Good Ol’ Review: Relatable and Sincere, Kim Young Kwang and Park Bo Young’s “On Your Wedding Day” a Heartfelt Coming of Age Story

On Your Wedding Day Review

No spoilers.

The 2018 film On Your Wedding Day (너의 결혼식) is a heartfelt, realistic coming of age story about the people and moments that help to shape your life.

The film tells the story of the on again, off again love story of Woo Yeon and Seung Hee (Kim Young Kwang and Park Bo Young). Starting with their first class cutting tteokbokki run in their senior year of high school, Woo Yeon and Seung Hee’s relationship goes through bumps and hurdles. Whether it’s because of people around them, teenage hormones, misunderstandings or distance, Woo Yeon and Seung Hee repeatedly lose touch with each other. But as fate would have it, they are able to repeatedly reconnect.

But the film isn’t necessarily about an epic love story.

On Your Wedding Day is really about Woo Yeon and Seung Hee’s growth from class-cutting teens to mature, functioning adults and all the hardships in between.

On Your Wedding Day Review

Both Park Bo Young and Kim Young Kwang effortlessly carry the film. Their chemistry allows them to navigate the various and vastly different situations and dynamics they develop throughout the course of the film.

Park Bo Young takes on a more mature role than what many might be familiar seeing her in. Though Seung Hee is assertive and confident, not afraid of going for what she wants, Park Bo Young is still able to express a vulnerability that makes several emotional turning points in the film resonant in the story.

But the film really centers around Kim Young Kwang’s Woo Yeon. On Your Wedding Day is told from his point of view. (And that might hint at what the title may be referring to. No spoilers!) And for every twist and turn in Woo Yeon’s relationship with Seung Hee and in his own life, we see things through his eyes.

The film is set in the present-day with Woo Yeon reminiscing about the seminal moments in the years since meeting Seung Hee. The flashbacks, remembered in fairly chronological order, give the film a nostalgic romanticism that helps to endear both Seung Hee and especially Woo Yeon to the audience.

Woo Yeon and Seung Hee’s story may be a perfect case of “right person at the wrong time.” And one of the film’s engaging appeals is wondering whether they will end up finding the right time.

But On Your Wedding Day‘s most resonant theme is the idea of how the people you encounter and the experiences you live through help shape your life. That every person and every experience, regardless of whether good or bad, has an impact.

Those people and experiences can sometimes be painful and will naturally take time to heal from. But the film shows how one is able to move forward without having to forget.

As Woo Yeon says at one point in the film, it’s all about “timing.” Whether it’s the right timing for someone or something to come in your life or the time it takes to grow and take those steps forward.

With Kim Young Kwang and Park Bo Young steering the ship, On Your Wedding Day touches upon those concepts in a relatable and sincere way.

On Your Wedding Day Review

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