The Go-Busters are shocked Enter is now able to use organic life forms for Metaroids and installing viruses. He explains that Messiah was nothing more than a program that grew and evolved. That’s why he put the Messiah card in himself. That’s why he had all the data gathering, including finding out Hiromu’s weak point.
Original Messiah is gone and Enter is the New Messiah.
Hiromu, Yoko, Jin and J henshin, but Enter continues explaining that by discovering that organic and inorganic matter can be combined, he will be able to eventually become the perfect human using all the data he’s gathered.
Kuroki orders them to retreat for now and the return to command center.
They think about how Enter could have possibly found out Hiromu’s weak point. But instead of worrying about that, he says, he should figure out how to get over his fear of chickens.
First, they lock him up in a cage full of chickens. Then they show him pictures of chickens from simple and cute to life-sized and Jin’d.
Hiromu collapses.
Nick and Gorisaki carry him out of the command center. The others go back to wondering how Enter knew about Hiromu’s weak point and why Escape doesn’t remember who they are. Enter had mentioned making backups of all the data he’s gathered, maybe Escape’s backup data was from before she met them.
Kuroki thinks the key is in the 13th Messiah card.
Enter and Escape are walking through a warehouse. He comments about how he’s gathered enough data to make finally make Escape an obedient lackey. He draws his sword, but she merely smiles at him and says she knows her Papa Enter would never hurt her.
Enter says things are now boring this way. She approaches him as if to hug him, but he quickly turns and walks away.
Nick and Gorisaki are fanning Hiromu on the roof when he wakes up. He suggests they tackle this from a different angle.
Next morning, Kuwagatoroid calls the Go-Busters out and the Megazord is set to arrive in 15 minutes. J stands up and says he’ll defeat his Kuawagata, but Jin wants him to take care of the Megazord. J reluctantly follows orders, but Jin wonders why J’s been acting so weird.
Hiromu says he should be okay with chickens as long as he has help from his comrades.
The Go-Busters meet Kuwagataroid with Enter and Escape joining the fun. Escape is eager to fight, but Enter snaps and destroys her. Oops he lost his temper, he says and revives Escape again, this time telling her to fight as much as she wants.
The Go-Busters are creeped out, but they henshin. Escape morphs into her fighting form and she and Kuwagataroid take them on.
Kuwagataroid repeatedly yells out “Chicken!” to freeze Hiromu, but the others all inflict a little hurt on him to quickly unfreeze him. Nick says he never thought of that before and Hiromu doesn’t mind taking some damage over getting frozen.
Hiromu goes Powered Custom and he and Jin finish off Kuwagataroid. Nakamura calls and says J is having trouble with the Megazord. On the way, Nick says he’s surprised Hiromu was able to ask for help from the others. Hiromu says before, he thought asking for help was the same as losing. But since arriving at the Special Missions Department, he’s learned otherwise.
They quickly defeat the Megazord while Ryuji and Yoko go Powered Custom to defeat Escape.
Enter thanks the Go-Busters for showing him their strength one more time. Hiromu says he’ll never combine with a human or even become one since he regards his comrades as playthings. He’s just data.
Enter gets angry and goes into his Unite mode and Hiromu summons the Lio Blaster to deliver a Final Strike. He fires and Enter explodes with two Messiah cards ripping in half.
They’ve done it right? Hiromu thinks so as he learns, exhausted on a railing. They should stay on alert though, Ryuji says.
J suddenly pulls something out of his pocket. It’s his Kuawagata, it was there this whole time, not the one Enter had fused into a Metaroid. Oh silly J.
But just as sudden, from the railing Hiromu was leaning on appears Enter. So he too has a backup. But what?
Enter happily tells them his backup is in the safest place possible… in Hiromu.. As long as Hiromu exists, so does he.
Episode Thoughts
Well! So at first, the episode seemed kinda… carefree for being just weeks before the finale. I mean, Hiromu and chickens is always fun, but it seemed like maybe this wasn’t the best time to devote an episode to it?
But of course, it all led up to something and it was pretty big. The combining data and living things detail is certainly important going forward. But the big revelation that Enter is backed up in Hiromu definitely presents very interesting possibilities for the final episodes.
That last scene though was so strange! A little too hokey way of editing Hiromu’s shock.
For now, it’s big, but I can see how this could carry as big a dramatic weight as Hiromu, Yoko and Ryuji seeing their families tell them to leave them for dead in the Subdimension. I hope they escalate that tension in the next two episodes before the finale to really make the big payoff that much more meaningful.
I do enjoy the new, but definitely creepy dynamic between Enter and backupEscape. I hope they explore that a little more (in 3 episodes!?).
So we’ll see what the final three half-hours of Go-Busters brings us. I hope the next episodes starts revving up the action though.