Recap: Kamen Rider Wizard, Episode 30 – The Day Magic Disappeared

Kamen Rider Wizard Episode 30

Sora happily wants to free Naito from the chains, but the man says he’s not Naito… he’s Phantom Legion.

Kamen Rider Wizard Episode 30

Shunpei wants to show Wajima and Koyomi a trick, making a ping pong ball float in the air. Haruto comes downstairs and messes with him a little, but Koyomi suddenly stumbles. Haruto offers to give her as much magical energy she needs.

Kamen Rider Wizard Episode 30

Medusa and Wiseman head to the cave Legion had been chained up in. Medusa wonders who could be strong enough to get through the barrier to free him. But Wiseman is more concerned about Legion indiscriminately attacking humans and getting rid of precious Gates.

Across town, Legion attacks a street musician.

Kamen Rider Wizard Episode 30

Next morning, Haruto and Shunpei watch Rinko devour a lot of donuts. She explains to Donut Cart Owner and Worker (via Shunpei’s translation) that she had been working all night without a bite to eat, investigating the strange number of unconcious people being found around the city.

Kamen Rider Wizard Episode 30

Rinko gets a call and has to run off again. Haruto sees a brother and sister by the water. The brother is trying to cheer up his little sister with a magic trick and Haruto decides to help him out.

Kamen Rider Wizard Episode 30

Meanwhile, Legion attacks another woman with Kosuke in the area looking for food. Legion tells Kosuke he’s only interested in eating beautiful hearts. But Kosuke quickly henshins, he doesn’t need to hear his story.

Kamen Rider Wizard Episode 30

Kosuke uses Chameleo, but it isn’t enough to even put a dent in Legion. He decides to go Hyper, but Legion can’t be bothered with a thug with an ugly heart. He leaves Kosuke with some Ghouls.

Kamen Rider Wizard Episode 30

Haruto lets the little girl play dress up, but Rinko calls about the Phantom. The little girl is sad, but Haruto Connects back to the shop to grab a flower for her.

They run off to meet Rinko and Kosuke who tells them the Phantom is not interested in Gates, but beauty.

Kamen Rider Wizard Episode 30

Back at the shop, Koyomi worries that her magical energy is running out more quickly.

Kamen Rider Wizard Episode 30 Kamen Rider Wizard Episode 30

Medusa finds Legion as he attacks another person. But Sora arrives and tells her she can’t get in Legion’s way. He dare go against Wiseman? It’s the only way he can get answers he’s been looking for, he replies.

Kamen Rider Wizard Episode 30 Kamen Rider Wizard Episode 30

Haruto and Shunpei see big brother Kenta from earlier. He tells them he’s been learning tricks to keep Shiori happy, but it’s been a little hard. He’s buying flowers for her to keep her happy another way.

Kamen Rider Wizard Episode 30

Shunpei says he’s a good brother. And Legion agrees. He pops up wanting to take a peek into Kenta’s heart, but Haruto quickly Connects to his Wizarswordgun.

Kamen Rider Wizard Episode 30

Meanwhile, Sora enters a warehouse where he finally meets Wiseman. And for the first time, Sora isn’t happily giggling. Wiseman says he’ll end him as he apparently wishes. But before that, Sora wants to know about the Sabbath, wizards… and the Philospher’s Stone.

Kamen Rider Wizard Episode 30

Haruto goes head to head with Legion and urges Shunpei to take Kenta to safety. Legion is excited by Haruto putting his life on the line to save others as Haruto henshins to Land then Hurricane Mode.

Legion gets the upper hand, but Kosuke arrives to help out. They tag team the Phantom.

Kamen Rider Wizard Episode 30

“I’ll show you how beautiful I am,” Kosuke says, but Legion still wants nothing to do with the “thug” as he kicks him to the stone wall. Haruto blocks a shot from Legion, but absorbing it weakens him, allowing the Phantom to enter his Underworld!

Kamen Rider Wizard Episode 30

Legion appears in the hospital room that is Haruto’s underworld. Seeing a beautiful heart is exciting, Legion says, but making a mess of it is what is truly exciting.

Kamen Rider Wizard Episode 30

Legion begins rampaging in the Underworld, Haruto’s heart, forcing him to de-henshin. Shunpei hurries over and Kosuke decides it time he puts a ring on another guy’s finger. Engage, Go. Kosuke hops into Haruto’s Underworld.

Kamen Rider Wizard Episode 30

He and Legion fight, taking the battle out of the hospital to a plaza. Kosuke uses the Chimerise Ring to summon Chimera to help out. That’s when Dragon flies in as well and the three of them team up to take on Legion.

Kamen Rider Wizard Episode 30

Dragon takes Legion in his teeth, stopping him from delivering final blows to Kosuke and Chimera. But as Dragon flies away, explosions begin to ring out in the Underworld. Haruto’s Wizardriver bursts.

Kamen Rider Wizard Episode 30

Episode Thoughts
A slow burn-type of episode that ended with several big bangs! Lots of very exciting developments.

Of course, the biggest is Haruto losing his powers even though we know it’s all just a set-up for even more new toys. But it’s still a very interesting way to touch on Haruto’s past again.

Koyomi’s character development has been very slow, so seeing something happen to her is very welcome.

Seeing Sora/Gremlin’s smile finally disappear from his face made that whole scene with Wiseman very exciting. We still don’t know Sora’s real agenda, so that whole exchange was great to watch.

I also loved the abundance of un-henshined fights with Haruto. Those are always awesome and Wizard hasn’t had very many.

Definitely anxious to see the next episode.

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