#BB23 will pretend this didn't exist. But the best, most fun, most genuine friendship in the house this summer was that of Derek Xiao and Travis Long. In 23 seasons, they're the only "bromance" I ever actually liked and cared about. And they made this week worth watching for me. pic.twitter.com/d3bR0xve8L
— DryedMangoez (@dryedmangoez) July 16, 2021
Every summer, I always start the new season of Big Brother before eventually losing interest about halfway through the season. I’m well on my way there again this year. But one of the most unexpected things about this 23rd season of the summer staple was me actually caring about a bromance.
Usually, I’m not much a fan of bromances or showmances on Big Brother since I prefer big explosions and fierce battles. But the friendship between houseguests Derek Xiao and now-eliminated Travis Long was one of the few exceptions.
To be quite frank, there was a lot of discriminatory vitriol (both direct and indirect) hurled toward Derek in that first week. And it’s hard to believe him being Asian-American did not play into why that happened. Whether it was him being isolated and targeted by the majority of the house in Week One for no other reason than being the odd one out or fans disregarding and belittling his ethnicity in a flippant manner that wouldn’t be tolerated if done toward anyone else.
Derek and Travis were a fun, wholesome duo who provided a bit of levity in the midst of some pretty uncomfortable moments both in the house and in the Big Brother fandom that first week.
The covert racism towards Asians & Asian-Americans, including the disregard of them as POC, on the supposedly diverse #BB23 and #LoveIslandUSA is not lost on me. It's also a reminder that discrimination against AAPI existed & was normalized long before 2020 in mainstream America.
— DryedMangoez (@dryedmangoez) July 9, 2021
It affected me more than I ever expected. As an Asian-American, seeing someone like me on a major network television show is still pretty rare. Even more so on any of the big reality shows. So it’s been great seeing Derek and rooting for him on Big Brother. And it kind of hurt seeing him being treated so horribly, especially in the house. (Don’t let anyone try to conveniently forget how the other houseguests treated him like crap that first week.)
But really, watching Derek and Travis for that first week (and seeing Derek missing him pretty much every day since his eviction) has been some of the most fun I’ve had watching Big Brother in years.
It was a shame the show decided to ignore their friendship on television. But we won’t!
Here are some of the most memorable Travis-Derek (no official couple name since Travis didn’t last long enough for one to be chosen!) moments from the #BB23 house. Including scenes of Derek missing Travis post-eviction.
Just now, you can just hear the wheels turning in Derek X's head in this moment. Probably thanks to Kyland not leaving him alone for the last hour lol Skippy with the zoom in too! lol #BB23 pic.twitter.com/V9l9A5FwMH
— DryedMangoez (@dryedmangoez) July 11, 2021
Travis to Derek X: "It's crazy, I'm about to kiss this guy on set."
I actually like their bromance. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ #BB23 pic.twitter.com/JPYX2F14nY
— DryedMangoez (@dryedmangoez) July 12, 2021
Yay! More of Tiffany and Derek X having fun together! But Travis seems to be a little jealous? 🤔 #BB23 pic.twitter.com/d7X8MGkvpf
— DryedMangoez (@dryedmangoez) July 12, 2021
So everyone's loving the Travis-Derek X bromance moments. Here's one from the other night when DX excitedly came up with the name for the (short-lived) Firefighters alliance. Now come on, who would want to break up this wholesome duo. Hmm? #BB23 pic.twitter.com/HfgyKYTG5E
— DryedMangoez (@dryedmangoez) July 12, 2021
I don't know what's happened since, but here is the moment after finally comparing notes that Derek X and Travis realize French Baguette is trying to set DX up by getting all the blood on his hands. #BB23 pic.twitter.com/lk2Z03gIkI
— DryedMangoez (@dryedmangoez) July 12, 2021
Derek X: "I'll probably be right behind you next week."
Travis: "Then lets keep the noms! And go out 2nd and 3rd!"
Derek X: "That would be the biggest homie move in the history of this show!"😅😢#BB23 pic.twitter.com/ONnGen62WH
— DryedMangoez (@dryedmangoez) July 12, 2021
Brent: "This is his f- mess because he fell in love with you two."
Travis: "We did fall in love pretty quick."
Travis & Derek X: 🤜🤛Umm… I think Brent was talking about Frenchie loving them two. Not Travis and Derek X falling in love. What is happening lol #BB23 pic.twitter.com/DUUracT6Yh
— DryedMangoez (@dryedmangoez) July 12, 2021
So, I just turned on the #BB23 live feeds and I have no idea what's going on. But Tiffany just zinged Travis and Derek X's immediate reaction is to mount him. 😅 And you guys are tearing this bromance apart! 😥 pic.twitter.com/NphzIeMdhx
— DryedMangoez (@dryedmangoez) July 13, 2021
One of my all-time favorite Big Brother moments:
No, but please watch what might be my favorite moment of the season featuring my three favorite #BB23 HGs Derek X, Travis and Tiffany in which the following lines were uttered:
"Oh my God! That was thicc, boy!" / "It ain't free though." / "Can you make your pecs jump?
😭 pic.twitter.com/eQ2QiNbvDw— DryedMangoez (@dryedmangoez) July 13, 2021
*insert TikTok "I f-cked up" sound*
The moment Derek X realized using the Veto might not have been the move this week. #BB23 pic.twitter.com/6MPFUbIKWx— DryedMangoez (@dryedmangoez) July 13, 2021
*Derek X walks into the kitchen*
Travis: "🎵 My boyfriendicus is here! 🥰 🎵"#BB23 pic.twitter.com/ZPKid9lIkS— DryedMangoez (@dryedmangoez) July 14, 2021
Derek and Travis with a valid assessment of a former houseguest:
🤭 Derek X and Travis talking about who could win #BB23. They like Kyland, but…
Travis: "The thing is, he's bad at comps. But I mean, like, Nicole [F]'s won before and she's…"
Derek: "Trash"
Travis: "Yeah, not a competitor."
🤭 pic.twitter.com/HyHSYuooHy— DryedMangoez (@dryedmangoez) July 14, 2021
I love these three. Travis wants to tell Derek about his pitch to Pomme Frites, but Tiffany offers some wise advice. Then Travis gets jealous of a Tiff/DX hug and kiss. "He was my first kiss, Tiffany!" 😁 #BB23 pic.twitter.com/NKlnfA3Azi
— DryedMangoez (@dryedmangoez) July 14, 2021
Tiffany offers more advice to Travis, plus:
Travis: "I love, love genuine relationships. There ain't much of that in this house. … But I have a genuine relationship with [Derek]."
Tiffany: "I do too. I love him. I really want to keep him in this game."
🥰#BB23 pic.twitter.com/SMpLQDTkfW— DryedMangoez (@dryedmangoez) July 14, 2021
Popcorn, pizza and… a kiss? What in the K-drama romcom scenario is this? 🤨😁 More Travis-Derek X moments from Tuesday evening on #BB23 pic.twitter.com/ED8C5mAcKh
— DryedMangoez (@dryedmangoez) July 14, 2021
To make up for this false version of what happened that portrays Derek X and Travis as threatening, evil masterminds and everyone else as innocent bystanders, #BB23 better keep them both safe this week. This edit is absurd. pic.twitter.com/yI4gkwDU9M
— DryedMangoez (@dryedmangoez) July 15, 2021
Is this the last Travis-Derek bromance moment we'll ever get on the #BB23 Live Feeds? 😥 It was fun while it lasted. pic.twitter.com/uqA4xY9mHR
— DryedMangoez (@dryedmangoez) July 15, 2021
Derek and Tiffany wondering where Travis is and Tiffany talking about exchanging pants with Travis.
The way these three could've been the best Finale Night 3 in Big Brother history. 😩 #BB23 pic.twitter.com/Jovs59yaYX
— DryedMangoez (@dryedmangoez) July 16, 2021
Derek X thinking about what Travis is doing right at this moment while laying on Travis' old bed. #BB23 pic.twitter.com/OvJX1R7fJ6
— DryedMangoez (@dryedmangoez) July 17, 2021
Derek X is feeling a lot better now even though "everything reminds me of him," so he decides to give Travis a kiss goodnight. 🤧 #BB23 lol pic.twitter.com/Abg6ajlZcx
— DryedMangoez (@dryedmangoez) July 17, 2021
Derek-Tiffany convos are always great to watch. But this moment though.
Tiff: "We could've evicted Alyssa."
DX: "😶 We actually could've? 🙁"
The way he literally paused. 😭 And then a bit later asks "What could -I- have done?" It's funny and sad at the same time. #BB23 pic.twitter.com/x0Je3yi7Dy— DryedMangoez (@dryedmangoez) July 18, 2021
For our daily Derek Misses Travis check-in, DX hopes Travis wins the Battle Back so they can have a good Mafia narrator back in the house. 😢 #BB23 pic.twitter.com/XNstjcbTyO
— DryedMangoez (@dryedmangoez) July 19, 2021
The way Azah was telling a whole amusing story and then Derek suddenly misses Travis. 😭 #BB23 pic.twitter.com/NWTwtb8t0H
— DryedMangoez (@dryedmangoez) July 20, 2021
Azah tells Derek a funny story about how Travis basically didn't even know she existed until three days before his eviction. 😭 lol #BB23 pic.twitter.com/gVwiFOv7lD
— DryedMangoez (@dryedmangoez) July 20, 2021
Talking about who they would be friends with outside the house, Derek says Claire would be a "NY friend" and Hannah would be a "cool friend." But Tiffany and Travis are "lifelong" friends. 😭 Both DX and Azah want to be friends with Brent to enjoy airline perks lol #BB23 pic.twitter.com/2wUwndtvrl
— DryedMangoez (@dryedmangoez) July 20, 2021
Sarah Beth asks Derek X if he would be a Have Not for the rest of the summer if it meant Travis could be back in the house. How do you think DX answered? 😭 #BB23 pic.twitter.com/vUbjkd5Zv1
— DryedMangoez (@dryedmangoez) July 20, 2021
A hotel room with Travis? Or a hotel room (including kitchenette) with Azah? Azah and Claire think they know what Derek's answer will be. #BB23 pic.twitter.com/c4mCY4Qsqm
— DryedMangoez (@dryedmangoez) July 22, 2021
See, Derek isn't the only HG missing Travis all the time. #BB23 pic.twitter.com/XDTCEvjd3f
— DryedMangoez (@dryedmangoez) July 22, 2021
ETA (9/30/21): For the sake of completeness, Derek and Travis have one last on-air moment during the finale:
And it’s been really strange to see some loud BB fans so disgusted by any potential friendship between them. The violent reactions whenever anything Travis-related pops up with relation to Derek on BB’s social media are weirder than how those same commenters like to portray Derek and Travis’s relationship. Like, I’m sorry, but you don’t get to dictate who houseguests are friends with in or out of the house. Forreal.