Supernatural 6.05 – Twilight is Dangerous for Horny Teens (and Moving Story)

The Twilight phenomenon is leading to murders of horny teenagers!

Sam and Dean are on the case. But Dean calls Lisa first since he’s just a night’s drive down from their new home.

The bros go the most recent victim’s home and they see what is probably the scariest thing they’ve ever seen in their lives… a teen girl’s room filled with Twlight glittery vampire fangirl stuffs.

Sam finds the girl’s laptop and tries to figure out her password as Dean picks up one of the books, “Look at this, he’s just watching her sleep… how is that not rapey?” He wonders how these books are national bestsellers.

Dean suggests “Lautner” as the password. Sam is surprised he even knows who that is.

“Are you kidding me? That kid is everywhere. It’s a freakin’ nightmare.”

It doesn’t work. Sam tries the other obvious choice… Pattinson. They’re in and they find communication with the possible perv telling the girl to meet him at some place called The Black Rose.

Grandpa Sam confirms they’re dealing with vampires. The bros go to the emo-filled bar and spot two possible suspects. They each take one and follow.

Sam follows one of them downstairs into some kind of pantry. The guy hides behind a door and gets ready to attack him from behind, but Sam slices his head off.

Meanwhile, Dean follows the other one outside and stops him from biting the girl’s neck. But it turns out his teeth are fake and only puts on glitter to get laid. It works, he nods.

“Mmbop your way out of there. Use a condom!”

The guy runs away but then some other weird guy pops out of the dark. “You’re pretty,” he tells Dean before hurling him across the alley.

Dean tries to fight back, but it doesn’t work. The guy begins beating him up and Sam comes running out but just stands there, looking on as the guy, now a vampire, lets Dean have a taste of his blood. Sam lets Dean take the blood before rushing in to attack but the vampire runs off.

Back at their motel room, Dean’s senses are becoming very sensitive. He’s freaking out, but notices Sam is pretty calm. He can hear Sam’s heartbeat.

Of course I’m worried, Sam protests. Dean wants them to kill him so he can’t hurt anybody. But he escapes to Lisa’s house. He watches her sleep, sort of rapeley, until she wakes up. He tells her Thanks for everything and that he can’t bring all this crap home to her. He doesn’t want them in danger.

Dean starts getting thirsty and controls himself enough to leave. He gets back to the motel just as Grandpa Sam arrives as well. He has a cure for new vampire-ness, but they need a couple of ingredients. One of which is the blood of the vampire that turned him. Dean plans to walk right into the vampire nest.

The two Sams are alone. Grandpa Sam asks what the hell is up with Sammy. He knew about the cure, they had discussed it months ago. Grandpa realizes Sam risked his brother’s life just to get the case solved. Sammy thinks that is absurd. Grandpa Sam is not so sure.

Dean finds the nest and is welcomed in. He meets the head fang who tells him all about how awesome it is to be a vampire these days now that they’ve been completely romanticized. So easy. Now it is Dean and the other vampires’ mission to go get more horny blood to bring back to him.

Dean is about to stab the head vampire with dead man’s blood, but is stopped. Suddenly, all of the vampires collapse, including Dean, and get some kind of vision. Dean wakes up to see the head fang releasing all the other vampires, but he gets up and fights them all off himself.

He comes face to face with the head vampire again. Grandpa Sam and Sammy arrive at the nest and find Dean standing next to the decapitated head vampire.

Back at the motel, Dean drinks the cure and experiences flashbacks to the events of that night, ending with seeing Sam looking on as he got turned. He wakes back up and recovers.

The next morning, Dean tells them about the vampire alpha wanting his little minions to recruit more fangs for an army and that they don’t scare them anymore.

Dean tries to call Lisa, but she doesn’t pick up. Before they head out, Dean asks if he can always count on Sammy. Of course Sam says. They smile at each other.

Episode Thoughts
This was an interesting episode. I really don’t know what to make of it. While the digs at Twilight were awesomely hilarious (and so on-point), the rest of the episode kind of fell flat to me.

Sam’s whole plan about vampireDean wasn’t as interesting as it should have been. I admit, I was confused for a second when Sam hesitated, but I wasn’t all that shocked when I realized what he was doing.

If it was a fun episode to rag on Twilight, then it was okay. If it was an episode meant to show that Sam isn’t the Sammy we once knew, well, then we get it. Last of Lisa and Ben? I feel like they’ve been doing that the last few weeks.

So it was nice and cutesy, but story-wise, definitely not one of the more memorable episodes of Supernatural.

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