No spoilers. Basic story explanation.
LINE TV/GMM’s He’s Coming To Me is one of those experiences that I never expected to have, yet am so happy that I did.
I’ve enjoyed a Thai movie or two and clips of a Thai drama in the past, but it was only a couple of months ago that I first really started checking out Thai entertainment like I do Korean and Japanese content. And so far, it’s been an awesomely eye-opening journey. Watching so many great and refreshing stories has been very enjoyable.
But He’s Coming To Me is the first series Ive followed as it was airing. I somehow stumbled upon the first two episodes and was immediately hooked. For the last two months, I’ve anxiously awaited the English subtitled episodes every weekend. And every week, I’ve been just been wowed by the story, the twists and especially the excellent performances by the great cast.
He’s Coming To Me (เขามาเชงเม้งข้างๆหลุมผมครับ) tells the story of Mes, a lonely ghost who remains Earthbound for years at the cemetery. But he soon meets Thun, a young boy who can somehow see him. They become friends and Mes looks forward to Thun’s yearly visits for the Qingming festival. But as they slowly unravel the unexpected mystery behind Mes’ death, they also grow much closer. And their feelings for each other begin to be much more than that of friendship.
It may seem like a simple premise, but the eight episodes really told a full and thoroughly engaging story.
There are a couple of different and unique threads running through the eight episodes. Obviously there is Mes being dead and a ghost not knowing why he is unable to reincarnate yet. There’s the budding relationship between Mes and Thun. There’s Thun and his friends and their everyday college lives. And the struggles both Mes and Thun may have with their sexuality.
Each of these threads were handled very well and in a way that gave adequate attention to each on their own, but also helped contribute to the overall arc of the series.
He’s Coming To Me is a very emotional story at heart. There’s a sense of nostalgia as well in its execution. And not just for flashbacks, but for the entire series. It really helps to emphasize the sincerity in the way the story is told.
The story is emotional. But also fun and charming. And certainly a little romantic as well. It’s also an enlightening look at a culture and society many of us might not be completely familiar with.
And while many things came together to truly make the series a narrative and creative success, the biggest contribution may have come from its two lead stars, Ohm Pawat Chittsawangdee (Thun) and Singto Prachaya Ruangroj (Mes).
Ohm and Singto had undeniable chemistry that drove both the romantic angle between their characters as well as the central mystery. And at its core, a genuine friendship between two people.
Singto is most endearing as Mes. You immediately like him. You want to help him too. And not just sympathize with his situation, but feel like you can also be a friend to him. You understand his situation and feelings, even if the idea of relating to a ghost unable to move on or reincarnate may seem like such a foreign concept to the living.
Ohm, meanwhile, was able to give Thun a sincerity that made you believe he genuinely cared about Mes’ situation and wanted to befriend him. (Before realizing he had feelings for him, of course.) And for some of the most dramatic scenes in the series, Ohm was able to knock it out of the park with such powerful performances.
Together, Singto and Ohm more than delivered in their scenes together as much as in scenes where they shone individually. They had a natural rapport that supported any type of scene they shared together, whether it was romantic, comedic or dramatic. Just perfect chemistry.
While the series had a familiar, if not predictable ending, it was no less effective and affecting. A beautiful and meaningful end to a beautiful and meaningful series.
Relatable, believable, engaging. He’s Coming To Me is a truly wonderful series and experience. One that grabs you from the beginning and doesn’t let you go until the end. And an experience you certainly won’t regret having when it’s all over.