taiya and the fire truck to the rescue with regular people of course giving way to them, but almost like a little salute to them too.

I really get that feeling with the Boonbooms. Like again, back to being a more traditional Sentai season, they feel more like the traditional heroic figures. So it’s really just a joy to watch.

I’m really rooting for this season!

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