Recap: The Amazing Race Canada 1, Episode 9 – “Push the boobs out.”

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Teams took a bus ride from Sydney to catch an overnight ferry to Port Aux Basques where they will catch one of three shuttles to St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labradour leaving 15 minutes apart.

Teams Race out of the airport to the waiting shuttles. Jody & Cory get the first, Jet & Dave get the second and Vanessa & Celina and Tim & Tim have to settle for the last.

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The shuttles will take them overnight to St. John’s and the Terry Fox Mile 0 memorial site, commemorating his heroic Marathon of Hope.

It’s the next morning and Jody & Cory get to the memorial site. They must memorize the inspirational quote behind Terry Fox and travel by taxi to the village of Quidi Vidi. They’ll find a traditional Newfoundland kitchen party where they will kiss a cod and drink a shot of rum, known as screec, for their next clue.

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To gain entrance to the party, they must recite the quote.

Jody & Cory get to the kitchen party and have trouble with their quote. They hop back in the taxi, but suddenly remember the last part and decide to go back. They get in and get screeched.

The next clue points them to Shea Heights Overlook.

Jody & Cory find the cluebox and the Detour.
In Tell a Tale, teams must head to Petty Harbour and listen to two local fisherman tell a story in traditional Newfoundland dialect. After memorizing it, they’ll walk down the dock and tell the story to a group of locals.
In Wag a Tail, teams must team up with a Newfoundland Dog, they’ll load its cart with milk and eggs and deliver it down Holloway Street, also known as Heart Attack Hill. If the teams break or spill any of the groceries, they’ll have to go back and start over.

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The brothers choose Wag a Tail. They meet Wavy who is very excited at first, until they get to the hill.

The sisters and the Tims catch up to Jet & Dave at the kitchen party just as they finish getting screeched.

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Jet & Dave get to the Detour and choose Tell a Tale. But their taxi driver doesn’t know where to go.

Vanessa & Celina choose Tell a Tale and manage to pass the guys to the dock. They listen to the story together and the guys then pass the girls to the group of locals.

Jet & Dave start enthusiastically telling the story, but forget the last part, so they go back. Vanessa & Celina give a go and they also mess up.

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The Tims get started with Wag a Tail, but their dog stops in the middle of the road. Meanwhile, up the road, Jody & Cory get to the last house, but they only have 11 good eggs left. They have to head back down to get one more and on their way, they run into the Tims.

The Tims manage to finish the Detour first and now head to O’Brien’s Music Store.

While Jet & Dave and Vanessa & Celina struggle with the story, the Tims find the Road Block.

In this Road Block, teams must head into the music store and collect any times they want to use to busk for money. Once they’ve earned $50 performing on the street, they’ll receive the next clue.

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The clue notes Celina, Dave, Jody and Tim Sr. MUST perform this Road Block, so Tim Sr. gets started. Jody & Cory are close behind. Since he can’t sing or dance or play an instrument, Jody decides to tell people about his time in Afghanistan and his life since. The locals are very receptive.

Across town, Jet & Dave finally get their story straight on their 4th attempt. Vanessa & Celina though are struggling and need six attempts to get it.

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While Tim Sr. juggles, Dave sings “Row Your Boat.” Jody gets $20! And Celina gets a hula hoop and a ribbon to perform with.

The others are doing pretty well, but Dave is struggling. Celina gets the $20 to put her over the top while Jody gets a very nice woman who believes in paying it forward and gives him her money for food.

The sisters and brothers must now head to the Pit Stop a Cape Spear, the easternmost point in North America.

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Vanessa & Celina arrive at Cape Spear first, but go to the wrong spot, allowing Jody & Cory to claim another first place win and one year of Air Canada Super Elite status. They also get a video chat home on a Blackberry Z10.

Vanessa & Celina have to settle for Team #2.

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Back at the Road Block, Tim Sr. collects his $50 and they’re off. Dave finally gets his money and he and Jet hustle.

But it is Tim Sr. an Tim Jr. who step on the Mat and are officially Team #3.

That leaves Jet & Dave in last and eliminated. Dave gets emotional, but Jon says he has a sneaking suspicion that this is not the last we’ve seen of Jet & Dave.

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Episode Thoughts
This was definitely a tough episode since I was rooting for Jet & Dave to win it all.

But it was also an interesting Leg. TWO memorization tasks and a begging task. Very odd choices I must say.

Usually, memorization tasks like this would be better off as Road Blocks so all teams have to complete it. It really wasn’t balanced well with the other side of the Detour, which actually was great and would’ve made an awesome Road Block too with a couple of more deliveries added.

The street performer task is certainly not new since we’ve seen it on TAR before. And I guess it fits with the location. But like in TAR21, it isn’t necessarily the most fair task.

Leg Design was also pretty crazy considering this Leg must have taken 3 days with the two overnight trips. Eeek.

Still, it showed off an interesting and beautiful location. TARC has done a great job highlighting the different cultures across the country.

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