The Amazing Race Philippines: DryedMangoez Edition Season 22, Leg 6 – Denmark

IntroductionMeet the TeamsRace TrackerLeg 1Leg 2Leg 3Leg 4Leg 5Leg 6Leg 7Leg 8Leg 9Leg 10Leg 11Leg 12

Leg 22.06 – “Merry Christmas to everyone except you.”

We’re almost at the halfway point of the Race. And for this 6th Leg, teams will start bright and early. Departing from Odense Stadium starting at 4:30am, teams will hop back into their 2023 Kia Sportage and drive to the Lego Factory in Billund.

And at the Lego Factory, teams will find the Road Block: Who wants to get bricked up?

For this Road Block, teams will be given a list of specific Lego bricks they must collect from all across the factory. Teams will need to get the exact kilogram of each type and color of brick on the list in order to receive the next clue.

After they have collected the correct bricks, teams can now make their way next door to Legoland Billund. Teams must find the teacups ride Pirate Carousel and now use the Lego bricks they retrieved in the Road Block to assemble an Amazing Race cluebox. They can only work on the cluebox while the ride is in motion.

When the Lego cluebox is complete, they will receive the next clue. That clue directs teams to drive to the Old Town Museum in Aarhus. And here, they will find a second Road Block: Merry Christmas to You. There is no restriction as to who can do this Road Block.

For this Road Block, teams must study a traditional Julefrokost table. Translated as “Christmas lunch,” the traditional table of Danish foods are to be enjoyed all-day on the holiday. Teams must memorize the spread and then search the different homes and buildings in the area for the necessary dishes to complete the table. When teams have perfectly set their table, they will receive the next clue.

Teams are prohibited from taking notes and are not allowed to work with other teams.

That clue points teams to the Naturhistorisk Museum Aarhus. Teams will now search the Aarhus University for a group of uniformed students who will give them the next clue.

And this clue tells teams they will be participating in the annual University boat race. Choosing one of the university’s departments, teams will join the group of students at University Park. They will inflate boats and then Race against other students. Once teams can win a Race, they will get the next clue.

That clue reveals the Detour: Smorrebrod or Polsevogne.

In Smorrebrod, teams must take two orders from patrons, memorizing the sandwiches’ contents. They will then make the sandwiches themselves and must be approved before receiving the next clue.

In Polsevogn, teams will search for two sausage wagons known as polsevogn. Teams must make a certain number of sausages and then take orders from two customers. Once the customers receive their order, teams will be paid with the next clue.

And that final clue of the Leg tells teams the Pit Stop is at the Infinite Bridge.

The first team to check-in here will win P200,000 courtesy of Shell V-Power Nitro+.

The last team to check-in here WILL be eliminated.

“Director’s” Commentary

I think this can be a pretty solid Leg. Remove a task or three and it’s a typical TARUS Leg. And yes, there’s some nice recycling here. Lol

First of all, of course, we want to try and cut costs where we can. And also limit the teams’ travel as much and as reasonably as possible. So having another Leg in Denmark fits. And I actually had an easier time putting this Leg together compared to a few other Legs this season.

Visiting Legoland is a good and easy Route Marker to have. And adding in the Lego Factory is good as well. I’m sure there could be other tasks to do there. But I just decided on this searching one. And it connects to the TAR19 recycled task too.

When I came across this old town tourist attraction, I just had to put it in. Another easy location to utilize. And then reading about the Christmas table, it was a no brainer and fit in this location too. I think the table setting memorization is a familiar, but challenging Road Block. It would be nice to have this at the end of the Leg maybe instead of the Detour. But it’s okay.

Google scouting also led me to the university boat race. It’s a few good extra Route Markers to help fill out the Leg.

The Detour is a simple one. Which is why I kind of hesitate putting it at the end.

In a typical Leg, the Merry Christmas Road Block would be the last one. So in that case, we’d have the Detour right after Legoland then the college kids race and finish with the Road Block.

I did see this vlog from this Filipino family:

And saw them doing the interesting puzzle. That’s definitely something we could embiggen for a task. And it’s similar to some other tasks we’ve done on TARPHDME before.

But it’s alright! This should be a good Leg regardless. One of the better ones and more competitive ones I think.

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