Recap: The Amazing Race Philippines, Episode 16 (Leg 5, Day 3)

Sheena finally gets the puzzle at the Road Block and she and Gee leave for the Ship Terminal where Boom & Cheng and Fausto & Dayal finally find the clue in the middle of the tube.
They read that they can now head to the Pit Stop at El Kabayo Riding Stables.
Back at the Road Block, Dani & Mish pray that they will not be last. When their Yield and penalty are finally over, Dani heads up top while Mish tries to do the puzzle. She doesn’t know the presidents while she has trouble moving the pictures on the tablet.
After a couple of attempts. Dani starts yelling at Mish who starts crying.
On the way to the Ship Terminal, Marc and Kat are still upset and frustrated with each other. Saida & Jervi are close behind.

Ed & Angel obtain their clue next. And Marc hopes to make up for his poor Road Block performance by using his muscles to quickly break open the tube. LJ & CJ and Sheena & Gee arrive pushing Jervi to use his guy side to finish the task.

As LJ & CJ leave for the Pit Stop, Dani continues screaming at Mish who feels too much pressure.
Over at the Pit Stop, it’s a footrace between Boom & Cheng and Fausto & Dayal who check-in 1st and 2nd respectively. Derek welcomes them, but he says this is a Superleg and it isn’t over yet. He hands them their next clue. Ed & Angel arrive 3rd which makes them very happy because they want to go for first. Marc & Kat, still upset, step on the Mat as Team #4.
At the Road Block, Mish finally gets the puzzle after 12th attempt. Dani tells Mish it’s okay and that she’s not mad at her.
“Don’t f*cking cry right now!”
Saida & Jervi step on the Mat as Team #5 and LJ & CJ are right behind them as Team #6. Sheena & Gee stay Team #7. Derek hands them their next clue.

At the Ship Terminal, Dani & Mish are starting on the tube. Dani accidentally hits Mish’s hand with the sledgehammer. It starts bleeding and she has to get first aid. While Dani uses the jackhammer to finish the tube, the medic tells Dani her finger is broken. Mish encourages Dani to finish and they head to the Pit Stop. They are relieved when Derek tells them the leg is not over yet.
Episode Thoughts
A great episode even though I definitely expected it was a Superleg. Kinda wish Derek put a little more suspense into his reveal though. He loves dramatic pauses, but no excitement at dropping the bomb on the teams?
Can’t say I’m sad for Boom & Cheng not winning P200,000. lol. Sorry. But I was definitely glad to see Marc & Kat frustrated. It’s good to see them actually have to work now.
Love the drive with Ed & Angel to get first. And Dani’s crazy, insane mood swings continue. Screaming head off at Mish and hysterical about presidents, but getting dropped 100 feet, no problem. lol
I think all the teams actually showed a little more personality on this Leg which is great. I wonder how the rest of the Leg will go. We got no Detour for this first half of the Leg. Will we get another Road Block? |