Enter henshins into a modified Red Buster and attacks the others. He uses Hiromu’s own moves to fight them.
Hiromu henshins again and they all go Powered Custom to give Enter all they’ve got. They think they’ve defeated him, but he’s merely gotten stronger. He tells them he always wondered why he could never win against them, but now realizes it was just because he did not have enough data.
With more data, the closer to perfection he can be. And it’s only natural the most perfect being will rule the world. When he does, he can do what he pleases with it. Tres bien! Enter says as he gives a last blow and disappears.
While Command Center tries to locate Enter, the Go-Busters are on the roof. Ryuji asks Hiromu how he’s doing. Okay, he says. So Ryuji stops just short from landing a punch to his face.
How could you think of handling it on your own, he asks Hiromu. Why would you think of killing yourself just to destroy the card? Hiromu says he couldn’t ask the others to do that, but Ryuji tells him to stop being a stranger.
Didn’t they head into the Subdimension together and shut down Messiah by also eliminating their families and others from the Center too?
I won’t let that go to waste, Ryuji says. If Hiromu needs to be eliminated, he’ll do it. So don’t act on your own again.
Yoko says she hasn’t given up hope yet. Gorisaki and Usada agree they should work together.
I put my life in your hands, Hiromu says.
Back downstairs, Kuroki looks at the Jenga blocks from earlier and ponders.
Enter engulfs an Enetron tank, creating something like a cocoon. Hiromu, Ryuji and Yoko head to the tank and Kuroki tells Morishita and Nakamura to evacuate the people around it.
Kuroki joins Jin at the table with the blocks. Did you see how resolute they were, Jin asks. Since when did I become the kid?
He gets serious and tells Kuroki he has a way of getting the card out of Hiromu. Kuroki knows it has something to do with Jin’s missing data. He has another tower of black blocks next to the red blocks representing Hiromu.
All of Enter’s data as well as Jin’s missing data is stored on that card. He places the black block representing the card halfway into the red blocks and slowly moves the black towards it until it collapses.
Kuroki knows that black tower of blocks represents Jin. And a worried J knows attempting such a thing as using Jin could mean the end for him. But Jin says now is a time for being resolute.
Hiromu, Ryuji and Yoko head into the Enetron tower to check on the people. They find people wrapped up in cable lying on the floor, their faces covered with some sort of Vaglass/Buglars facemask. Enter must’ve started fusing with humans.
Suddenly, they hear children crying and find an older brother holding his little sister tight behind their parents who are now wrapped up in cable and motionless. Enter comes on the loudspeaker and welcomes them. He tells them to be careful since even he can’t control the amount of power he has now.
Buglars appear as Hiromu and Ryuji each take a child and run them out to safety. The kids are huddled together as the three finish off the Buglars.
Kuroki calls and tells them to head to Jin’s hangar in the Subdimension, saying Jin’s got a way to get the card out. Hiromu says they might as well bring Enter with them and settle it all there. Morishita and Nakamura say no! The Subdimension is still unstable and the shock of a battle could destroy it. Not to mention them inside it.
Hiromu, Ryuji and Yoko go to the children and all agree that better they finish the battle there and be destroyed instead of risking more casualties above ground.
God damn, Jin says, just how far are they going to rise above us?
Alright, Kuroki says. He deploys the Buster Machines.
The Energy Management Center helps finish the evacuation. Hiromu tells the two kids they’ll make sure to bring their parents back to normal as the three of them remember that Christmas night up on the hill.
They hop into their Megazords and Enter merely laughs that their lack of data doesn’t show them how futile their efforts will be.
Enter absorbs the cable-wrapped humans as the Enetron tower turns into a large Megazord and Enter turns surrounding towers into similar cocoons saying he will use the humans to build a fortified point. Even foolish humans can be useful if you have tens of thousands of them. He can even fuse with the Buster Megazords if he wants, unless the Go-Busters would prefer to be destroyed instead.
He fires and Jin tells them they have to hurry and bring Enter to the hangar. Nakamura catches a Maker Signal and Kuroki tells them to be ready to teleport them as soon as they arrive there.
Oh la la, Enter realizes what’s happening, but Jin and J quickly push him into the hangar. The impact rocks the Command Center as Enter tries to break free from the Go-Busters’ grips. Nakamura activates the teleport system.
The entire Energy Management Center is blowing up and on fire from the Megazord battle in the hangar as everyone in the base quickly evacuates.
After getting thrown from their stations, Kuroki tells Morishita and Nakamura to also evacuate, but they tell him, if they were going to just up and quit, they would’ve left a long time ago. Let’s fight together to the very end, they say.
Kuroki understands. Morishita and Nakamura return to their stations, but they think maybe they shouldn’t continue in this condition. But Hiromu tells them to go ahead. This is their only shot. Lioh joins the others to help hold Enter against the wall of the hanger until all the Megazords get zapped into the Subdimension, getting yanked apart in the process.
The transport has completed, but Morishita can’t check on the Go-Busters’ conditions. Nakamura says the Subdimension has become even more volatile.
Kuroki flashes back to Hiromu’s father on that Christmas night, entrusting their children to him. Has history repeated itself, Kuroki asks himself. He put those three through all these years of preparation just to avoid that from ever happening.
Down in the Subdimension, the Go-Busters are strewn about their cockpits, unconscious.
Enter is happy to be back in the Subdimension, but says he has other business to tend to and will return after he’s done.
Episode Thoughts
Well F*CK!
Pardon my Enter-like French, but damn. That’s the best word to describe this episode. Absolutely amazing. MaGMCMs all over the place. Geez. Now that’s what I’m talking about with Go-Busters. And that’s definitely how you do a penultimate episode.
I was in tears that entire last act, but was already sure I’d be tearing up sooner or later from the start of the episode.
If they pulled back on the darkness of Hiromu’s suicide mission last week, they definitely didn’t this week. Instead, it’s looking pretty likely there’ll be a big casualty or two before this is all over.
While I still don’t understand why there’s such dislike for Go-Busters amongst the Sentai and even Power Rangers fandom, I honestly don’t care. Go-Busters has been amazing overall. It’s a little early to start writing my Hindsight Review already, but Go-Busters has really upped the ante in terms of what a show like Sentai and yes, Power Rangers can do within the confines of a “children’s show.”
Just amazing stuff. I don’t care what some fans or even Toei and Bandai and Saban say. I am enjoying and have enjoyed this season and could easily become my favorite Sentai season ever (out of 4 that I’ve watched) after next week.
The heavy, emotional scenes were done (as they’ve been done all season) excellently. The Go-Busters have pretty much been through hell and back, more than any Sentai or Power Rangers team I’ve ever seen. Which is what makes those scenes where they struggle about the past and the seemingly insurmountable odds ahead of them that much more meaningful.
You always love a good command center/base attack for the finale. But that entire sequence where the impact of Enter’s Megazord falling into the hangar rocks the command center and the ensuing battle causing the entire Energy Management Center to blow up with all the workers, employees, and scientists running for the lives was amazing.
I always forget that Go-Buster Ace sits right behind Koroki, that the command center is right next to the Megazord hangar. So seeing Enter’s cable tentacles burst through into the command center leading into that amazing scene between Kuroki, Morishita and Nakamura was just awesome.
And speaking of cable tentacles, those Enetron tower workers were all murdered by Enter, including those kids’ parents! I mean come on now, this is big stuff. Those scenes of the brother holding his scared of her mind little sister tight, I mean damn. This isn’t playing around. And I love it. This is the kind of epic storytelling I want out of my “children’s show.”
(*sigh* That’s definitely a topic for a post by itself.)
But anyway, Go-Busters 49 is just an incredible half-hour and I am already getting my tissues ready for the Final Mission.