SHCP Finals Recap + The Apprentice Finale

Let’s recap:
ONE/ENGLISH – It was okay… too much writing, and she’ll probably take points off of my answers anyway…
TWO/CALCULUS whatever… I don’t care
THREE/CIVICS – Easy… no problem… I didn’t get a 100% though that’s for sure
FOUR/PHYSICS whatever…I don’t care
FIVE/COMPARATIVE RELIGIONS – No final! Thank you Mr. Bennett… I’m going to miss this class… why didn’t I pick LIVING & DYING
SIX/FRENCH – I didn’t have anything to write… I used the same words for all 6 questions… darn

Okay… THURSDAY 10:25>
I thought the half-hour talking to the execs and others about who they liked was pretty pointless. Not only did it make me feel sorry for Jen, but they could’ve devoted that extra 30 minutes to talking to the contestants more. Then they wasted another half hour for the reveal and obligatory Trump show-off of his properties. So that’s almost an hour wasted.

I thought with it being three hours, they would have more “reunion” time especially after that 10 minute reunion for season 1. It would’ve been nice to be have been able to hear the Apprentices talk about different things.

Would’ve liked to see more John and Pamela 😀

But I think Burnett was decided to do away with the “non-winners” since in the last three Survivor reunions, they practically devoted 95% of the reunion to the final 2.

I really didn’t care who won, nothing from either stood out… here’s hoping season 3 is a whole lot better. It better be for a 4th and 5th season to happen, but NBC is in such a rut right now, they’ll stick with the show for sure.

Oh great, now they’re pimping The Contender…

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